journal entry #5

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The wind whispered through the dark, empty trees

like a warning in a foreign language.

Winter was coming,

and with winter meant: cold, icy fingers, pink runny noses,

and the most awaited soft, warm blankets.

The winter season was dangerous and sometimes frightening.

The fear she carries when standing outside in the frigid cold,

soon disappeared as she stepped foot into the warm embrace of her home.

The warmth engulfed her every night.

Taking her mind off the howling winds in the dark, scary night.

There were days where she had to return the favor.

She did the best she could trying to keep her home temperate.

Days where both were needed to fight off winter's beasts.

Oh, nothing could beat sipping hot chocolate

while watching her favorite movies.

The roaring winds, branches of trees dancing along to them

didn't matter when she was inside the protection of her home.

Shutting out the cold everyday.

Maybe it was because she was used to the warmth welcoming her everyday,

but his arms will always be the kindest place on Earth.

His arms were her home, protecting her from the gloomy, naked trees outside. 

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