DAY THREE (the first real discussion

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      They left the office and as soon as they did Jidda’s gaze turned direction to me, “seriously, Fatima??” she says and I look at her, “what??” I ask and she shakes her head, “you didn’t even say a word to him, you guys are still in the stranger phase, I thought you would have passed that by now”… “what are you talking about??” I asked and she explained, “you are being too stiff, you are getting married to this guy in some days time and you don’t even act like you know him” she said and she kinda had a point… Ibrahim and I were still in the stranger phase, but I guess we were kinda taking things slow, “we are just trying to take things slow” I explained to her and she smiled, “babe, if you want to take things slow then freaking prostpone the wedding, there is no more slow for you guys…” she said and I frowned she was kinda right though, we didn’t have time, ‘why ten days’ I thought then said “insha Allah would try and loosen up, so shall we??” I asked and she nodded…as we left the office to the parking lot where Ibrahim and his brother were waiting for us…jidda and I sat at the back sit of Ibrahim’s car, and he drove off, I was really excited to go for juma’at prayer, this was my first time of attending the mosque ever since my parents died, and the fact that he thought to asking  was well appreciated, we arrived just in time for the khutbah, and immediately Jidda and I went to the side the ladies performed ablution and also prayed…the Friday feeling of peace and unity, which I hadn’t felt in years came all over a again…
        After the prayer, Ibrahim took Ahmad back to the office, then offered to take us home, which he did, he arrived at the gate of our house and he parked, Jidda quickly got out of the car and I was about to leave the car too when…I said “thank you so much” and he smiled, “please fateemah, can I talk to you??” he asked and I stayed back in the car, and he began to stutter, “i..i..i” he said then paused and I smiled, “you are so cute” I thought out loud and he blushed, then lowered his gaze, “so what were you about to say??” I asked then he said “ I just… we are getting married in a few days and we haven’t even done our engagement, mum said to ask you which day you find fit for the engagement” he asked and I smiled “any day, I don’t mind” I said and he smiled “o.k, is next tomorrow fine by you??” he asked and I nodded, “wait!!!” I said then paused as his eye now locked on my eyes, before he looked away… “who organized the wedding for ten days anyway, don’t you think ten days is too fast” I asked an the emotion on his face changed, he looked kinda sad then said, “well, if you don’t like it that way, we can postpone it, if you wish” he said and I shook my head, “no I didn’t mean it that way…I am just wondering why that early??” I said and he nodded, “yes, I understand, I am sorry…the thing is” he said then paused before continuing, “my father has cancer and the doctors say he has just some months to live” he says then paused now raising his head to look at me, “his dying wish is that one of his children get married” he said with a clearly forced out a smiled, “O!! my God am so sorry” I said and he smiled “don’t be, Alhamdulilah…I have had him for this long” he says and I nodded, knowing how it felt and exactly what he was talking about…considering the fact that as I was an orphan, “so how was your day??” he asked obviously trying to change our moods, “splendid” I answered doing the same, “and you??” I asked and he smiled “lazy!! Arc, remember!!” he said and I smiled then said “my husband to be isn’t lazy!!” not knowing what made me say that and surprised by my own words, now his smile got wider, he kinda blushed then said “excuse me!! Come again!!”…and I shook my head, “nah!!! I won’t repeat myself” and he laughed, “I am so lucky to have you” he said out of the blues now making me feel a little bit weird, and shy…I blushed then remained silent for a while not knowing what to say, “so..i guess I got to go in” I said as he now smiled, “yeah alright, but!!” he said then paused, “fareedah!! Wants to take you out for a picnic tomorrow” he said and I smiled, ‘wasn’t fareedah his little baby sister??’ I thought to myself then said, “fareedah?? Your little sister?...” I asked and he nodded, “yeah!!..” he said as he nodded, “she asked me to inform you and also escort you and her to the picnic” he said now scratching his head and closing half an eye and smiling… “so what do you say?? Please don’t say no to fareedah” he says and I laugh, lol he was just too cute ‘by Fareedah, meaning Ibrahim mukthar right??’ I thought to myself then said, “yeah!! I would love to…but I would want Fareedah to tell me herself” I said and he smiled then shook his head, “how would she be able to do that…she doesn’t have a phone, nor does she have your number!!” he said and I nodded, “but she has a brother who does, if fareedah doesn’t invite me herself, then I wouldn’t go” I said  and he smiled, “she most definitely would, don’t worry” he said and I nodded then said “better”… “well alright, bye” I said as I now opened the car to leave when he called my name again “fateemah!!” he said and I turned waiting for him to talk, he smiled then said “thank you so much” I didn’t know why he was thanking though and so I asked “for what!!!” and then he replied “for being part of my life” he said, making me feel weird again I didn’t know when I smiled and blushed a little, my smile was sort of unconscious…I began to stutter , “I…I…I have to go, bye” I said as I stood from the car and left.

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