Day five (the engagement)

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I was so nervous, I couldn't really sleep, I kept thinking of the question and how I would answer, in front of my family and Ibrahim's....this time I knew my answer, it was definitely yes, I tried not to think deep into the marriage stuff, marriage always scared me to be honest, the thought of spending the rest of your life with one person, a union you can never get out of...but somehow I was kinda sure I could spend those days with Ibrahim, my alarm rang changing my trail of thoughts, I quickly got, performed my ablution and prayed, and as usual I recited the holy Qur'an, then went downstairs to help with the house choirs, immediately I went downstairs laughter coming from the kitchen, I entered the kitchen there they all were, my aunts, cousins, ruqayyah and including Jidda and her mum, were all discussing together, "asallamu alaikum" I said to them and they all replied, "good morning" I also said, as now picked up an extra knife to help Jidda with cutting the seasonings, "what do you think you are doing??" my aunt asked and I replied "no!!! I just to help Jidda" I said knowing she would ask me not to work, "don't worry about, that just go and get read they are arriving by 2" Jidda's mum said as I know looked at the time I forced out a smile as I did as I was told and dropped the knife, "can I at least just stay here, I am all alone in the room" I said as she smiled then "yeah!!! You can sit down but don't work!!" aunt Mahra said and I smiled as I dragged a stool and sat down, "I would help you make up, so as to look beautiful for Ibrahim" fadilah said, "no!! that is my job" Jidda argued and I smiled without saying a word, "I hope you picked out a nice dress??" Jidda asked and I nodded, "so how do plan to welcome Ibrahim and his family" Jidda's mother asked as I forced out a smiled when I remembered, Ibrahim wasn't coming, I was still a little bit disappointed especially now that I was sure of my answer, "Ibrahim isn't coming" I thought out loud and as everyone now stopped what they were doing and stared at me "what?? Why??" aunt camila asked, and I nodded "he has to take his dad to the hospital" I said and ruqayyah nodded "yeah!! His has cancer" ruqayyah said, "aww!! That's quite sad but can't someone else take him" Jidda's mum said and I replied "I don't know!!", 'his reason for not seemed pretty stupid to me, like seriously, I have already made my choice' I thought, "I would just go upstairs" I said as I now stood up and left the kitchen, immediately I entered the room I picked up my phone to see if Ibrahim had called, I was partially now getting used to his morning calls, but he didn't and I kept my phone close to me and slept off "Fatima!!! Fatima!! Wake up, o.m.g I can't believe you haven't taken you bath they would soon be here" Jidda said now tapping me, I turned and starred at her, I felt kinda weak now, reasons why hated going back to sleep, it always made me weak, "wake up!!" she said now hitting me hard as I said "I am awake" while still lying on my bed, then get up!!!" she say, and I shake my head, "I would in the next five minutes" I replied. "you don't have five minutes, it almost time and they would be here soon" she said as I know looked at the wall clock in my front, it was 15mins to 2, I tried and finally got up, as I now picked up my towel, and went straight to the bathroom, to take my bath and also perform ablution for Asir prayer. by the time I was out it was 5 mins to 2, "finally you are out!!" Jidda said, "I want to make you up before Jameelah come" she said and I laughed, "can't I at least pray first!!" I said and she nodded, as quickly dressed then prayed, immediately I finished my prayer, I still sat on my mat to say other du'as, just as I was about to finish I heard a knock on the door, it was ruqayyah who now came in "you are still not dressed?? There here" she said as I now stood up and folded my mat, "I almost done" I replied and I now pulled of my Hijab, "alright!! I am ready Jidda" I Jidda as she now stood up, Immediately she help the powder, jameelah came in, "what is going on here, you want to fast track me right, no way is either we do it together or no one does it" she said and I laughed, while Jidda frowned, "o.k!! let's do it together" she said as they now turned my face into their panting board, I had no idea what they were both doing to me and as they said I couldn't check the mirror, I stayed there silently as they divided my face into two, either applying lip stick, mascara or any other make up utensil they both brought, they took a long time before they actually finished, as the now turned the chair I was sitting in to face the mirror, in other for me to see myself, they gave me a bridal make up, and even thought but sides weren't evenly distributed it was really o.k , they adorned me with jewelries, but the only the only ring I agreed to put in my hand was the one Ibrahim gave me, Jidda now picked up my veil and wrapped it in a way that half my face was covered, I actually liked it, I sat down there and waited for my aunt to call me, but before she did we began talking and laughing with my sister, "so how many people are down there??" Jidda asked as ruqayyah started to mention, "their mother and three uncles, Ahmad and another young man" ruqayyah said and I frowned as much as I knew Ibrahim wasn't coming I still wished somehow he was joking, "lol!! All she wanted to hear was if Ahmad was there and no one else" I teased Jidda and she frowned, "O!! that reminds me!! I asked Ibrahim if Ahmad was single" I said then paused "I don't think I should tell you this" I said just in the bid to look for trouble, "please Fatima tell me, is he" Jidda said and now started to fan myself with my hands "beg me some more" I said and she laughed "my lovely tima please" she said as my sister now said "or should call Ibrahim to beg you!!!" Fatima teased and I blushed, "lol!! O.k, let me tell you!!" I said then paused again "please!!" Jidda said again and I nodded "o.k!! he is presently single, Ibrahim said he is fantasizing over some girl he met and some party lol, and he is searching for her, I am sure he wouldn't find her, just pray he doesn't" I said to her and she smiled, "as If I really want him, I don't" she said and I laughed "sure you don't" I said as my aunt now entered the room "fateemah!! Let go" she said my heart now began to beat harder, I was now nervous all of the sudden and I couldn't smiled anymore, Jidda escorted me and as I walked down the stairs I imagined myself falling, the gown was quite long and so I had to hold a little bit, I began to shake a little as Jidda now held my hand, not like that helped anyway, my aunt led me to the living room as she now kept a chair for me to sit in front of them all, now I couldn't raise my head, I tried to make my shaking less visible, now as my uncle called my name, "fatimah!!" then said "do you know this family" he asked as I now struggled to say yes, I tried to say a word but I chocked, and I kept forcing myself to until I finally managed to say "yes", then again he asked "they are to ask for your hand in marriage for their son, do you love him??" he asked and now that I still didn't know the answer to, but I still said "Yes" then again he asked, "do you accept" and I nodded then said "yes" he asked me the same question over again twice but this time I nodded instead of saying yes, as I finished answering the question I felt a kinda relieve, I still didn't want to raise my head but the possibility of Ibrahim being there made me raise my head, immediately I did, my eyes met with someone and I quickly looked down, I didn't really look at the person so much and so I could just partially make out the face, I slowly now stood up and walked out of the living room, leaving the elders to discuss the rest, I sighed as I went back upstairs feeling a little bit relieved, as I now sat on my bed, "gosh!! Nearly chocked" I told Jidda and she smiled, "yea!! I was in the kitchen, I hear you" she laughed, I smiled "glad it's all over" I said and she smiled "well I actually like the interrogation part of an engagement" she said and I shook my head "you are so weird!!" I said and she laughed, suddenly we heard a knock on the door, "asallamu alaikum" a voice that sounded quite like my mother's said, and even though I knew it couldn't be her, a sudden joy consumed me, "wa'alaiki sallam" I replied as a woman now walked into the room, I raised my head to see who it was then I noticed she was Ibrahim's mother, it was quite obvious even though I had never seen her, I quickly stood up then said "good evening" and a very cheerful look she answer, "can I sit??" she asked with a smile as I nodded, I was kinda nervous, lol after all first impression is everything, I quickly to up a chair and dropped it close to her and she sat, then she smiled, "I see why my son really likes you" she said and I smiled and lowered my head, "you are really beautiful girl!!" she said and I blushed, "and I have heard so many good things about you, and I know Insha Allah you would be a great daughter in-law" she said, as I now replied "thank you ma'am"... "call me mum" she said and I smiled as Jidda now just watched what was happened, Ibrahim's mother now stood up and came close to me handing me a box, "my mother in-law gave this to me on my engagement day and now I am so glad to pass it on to you" she said as I now opened the box, in it was a beautiful diamond ring, I was speechless, the diamond in it was huge, "wow!!" I said, then finally said "thank you!!" as she shook her head and said, "you are family" as she now walked out of the room, "o.m.g!!" Jidda said after she left, "let me see" she said grabbing the ring from my hand, "this must be freaking expensive" she said and I nodded, "let sell it" she teased and I shouted "don't you dare!!!", "she so nice" I said and Jidda nodded, "she really like you!!" Jidda said and again I was now consumed with joy... I had to call Ibrahim now, I quickly picked up my phone to call him, and decided to call him but immediately I dialed the his number, my cousin walked into the room now making the room noisy, I excused myself and walked into the kitchen, but the kitchen was also filled with people and so I decided to go outside and called him, the phone didn't even ring much before he picked "asallamu alaikum, my wife to be Insha Allah!!" he said and I smiled, "wa'alaika sallam..." I replied, "you accepted!!" he said sounding overwhelmed, "of cause, I did, and cause I wanted to" I said, "wait!! Come to think of it, they haven't left yet, how do you know??' I asked and he laughed, "really?? You think I could wait for them to come back, I called mum, she really likes you" he said and I laughed, "yeah!! Your mother is so nice, masha Allah, she even gave me this ring, she was all saying so many nice things" I said and replied "our mother!!" and I laughed, "Fatima!! I heard someone call from behind me, as I now turned and so Kabir from NPC, "Yes!! Good afternoon" I answered as I now went back to my call then said, "I am sorry, I would call you back later" I said to Ibrahim and I made sure he said o.k before I removed the phone from my ears, "wow!! Fatimah!!" he said again and I looked at him waiting for him to say something reasonable, I mean he just made me hang up on Ibrahim, "I come here for my cousins engagement and here I see you as the bride" he said as I now realized he was Ibrahim's cousin, I smiled now and said "wow!! you are Ibrahim's cousin" I asked and he nodded, "my cousin seems to have taken what both his brother and I wanted" he said and I didn't understand what he meant, "I am so sorry, I don't understand what you mean!!" I said and he laughed, "just forget it!! congratulations" he said now leaving me in a confused state, I didn't even know what he was talking about but I didn't even care either, he walked away and I picked up my phone to call Ibrahim again just to notice that I didn't even hang up the call, and neither did he, I took the phone close to my ears then said "hello!!" and there was no reply I figured he also forgot to hang up like I did, I decided to go back into the house and maybe talk with him later, I walked back into the house and to my room, as I entered to the room I laid on my bed before, before my cousin jameelah and ruqayyah came close to showing me the box and asking "who gave you this??, I replied "Ibrahim's mother" and they both smiled, "o.m.g!! it's beautiful" they said and I nodded and smiled, as my aunt now came in, and said "your in-laws are leaving, come escorted them" she said and I did what I was then, I escorted them out to the fleet of cars now parked in the front of our gate. After I escorted them I went back into the house and prayed, after prayer we arranged the house and the rest of the day ended with everyone talking about the gift Ibrahim's mother gave me, I tried to call Ibrahim back but his line wasn't going through and he didn't call back either.

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