Closure Chapter

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Ahmad's perspective

The hall was filled with beautiful people, all dressed in elegant clothing.

The Mukhar family sat at the high table, each preparing their respective speeches for their father. Their father was retiring from running their family company and intended to hand it down to his eldest son, Ahmad.

"As dad's favorite, I have prepared the best speech for him," Fareedah, the youngest and only female child of the Mukhar family, said while scribbling on her iPad. Her two older brothers scoffed at her remark.

Fareedah, being the youngest and only girl, was believed to be the favorite among the siblings.

Ahmad's eyes betrayed his worry as he occasionally glanced at his father. He was concerned that his father was not taking his health seriously. A few months ago, he had been diagnosed with cancer, yet he refused any form of treatment. He cited faith and destiny as reasons to accept an early death.

The rest of the family felt discomfort over their father's decision, but for Ahmad, it was worse. As the eldest son and closest to his father, he had grown up seeing him as a strong and invincible man. 

The thought of witnessing his father's decline and eventual passing was unimaginable. He wished there was something he could do, but he knew his father was right about faith and destiny. Faith made you believe that whatever was destined to happen would happen, regardless of how much you tried to prevent it, and that nothing was within your control.

However, He firmly believed that faith didn't exempt one from making choices. While destiny played its part, the choices one made had the power to shape their own path. Ahmad pondered on this as he stared at his father, lost in thoughts.

"Ahmad," Ibrahim said, tapping his brother who was lost in thought, staring at their father. "It's time for your speech," Ahmad's immediate younger brother, Ibrahim, said, drawing Ahmad's attention to the fact that he had been called on stage to talk about their father.

Ahmad snapped back to reality, realizing he had been called on stage to honor his father with words. He had prepared a heartfelt speech that expressed his love and admiration for his father, emphasizing his strength and invincibility in his eyes.

Ahmad took a deep breath and made his way to the stage, attempting to gather his thoughts and compose himself. As he stood behind the podium, he glanced at his father, who was sitting in the front row, looking frail but still wearing a proud smile. The sight of his father's weakening condition tugged at Ahmad's heart.

Public speaking was one of Ahmad's strengths. He had studied mass communication, just like his father, and they co-owned an advertising agency along with other companies. However, he wasn't sure if he could speak in front of his father today, knowing fully well that the only reason his father was retiring was because he was dying.

"Dear family, friends, and esteemed guests," Ahmad said, gathering the courage to speak.

"Today, we gather to celebrate not only the accomplishments of an extraordinary man but also the love and reverence we hold for him in our hearts." Ahmad's voice began to tremble as he glanced at his father, feeling his heart sink further. He feared this might be the last official speech his father would hear from him, which made him nervous and scared. Every time he looked at his father, he felt at a loss for words.

Ahmad paused, allowing his words to sink in, and mustered the strength to convey the depth of his feelings. "My father has been more than just a guiding force. He has been the embodiment of strength, wisdom, and compassion. His dedication, resilience, and unwavering faith have not only shaped our family but also touched the lives of countless individuals along the way." Ahmad felt a tear threaten to slip down his cheek as he spoke.

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