New chapter

141 4 1

(Thrid pov)
So Mary get out of the cave of veldora and get a notification of new quest


Quest: name by veldora
Go to belmund kingdom as fast as possible



Sp 500

Failer :

You will not be welcome in Belmund kingdom

Time limit: one month 

Do you wish to accept?



(Mary pov)
Hmmmm the quest is about going to kingdom of belmund as fast possible.
Well that's not problem for someone like me.
[ 1 week later ]
Okay I take my words back why I can't find any civilization.
Is someone has cursed me with bad direction or what it's look I am walking in circle for 1 week.
Someone anyone help me (*」>д<)」───
[ 1 day later ]
Finally I have sense someone presence near by.
Whoever is it wait for me please I don't wanna walk in this forest more.
When I come out of forest and see people's sitting near camp fire.
There are three young man.
All looking at me with awkwardness or blushing faces.
So guy's did I forget to tell you when someone reborn or transport or whatever they come without clothes.
And what should I do now they are probably thinking I am some Exhibitionist Σ(●д●)

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