I die and I did not even know it

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Pov (Alex)

Hello everyone my name is Alexander suzuki and I am 25 year old and my Father is  japanese and my mother is American.

I love my parents but I never tell one truth about myself that is I am bisexual yeah you heard it right I am interested in both gender. In easy language yes yes I know I like boys and girls and I did not tell this to anyone that i am also a shota con and lolicon yeah u heard it right. 

Well anyway I was just Going home from doing my office work and then I find my self in this nothing less void.

 So I think I die anyway did I get a ieskai or something. you know I was a fan of Anime or there Fanfiction and was also fan of marvel and dc or some franchise like Ben 10 and I also like this France show what was her name again hmm miraculous ladybug and chat noir ha that was a name of that show. 

???-[ Hello little one ]

Pov (????)


How should I say to that mortal that I just kill him for fun. Well first thing first let's see what it in her head.

Ooo so he also like other people that I kill for fun he just want some wish and fantasy world and he will forgive me like and have fun watching her. 

Ok it's time show my self.

Lubna-[ hello little one ]

No one's pov 

Alex know this is some god or some cosmic entity so he behaved in front of them.

Alex- [ hi who are u sir what you want from me i am already die do you want anything from me sir ]

Unknown entity-[ first of all I am not a sir. I am a girl ok and you die by mistake sorry and I am a goddess or something like that and my name is Lubna but u may call me Lubna or lu. ok so let's go back to our topic so I am going to send u in your favourite world with five wish and any race u want ok think about it but fast. I don't want to waste my precious time on some ok ( well tell u the truth I don't have anything to do but I have to show how arrogant are god I am just giving him a demo ok) so choose it already ]

Ok so this goddess or something is a arrogant one well anyway I should be happy now I am going like those ieskai protagonist ok let's think about it. 

5 hours later 

Lubna-[ did u choose it or not if not then I am going to leave here forever ok answer me ] 

Alex-[ please give one more minute please ]

Lubna-(sign)[ ok so anyway I want to ask u something is it ok with you ]

Alex-[ yes ]

Lubna-[ ok so first are u not going to cry for leaving your beloved one or something like that ]

Alex-[ Oo that's ok I know my parents can take care themselves and I don't have any beloved one so it's ok ]

Lubna-[ if you say so ]

2 hours later

Lubna-[ are done or not ]

Alex-[ I am done, so for my world I want to go to to tensura two years early then rimaru and wake up in the same cave and for my race I want it true vampric succubus and for my wis--

Lubna-[ you, there not a race like that and also u will reincarnat as a girl. if you want then u your first wish ok ]

Alex-[ aww ok so for my first wish is I want to reincarnated as true vampric succubus with there all abilities ok ]

Lubna-[ that's ok so for your second ]

Alex-[ for my second wish I want a system who can help me to become a primodial goddess of death,ice, beauty and sex and also has knowledge like Raphael ok ]

Lubna-[ ok but it will take your two wish do you want it ]

Alex-[ hmm it's ok ]

Lubna-[ for your forth and fifth wish ]

Alex-[ for my forth wish I want a power that will let me go any Anime or show and fanfictions I can go to any time I want. I can also possess any character i want with there memory ok and if i can go any timeing I want ok ]

Lubna-[ ok that's also to over power if want that power u have to use two wish ok ]

Alex-[ ok]

Lubna-[ ok then bye ]

Alex- [ by ]

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