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"Jules," She turns turn around to see Stiles rushing towards her.

"What's wrong?" She asks him seeing he was out of it.

Stiles explains how he had a dream about telling Scott about sleep paralysis a condition whereby the sleeper's brain paralyses the body to avoid acting out a dream in the real world. Stiles says sometimes the brain wakes before the body recovers and a person becomes aware they are paralyzed. Then goes on about how he woke up screaming while his dad held him.

"I wonder if the other two are going through things too." She grabs his hand dragging him off to find Scott and Allison.

They find Scott and he runs into the two making them ask if he's is alright. "I'm okay." Scott says and they knew he was lying.

"You're hallucinating." Stiles tells him as Lydia arrives with Allison and announces that it is happening to all three of them.

As they walk inside Lydia is thrilled that her and Julia and are no longer the crazy ones. Allison protests saying they're not crazy but Lydia mocks her saying their various symptoms, hallucinations, sleep paralysis are all signs of folks who are just fine.

"It's the side effects of Deaton talked about." Julia says so they all agree to keep an eye on each other. "Now we have History to get to." Julia takes off alone.

In history class, Mr. Yukimura introduces himself to the class explaining that he and his family moved to town three weeks ago and that his daughter attends the high school. He goes on to point out that his daughter never talks about people at school and has never brought anyone home, much to the embarrassment of his daughter who is sitting near the back of the class. She hits her head on the desk making everyone turn to look at her.

In the hallway at Stiles locker he tries to get into his locker but the combination lock isn't cooperating with him making Julia watch him. Scott goes on to say that maybe they just need a little more time to get back to normal but Stiles points out that they hit the reset button on a supernatural beacon for supernatural creatures and that things won't ever go back to normal.

"Stiles, do you need help?" Julia looks at his lock.

"No, I- Dude your eyes." Stiles says making Julia look at Scott to see his eyes red.

"Get him out of here." Julia pushes Stiles making him grab Scott directing him through the hall into a classroom where Scott begins to lose control of his transformation.

"I don't know what's going to happen. Get back." Scott tells the two so Stiles keeps Julia behind him as Scott buries his claws into the palms of his hands drawing blood before he regains himself.

"Scott, this isn't just in our heads. This is real. And it's starting to get bad for me too. I'm not just having nightmares. I'm having dreams where I have to literally scream myself awake. And sometimes I'm not even sure if I'm actually ever waking up." Stiles bends down in front of him.

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