17 | Jackson

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For the game, Julia sat with Noah and then Melissa when she joins them. Seeing the boys talking she gets up going over to stand behind them, "Any news?"

"Nope, do you have any bad feelings? Death feelings?" Stiles looks back at her.

"Not at the moment so that's a good, hopefully." She gives him a smile.

"We're losing, dude."

"The hell are you talking about? The game hasn't even started. Now put on your helmet and get out there. You're in for Greenberg." Coach pops up beside Julia.

"What? What happened to Greenberg?"

"What happened to Greenberg? He sucks. You suck slightly less." He tells him.

"I'm playing? On the field? With the team?"

"Yes, unless you'd rather play with yourself." Coach adds.

"I already did that today, twice." Stiles adds making Julia make a face.

"Dude, I'm still here."

"Get the hell out there!" Coach yells at him.

As Stiles rushes to get his stuff Julia calls his name making him look at her, "Now I get to represent my friend who's not on the bench." She grabs her necklace with a smile before joining the adults.

"Because he's on the team?" Melissa tells Noah.

"He is. He's on the team. He's on the field. My son is on the field!" Noah shouts standing up making Julia giggle taking her seat next to Melissa.

Soon Lydia joins taking a seat next to her sister and as the game goes on the other team already had two points. Julia hides her face in her hands because Stiles was just a mess out on the field.

"He just needs to believe in himself." Julia sighs catching sight of Isaac next to Scott. To her knowledge from Scott, he, Boyd, and Erica were getting out of here.

"Is he supposed to do that?" Noah asks as Isaac keeps knocking out their own players and Julia catches onto the plan to get Scott to play.

Getting closer to the end of the game the players lost the ball but it was in front of Stiles so he picks it up starting to run, "YOU GOT THIS STILES! JUST RUN!" Julia jumps up screaming to him. Stiles stops looking around him, "SHOOT IT!" She yells so he does scoring a point.

Everyone cheers for him then he celebrates himself. From that moment on he was going so much better making more points. "Woohoo!" Julia cheers, "That's my boy!" She yells making Lydia laugh at her.

Stiles looks at the crowd to see everyone cheering and his eyes spot Lydia cheering and laughing at her sister so he looks at her. She was cheering as one hand was holding her necklace making him smile.

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