My embracing moment

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What should I do What should I do What should I do What should I do What should I do What should I do What should I do What should I do What should I do What should I do What should I do What should I do What should I do What should I do What should I do What should I  What should I do What should I do What should I do What should I do What should I do What should I do What should I do What should I do???
(Sophia: Master claim down, you should think rationally in this situation)
You bitch where have you been.
Did you remember only now that you have a host to care for.
( sophia: Master if you did not stop complaining then I am not gonna help you)
What now you are threatening me
( sophia: MASTER p(╬ Ò ‸ Ó)q)
Okay okay I am sorry for overreacting.
Just tell me please how to get out of this mess.
( sophia: Master your plan to Reincarnate in this world was to become powerful as soon as possible and also the most important mission of your to get laid.
And these three young man's are offering themselves to you.
And also you have three skills for this moment.
The unique skill sloth
The race skills charmed and supernatural beauty )
Huh? Could please explain this skill again I forgot what they do please.
(Sophia: 'sigh' okay master)
Did you just sigh Me.
(Sophia: no master that is just your imagination)
Okay then explain it.
(Sophia: Sloth - Sloth is a Unique Skill, which let's you tame mobs/players and steal their 'power' (magicule)
Or in master case let you tame other people's and they wouldn't be able to feel anything.
Supernatural Beauty - The succubus will be beyond the beauty of a normal human woman and is completely irresistible to men.
It is a passive skill didn't you notice the dent in there pants.
And the third skill is
Charm -Allows the user to temporarily control a person's thoughts.
With this you could easily control them all without them being know a thing about this)
Ohhh thanks for your help Sophia I don't know what I will do without you.
Now let's conquere this three young man's.
Author's note for there dear reader.
First of all they were using the thought acceleration skill.
So in the outside not even a one second is passed.
And most important of all give your opinion guys

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