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Finally, i have find the big lizard.

Really that hero have to seal him so deep inside the cave.

It feels like I have walk for eternity.

(Shopia: master stop being drama queen you have only been walking for 2 weeks)

O my god I have made a world record. 

Hey Sophia should I not get something for walking this far u know.

( Deadpan look ) (Sophia: you know what you are right master)



Drama queen title 

This title provide you good acting skill with this title  even the powerful people can't see through your act.


You funking bitch who do you think you calling drama queen.

Hey answer me Sophia.

Huh silent treatment.

Hmph then even I will not talk to you.

Well let's ignore this bitch and let's talk to this funking big lizard.

Now thinking about it I have a big fear of lizard.

But I am not afraid of big lizard like Kumno dragon but I absolutely hate small lizard even if they are harmless I just hate them.

They are just so dangerous looking.

There was even a time when in my room one small lizard come out of nowhere and it was near my door so could not run outside my room.

So I did what any sane person would do In this situation.

Jump from the balcony and start running for my life.

There was not many injury.

Just facture on my legs and the running part I mentioned I could not able to do that because I was unconscious.

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