meeting a blushing dragon

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????-[Hello little one]

Snapping out of his train of thoughts of how to interact with veldora.

The first thing she said to him was.

Unnamed-[ oye funking old man who are you calling little one for your information I have a plenty big assist. And you know what it is E size so I do not qualify to be called little you understand you funking big lizard ]

Veldora-[ wh..wha..what are you talking about ]

Why the funk is he blushing.

If it was a cute boy or girl was blushing I would understand but a dragon.

Really not my cup of tea.

Unnamed-[ oye why the funk are you blushing like a pure maiden ]

 veldora-[ wha..what i am not blushing]

Unnamed-[ yes you are ]

veldora-[ no I am not ]

Unnamed-[ yes you are ]

veldora-[ no I am not ]

Unnamed-[ YES YOU ARE ]

veldora-[ NO I AM NOT ]

unnamed-[ okay okay chill dude]

Veldora- [ what is dude again? ]

Hello my dear readers we have a cute pumpkin dragon here anyone interested to teach this cute dragon about the modern world please do message me.

Lubna the goddess of void aka me the author-[ hey don't break the forth wall or I will just delete you out of existence.
Do you know how much I have to pay for repairing this wall ]

What just because breaking a little wall you will delete from existence.

Unnamed-[ you know what nothing ]

Veldora-[ okay so who are you we have not introduced ourselves I am veldora the storm dragon one of the forth true dragon]

Unnamed-[ I do not have any name I am just born 2 weeks ago]

Veldora-[ so you are a unique being ]

Unnamed-[ well duh so could be kind enough to tell me the exist of this cave ]

Veldora-[ wait wait wait are you gonna leave ]

Unnamed-[ yes]

Veldora-[ then you are not going to return are you ]

Unnamed-[ yeah why would i return to this cave]

Veldora-[ how about we made a deal if you come to meet me one time in a month then will i give you a name.

You know being name by me will make you so much powerful ]

Unnamed-[ i accept the deal ]

I mean if I did not accept this deal I would die because of the quest.

The time limit was one month.

Veldora-[ do you have any name you like ]

Unnamed-[ yes it is mary frost ]

Veldora-[ from now on you will be known as Mary frost ]


Quest: name by veldora

Be name by veldora the storm dragon


Blessing of void 

Blessing of unknown

Blessing of storm

Sp 500

Failer :

Disappointment of void

Cursed by the unknown

Time limit: one month 

Do you wish to accept the reward?



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