DAY TWO (The new job)

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"I had finally met him, my soon to be husband, I am to marry this guy in nine days from now, but yet seeing him didn't make everything easy. I thought for some reason I would be more encouraged after I meet him, an arranged marriage seemed easy when I said I wanted one, the idea of meeting some with good character, a total stranger chosen for you, a person you don't know but yet seems to be the best for you, slowly falling in love with a total stranger and most of all a pure and innocent love because no matter what happens you and him are going to be married, that's all I wanted but now I am not sure anymore, I know I only met Ibrahim yesterday but it didn't seem as if we were meant to be, and for some reason the thought of all this made me nervous and scared, this was all I could thing about throughout the night, I couldn't really sleep, I tried to imagined myself married to him but I just couldn't put it all together, but I am still optimistic that we would be happy together Insha Allah, i could tell he is a good man and he meant what he said, I am willing to make it work" I thought as the alarm interrupted my thought, as I stood my head seriously started to ache, obviously from the lack sleep, I went to perform my ablution and prayed, after my I recited the holy Qur'an as usual, and then got to the hard part of the morning with Jidda sleeping over....waking her up, she slept really deep, and waking her up was always a hard task, I looked at her as she slept it was really funny, she was sleeping upside down and her mouth wide up, I had to take a picture for reference, I quickly picked up my phone and took a picture of her before walking near the bed to wake up, I started by gently saying "Jidda, wake up" but she didn't I hit her a little bit till it got really hard now I was hitting her really hard but she still couldn't feel it, this time I was so angry "Jidda, wake up" I said hitting her really hard, she turned and pushed me hitting my head now that was it, no more nice me, I went straight to the bathroom fetched a bowl of water and poured it on her, that worked she was finally awake, Allhamdulilah waking her up made me forget totally about entering the kitchen but once she was up I went straight to the kitchen as usual ruqayyah was already there, but she was already done with breakfast, all I had to do was set the table and in no time faisal was down and we were all eating, the table was silent for a while before faisal said "so??", both ruqayyah and I said "so what?", faisal smiled "o!! sisters, I am talking to Fatima" he said, "how did you see Ibrahim??" I smiled and lowered my gaze, "well, alhamdulilh, his very okey" I said, "do you like him" ruqayyah asked "I don't know yet" I said, "that reminds me, I am going to his brother office today for an interview" I said, "okey what time" faisal asked "by maybe 10" I said "alright, I could drop you there" he said, "no thanks, it's fine I can go by myself" I said, we were all done with breakfast, "well if you say so, ruky love, I want to go get ready let's go" making himself sound like a small child again, they both stood up and left, I cleaned up the kitchen and washed all the plates before going up to my room, where I found Jidda still sleeping, "o!! JIDDA" I shouted, now jumping on the bed, "wake up wake up wake up" I said as I jumped on top of the bed, she was now awake, "o!! Fatima you are so annoying" she said as she now sat on the bed I followed her, "yeap, I know" I smiled, "have you prayed" I asked her an she nodded, now her eyes where clear, I stood up and went straight to the drawer where I picked up a black shirt, white top and a blue blazer. "where are you going" Jidda asked, "an interview, Ibrahim's brothers office

remember" I explained picking up the card he gave to me, "o!! yea right, I remember" she smiled, I now ironed the cloths and pulled off my night wear, and put on my towel, "hey, you are going to take your bath" Jidda asked, "hmm no sis, I am just putting on my towel so I can feel the fresh air" I said with sarcasm all over my voice, she laughed "I mean you are taking your bath already" Jidda asked, "yea, I am going by ten" I explained before entering the bathroom, I wasn't in a rush, it was just some minutes to 8,so I took my time in the bathroom and even after I was out, dressed gently and carefully, jisting with Jidda as I dressed, I was now done and it was now 8:10, so I picked up the brief case where I had all my credentials in, "you going already" Jidda asked, I nodded, "its kinda far" I said, she escorted me and we left the room, I wanted to inform ruqayyah before I left but she was in faisal's room in there was something I learnt in few years with them was to never enter a room if there were together, so I decided to leave jidda escorted me to the a place where I could take a bus, the office was far so I decided to take a bus there instead of a taxi, and I did, just when I was about to take the taxi I said to her "don't worry sis, I would talk to Ahmad about you trust me" I winked before I entered the bus, it took quite a long time before I reached the office, with a lot of drops and pick up's, finally I was there, luckily the office was a little close to the bus stop and I didn't need to walk too much, I walked a little bit and before I knew it I was there, it was a very big company and it was beautiful. the AMC (AHMAD MUKHTAR'S COMPANY) a very poupular company the initials AMC was boldly written at the top of the building the exterior was sky blue mirror glass, with marble tiles and silver linings. It was beautiful. The interior was designed by Arch Sameer Tanjerah, one of the top Architects in the country I could tell because he always had a unique way in which he made his designs, it was beautiful, I went straight to the receptionist, and said "good morning", they were two receptionist behind the desk but only the female answered me, she smiled and answered "good morning, ma'am, how may I help you". "yes, I am here for an interview" I said, "an interview??" she asked, and I nodded, "well I am sorry we aren't holding any interviews today" she said, "well I am sorry, Mr. Ahmad told me to come here" I said, now she smiled, "are you Miss Fatima" she said and I nodded, "we have been waiting for you" she say "follow me" she said and I was surprised, she tapped the man beside her and pointing at the desk, i followed, we both entered the elevator, I was surprised as to how she said they had been expecting me, so I had to ask "I am sorry I don't understand what you mean by expecting me" I asked, she smiled and nodded "since when" for a week now, the boss has been telling us about you coming here, he told us that his brother's wife might be coming and that we should make arrangements" she explained as we finally reached the fourth floor, she kept walking and I followed her into an office, it was a very big and spacious office, "this is going to be your office" she said "you are now the head of the advertising department" she said and I couldn't control my smile, 'wow this office mine?' I thought I now looked around, the office was big with a three sitter sofa, a dispenser, with desk and table, the glass was sea through and I could series of offices down the hall, "you are joking right" I asked, and she smiled. She was about to leave the office when I said "wait", she turned, and said "yes ma'am", "I really have no idea what am to do here", she smiled "well you are in now charge of anything that had to with information, communication and advertising" she said "wow, so much work and responsibilities all at once, I have no experience" I said, "yea don't worry, we have people would bring the ideas and do most of the works, all you have top is approve of them and take the ones you find reasonable to the boss, if you like you can create your own ideas, you should know what to do you studies mass communication didn't you know what to do" she said, the boss must have really told them about me, and faisal and ruqayyah must have really told Ibrahim about. I sighed "yea, alright" I said now sitting on the chair, now about to leave "you are going, really" I said, she nodded "have to go back to work" "aww" I sighed "you know you can request for me as your sectary" she said smiling, "really I can??" I asked, and she smiled "yes you can, my name is Flora Richards" she said before leaving the office. I sighed then looked at the office which was now mine. It was really hard to believe I stayed in for a while before it got really, so I decided to step out a little, so I opened the office door, immediately I did, all the people in the offices stood up and greeted me "good morning ma'am" they all said most of them saying it at the same times and others saying after the harmony was gone, I couldn't believe it me the boss of all these people I froze for a while, they all stood up as if waiting for me to address them I smiled, but didn't have anything to say to them, "well from now on she is going to be the head of this department, you all should respect her" Ahmad said appearing from I hall, I smiled, and he winked at me "well, from now on everything regarding this department is going to be approved by her, I wouldn't like to hear any of you refuse to respect her is that clear" he said, and they all said "yes sir!!!", now he turned to me reducing his voice "sis, how are you" he asked, I couldn't hold my smile all this, a boss of all these people, "thank you so much" I said, "follow me" he commanded and I did, again we entered the elevator, and now we went up to the tenth floor, we walked kept walking and as we walked I watched as one we passed greeted us with respect now we were now at his office, "here you go" he handed me a card, "Ibrahim said I should give it to you" he added as I collected it, it was a card with a rose flower in it, I couldn't help but blush as I opened the "love is like a rose flower which blooms" was the first thing I read before I quickly closed it, I looked at Ahmad and I smiled, "thanks, this job is a dream job, thank you so much"I said and he smiled "don't mention sis, any problem you have, don't hesitate to tell me" he said and I nodded as I left his office with the card on my hand, I went back to my new office and opened the card again, "love is a rose flower which blooms, it grows when taken care of, you are my rose and I will nurture you take me you bloom forever, I love you." Was what the card read, underneath it was a writing, "I know I might not be able to express my feeling out loud but my feeling are only for you, and are stronger than you think, I loved you from the first day I saw you and yesterday just made my love for you stronger" It read before his name was written under, I smiled as I read the card, "aww how sweet I thought, I really thought he didn't like me. He was so sweet, I read the card over and over again till the words in the card now stock to my head, I might not love him yet but he really sounded nice, I liked the idea that he liked me that much, and at least now I am sure of a happy marriage, I dropped the card and now looked around there was a computer on my desk, I put on the desktop, there was a wifi connection and the desktop was connected, now something I could do, I browsed a little, and played a little game, before I started getting tired of all those things I was bored, I laid my head on the table for a while and just then a call came in, I stood up and picked it up, "asallamu alaikum" I said as I picked the call, "wa'alaiki sallam Fatima" the male voice said, now I became nervous all over again, I knew that voice, "its, Ibrahim" the person said, "okey!!" I said not knowing what to say, "did you like my little gift" he asked, and now I smiled "yes, I did" I answered, "I am glad" he said, "can I come pick you up for lunch" he asked, well I didn't know what to say, "yea, if you wish" I said and "alright, thank you am on my way" he said hanging off the call, for some weird reason I smiled as I hung up the call, he didn't sound like the person I met yesterday, I looked at the time it was already 1:00pm, 'on his way' I thought now feeling quite uncomfortable, I unlocked my phone and went straight to camera where I switched camera to selfie, I used it as my mirror I checked my face and saw it was oily luckily for me I had powder and lip gloss in my bag I quickly applied it, repaired my wrapping.

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