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NOTE: HI! I should have mentioned that it would be really cool to use interactive fics! It's available for Chrome and it replaces Y/N with your name input. It's really fun and immersive. It is a choice, but I figured to at least let you know!! Thank you so much for reading, Merci.


A nameless boy stands alone on the edge of the rooftop. His gaze is fixed on a ladder, stretching towards the heavens with an air of hope and opportunity.

With a breath held tight, the boy begins his ascent. Each step is exciting although he doesn't know where he's headed.

But as he nears the top, a sudden gust of wind dances through the air. It carries whispers of a plea, the jittery voice sending a chill up his spine. The boy falters, his footing unsure, as if caught between his confusion and concern for what's being left behind.

    "You ever wonder who we'd be without each other?"

His thoughts went silent, and the wind of the storm brewing began to rock the endless ladder. There's an echo that repeats in his head and it tells him to come back— no, it begs him to climb back down. But as he looks down...

No, that's too far for me.

Yet, as he's staring down into the white haze, the boy's grip slips, something is calling him down. Calloused brush against the splintering wood, only to lose the fragile hold. In a moment of heartbreaking vulnerability, he plummets backward, closing his eyes as he began falling forever until-

Gentle, arising sunlight filters through the partially opened blinds, casting a blue glow over the room. Hobie began to stir, his dry eyes fluttering open as the crusted sleep stuck around them began to crack and pebble. The line on the heart monitor climbs and falls with every beat of his heart, filling the cold and quiet room with nothing but a tune of his very existence. First, he starts with his toes, wiggling them and getting a tingling sensation in return. Good to know they didn't take his legs for whatever reason; a secret hospital fear of his.

Next, he clenched his hands but the feeling of a rather cold palm clenched in his right- momentarily surprised him until he looked over... and saw the one and only, Y/N. They sleep next to him, unmoving and curled into a ball as small as they could get, carelessly risking a cramped neck for the sake of not pressing against an injured Hobie.

"Awe," he gushed, looking over your sleepy face with an amused smile prodding at his cheeks.

He can hear an owl outside the room's window, hooting and mooting at the sun rising over the horizon and he reached up and gently caressed your cheek, feeling the slightest crumb of a hospital cookie on your skin before it fell off. The heartwarming contact spreads a delighted heat across his palm and his eyes squint just a little bit, his smile becoming larger by the second.

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