25 | Realizing

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The three finally awake up back in the Vet's Clinic in their tubs of ice water. They excitedly relate their visions and the connections they all shared with the location of the Nemeton. They are informed by Deaton that they've been in the water for 16 hours and now have just 4 hours before moonrise.

Scott says he needs to go back to the Alpha Pack making Stiles say to him that's like saying that the deal with Deucalion sounds a lot like a deal with the devil. Scott is adamant though, he doesn't believe they can defeat Jennifer without the Alpha Pack leader help. Allison then tries to get Deaton to talk Scott out of his plan but Deaton balks. He says sometimes circumstances require you ally yourself with people you can't trust but can use to your advantage. In this case he believes Deucalion could be the bait for Jennifer right before Ethan arrives.

"I'm looking for Lydia."

"What do you want?" She asks him.

"I need your help."

"With what?" Julia asks him.

"Stopping my brother and Kali... from killing Derek."

They all decide to split up, Lydia going with Ethan, Stiles and Julia going to his house to find something of his dads, while Scott, Allison, and Isaac go the her place.

"I just want to say sorry that Lydia and I couldn't actually find where the Nemeton was. If we could, you three wouldn't have wasted so much time in the tubs." Julia says as they pull up to his house.

"You don't need to apologize, Jules." He gets out his phone calling Scott. "What do you want me to grab?" Stiles asks opening his dad's door. "How about his boxers? Sock?" He says picking up his dad's socks. "Okay, we'll meet you there." Stiles hangs up the phone pulling Julia back downstairs to his jeep.

As they drive to meet Scott and the others at the Beacon Hills Preserve the storm worsens around them. Stiles races through the rising wind making it hard to see in front of them.

"I get we're in a rush but Stiles this isn't safe." Julia holds onto the seat as a tree branch flies into the windshield causing Stiles to duck and turn to see what hit him. "STILES!" Julia yells making him turn back seeing there is a tree directly in their path with no time to stop. Stiles puts one arm out in front of Julia as they crash head on making them both black out.

Stiles gains consciousness first touching his head to see blood and groans in pain, "Julia..." He looks over at her with her head against the window still knocked out. "Julia, Julia!" He panics leaning over to wake her up.

"My head." She slowly wakes up reaching for her head.

"Don't touch it. It's bleeding like mine." He stops her.

"We have to go. Get your bat." Julia remembers what they were supposed to be doing getting out of the jeep and they run off to find them. "STILES! THERE!" Julia points at the ground that was sinking in and they run over to jumping in. "Use the bat!" Stiles shoves his aluminum bat under the collapsing beam shoring it up and giving them all some extra time.

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