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Pov (Alex )

As I woke up and opened my eyes I could feel. how should I call it? Some kind of strength inside my body ? Ahh... body ... body ...

I looked down on my body only to find two huge bonkers. My skin so smooth that you could think I am a baby. As well as thin arms and thicc thights.. my feet doesn't look bad to.

This... This body is perfect I thought. Happy as I closed my eyes once again only to keep my self concentrated. If not I would probably run though this world how am I in love with my self and this body.

Yep... I would definitely look like a mad woman.

Well anyway I should check my surroundings.

Hmm I am in some cave. Really I am going to punch that goddess if she send me to another cave rather than veldora seal cave.

(Answer: your in the sealed cave )

Who the fuck are you.

(Answer: i am a system you request to goddess of void lubna.)

Oh you are going to be my partner in crime.

(Answer: i am but a humble system. Created by. The most kind goddess in the whole Omniverse.)

Yeah yeah just fuck of.

(Answer: you funk of )

Did you just say funk of.

(Answer: it is but your imagination I suggest for host to not dream in real world.)

Anyway just show me my status.

(Answer: ok)

Name - none (former-alex)

Race- vampiric succubus

Divine protection - crest of void

Title - the reincarnated one 

Main Class-none

Second class-none

Profession- none 

(Skill of race)

Paralyze -Allows the user to paralyze a target.

Charm -Allows the user to temporarily control a person's thoughts.

Blood Raise - Allows the user to bring someone back to life by using their own blood.

Immortal – The power to never age and recover from almost any injury.

Unnatural Strength – The power to exert great strength.

Unnatural Senses – Vampires have uncanny senses.  They better sight, smell, hearing, taste, and sense of touch.

Unnatural Speed – Vampires can move at faster than the human eye.

Unnatural Healing – To heal rapidly from any physical injury.

Flight – Fly without any outside influence. 

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