midnight conversations

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"I've done this before, you know? I say before letting out a small laugh. "I know. I just don't want you throwing up on me." He teases. I playfully roll my eyes, "Ha. Ha. Ha. That was one time." I inform.

"Okay, here. Go for it."

I look at him and then the bulky blunt in between his thumb and pointer before looking back up at him once more. I'll admit, I am a bit nervous doing this for the first time in front of a guy like him. I haven't smoked in what feels like ages, so I know my lungs won't react well to the smoke I'm introducing it to. I let out a small sigh and pursed my lips before taking the blunt from his fingers. "Don't look at me." I speak out. It gains a tiny chuckle from him, "why?"

"Because I'm nervous and your staring makes it worse." I tell him, "Just don't make eye contact with me, please?"

He gives me a small nod, "okay, beautiful. If it helps you." he says before turning his head to look forward. I take a small breath before bringing the blunt to my lips. I inhale lightly before removing the blunt from my mouth and do another small inhale before exhaling and seeing the small trail of smoke leave my lips. "I think I did it but it was small." I say making him turn his head back to look at me.

"How long did you hold it in for?" he questions. "...like less than 10." I answer. "Try again but hold it for longer."

I listen and bring the blunt back up to my lips before inhaling once more, counting to 5 in my head. I don't want to inhale more than my lungs can handle. Then, trying my best to count to 10 before I breathe the smoke out. "You look pretty." He blurts. I give him a small smile, "You look prettier." I say in return. "I think you're the prettiest." He smiles.

I passed him the blunt, "Thank you." I say, giving him a small smile. "I like being called pretty."

"I like calling you pretty. Pretty lady." he says, breathing out smoke he previously held in. I chuckle, "that sounds like it's from the 50's" I tell him.

"Would you prefer 'pretty girl'?" I visibly wince at the name, "oh okay, so she hates both." he whispers to himself, with a hint of disappointment lingering. I immediately shake my head, "no, no. I love pretty lady. It's cute!" I exclaim, He looks at me questioningly, "are you sure?"

"I like it. I promise."

"Okay! We got one foot in the door!" He softly yells. I look at the small smile on his face slightly disappearing while he brings the blunt to his mouth.

"What's your full name? Or is Jac not a nickname?" I ask. "My full name?" I nod in response. "Jacob Levinson."

Surprise takes over my entire face, "Really?" I ask to double check. He nods, "Yeah, I don't really like it." 

I gasp, "what!? I love that name oh my god. " He turns his body to look me in the eyes. "Really?" he asks again and it gets a chuckle out of me. "Yeah, it's a cute name in my opinion."

"Interesting. What's your full name? Or is Ale your real first name?" 

"Alejandra Gomez" I whisper.  

"You have a really pretty name." 

"You think so?"

He nods looking into my eyes, "You're really pretty y'know?"

"Yeah? You're prettier." I smile.

"Can I kiss you?" he questions while his eyes flicker between mine and my lips. I catch myself doing the same after his question, "yeah, you can." I notice a small gulp the two of us make before I see his face inch closer to mine. I close my eyes once I feel his lips hovering over my own. He's hesitating. 

"Don't be nervous." I speak opening my eyes to see him staring at me. "Just flow with it." 

He listens and closes his eyes, seconds later I feel our lips touching. Such a soft and delicate kiss, like precious glass. It's something I haven't felt in years and I can feel myself yearning for more the minute we part ways. 

"Cute." He whispers before tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. 

"You are." The quick answer makes him smile and I take that as a moment to fluster him. "You have a gorgeous smile." I say, and as I predicted his cheeks and ears instantly go bright red. 

"Thank you."

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