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"What. Are. You. Doing?" 

Marie was surprised to hear the girl's voice from behind her, when she was in deep concentration watching her husband do the ritual inside the pool, and she turned around quickly to see if anyone else was there.

When she only saw the small girl around five with a crow perched on her shoulder, she sighed in relief.

"Hey, little girl, what are you doing here? Go back to sleep." She tried to shield her view from her husband who was in the middle of chanting the spell. 

"Where's Jingyi? Why are you here alone?" Xiao Bai looked around and her eyes laser-focused on John – who was standing in the middle of the pool, holding a body in his hands and chanting something.

She then looked like she was about to cry and Marie was ready to do anything to shut her up, when suddenly the girl giggled and soon turned into a full blown laughter.

"You guys tried to drown Jingyi? Jingyi?" She cackled and the crow flew to perch on top of the chair since it almost fell down from her shoulder. "This is the funniest thing I've ever seen since I lived, and I have lived for a very long time."

Marie was confused by the little girl's words.

It was already a pretty strange thing that the little Chinese girl had a head full of silver hair, and she seemed to be speaking more fluently than most adults in their thirties.

But she cackled like a madman when she found out that they tried to drown her babysitter, instead of acting like a normal little girl would. Screaming? Yelling? Throwing a tantrum? That was what she was going to do if she was in her position.

And what was with her statement of having lived for a long time? She had no idea what these Asian people were talking about, and even the babysitter was so rude before she offered him a lot of money.

She was thinking about how to get rid of this brat without her famous uncle knowing, when suddenly she heard a loud splash from the pool.

She turned around to see the exact time that a huge white snake came out of the pool and devour her husband in one bite.

Marie could not react for a moment to absorb what was happening when the next second she saw the huge snake looked at her with such hatred in its eyes, and she knew that she was fucked.

"Wh-what was that???" She screamed out loud and tried to run, but her legs gave up on her and she fell down on the floor – right next to a naked pair of slim legs of an adult woman.

She turned her head to see if anyone could help her – only to see a naked young woman with silver hair and glinting electric blue eyes was looking at her like she was some kind of a meal.

"Wh-what?? Who are you??" 

Now Marie was really scared to death.

What in the tarnation hell was this place? What's with the huge snake and the naked woman? What happened to her husband? Did he just get… eaten?


She turned around to see the black crow had already perched on top of the stroller ominously, and she screamed and tried to stand up to protect her precious baby, but the woman stepped on her with such a heavy weight on her back.

"Me? I'm Yuanyuan, and that one? It's Jingyi, and he's actually an imoogi, a half water dragon, and you're trying to drown him. So funny." She cackled as she put more weight on Marie's back to prevent her to move.

Marie was stunned as she didn't understand half the words that the woman was saying. Imoogi? Half water dragon? Yuanyuan? What in the hell?

"I know that you human has a small brain so don't you try to understand. Just know this. You're just food to our kind." 

Xiao Bai smiled as she turned back to her original form – the winged white tiger, the guardian deity of the Dark Phoenix – and she opened her mouth widely to crush the head of the human woman and then ate her entirely right on top of the newly purchased rug by Jingyi.

Such a poetic justice.

cradle of life (the forsaken #2) [WangXian FF]Where stories live. Discover now