Day six (confusion)

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My phone rang now waking me up from sleep, it seemed really late as I lazily picked up the call, "asallamu alaikum" I said, as the voice I had now gotten used to hearing replied "wa'alaiki sallam" the sound of Ibrahim's voice now made me sit up as I now looked at the time, it was 1:32 am, "I am sorry I am calling you this late" he said and I asked "is there any problem??" and he replied, "yeah!! No!! actually" he said then paused, "what is it?? did you have an nightmare or what??" I asked and he replied, "I can't sleep", as I smiled even though he couldn't see me, "aww!! That's bad, just close your eyes and pray in sha Allah you would fall asleep" I replied and he said "it's not that!!...I just really need to talk you" he said and I replied "o.k!!" I said as he now paused then said, "just forget it, I am sorry I called you this late, please go to sleep, I would come see you tomorrow" he said before he hung up, now leaving me worried as to what the problem was, 'what did he want to tell me?? Was that the reason he couldn't sleep' I thought, now I could sleep as I sat down thinking and waiting for time to pass, I closed my eye and prayed and before I knew it I was fast asleep, my alarm rang waking me up from sleep and immediately I stood up from my bed my head started to hurt, I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, performed my ablution and prayed, and recited the holy Qur'an, after I was done I went downstairs to greet my aunts, and back to my room, I sat on thinking of Ibrahim and why he called me so late at night sounding worried, I was now confused and I needed to talk to someone and so I went to looking for aunt safeenah, I walked downstair and into the living room and there she was talking with all my other aunts and cousin, I surfed the room for anyone I could talk to who was sitting in this congregation, I notice ruqayyah wasn't here and so I went to her room in search for her, as I entered her room I saw sitting on her bed arranging some cloths, "sallamu alaikum" I said as I entered her room, "wa'alaiki sallam" she replied as I entered and sat on her bed, she turned to look at me then said "that's reminds me!! Later in the afternoon we are going to check out the cloths and jewelries you in-laws brought for you yesterday" she said and I nodded, "can I please talk to you" I said and she nodded, "yesterday night Ibrahim called me sounding really worried, he said he wanted to talk to me but he later he said I should forget about it" he sounded really worried I said and she now looked confused, "have you spoken to him after that??" she asked and I shook my head I didn't even think about that, "no!!' I replied and she asked me to, as I nodded and went back upstairs, I called him but there was no answer, and I kept calling but still no answer, I dropped my phone and tried to thing optimistic thoughts as I now went down stairs, where everyone excluding Ruqayyah where discussing immediately I entered the living room my aunt said "yes!! Fatimah!! That reminds me we haven't checked out anything your in-laws brought" aunt Mahra said as she now sent some of my cousins to go get the stuff, they came back carrying two boxes and three big jewelry cases, "so many things" fadila said and everyone nodded, my aunt safeenah now dragged one box close to her and opened it, "o.m.g!!" she said as she opened it, in it where so many Abaya's, Masha Allah even I was impressed, now aunt Mahra opened up the next box and this time it was stocked up with sari's and gwon, beautiful once, "lucky girl" my cousin jameelah said and I smiled, the two big boxes stocked with beautiful cloths, now everyone was in a hurry to open the jewelry case, immediately they all opened the three cases, I saw the most beautiful jewelries in my life, masha Allah, the first case had a gold set in it, and the other was silver, the third one was just a simple but beautiful fashion set and they looked really expensive, I was speechless, they really put their thoughts into it, as I now whispered "wow!!" my aunts smiled, now turning to look at me, "I know you would really be treated well in this house" they said as I now heard Ruqayyah call out my name, "fateemah!!" she said as I now ran to her room, "yes!!" I answered and she asked me, "did you call him??" and I nodded, "well the thing is, Ibrahim just called me and told me he had been trying your line but there was no reply, he seemed worried" she said and I smiled, 'I guess everything was fine!!' I thought as I now replied "I forgot and left my phone up stairs" I answered and she sighed, "well please get it and call him back" she said and I nodded, as I did as I was told, I went back upstairs and immediately I picked up my phone, his call was coming in, "hello!!" I said this time forgetting to say sallam as he now said "asallamu alaikum, fateemah!!" he said and I replied "wa'alaika sallam!! What happened last night??" I asked immediately, and all he replied with was, "can I please come and see you??" he asked, "now??" I asked, and he replied "yes!! Is it too early" he asked as I now looked at the time, it was now some minutes to 11, and I replied "no!! its fine" and he said "thank you!!" now hanging up the call, I quickly pulled out my night wear and entered the bathroom, I tried not to take time cause I knew he could be here at anytime, luckily for me he wasn't yet here as I now finished bathing and wore one of my favorite gowns with a hijab, I went to the dressing mirror and looked at myself in the mirror applying a little make up and putting on the two rings I was now given by both my husband to be and my mother in-law, a knock on the door came as Ruqayyah entered now saying "Asallamu alaikum!!", I replied "wa'alaiki sallam" as I now turned to look at her, "Ibrahim has been waitng for you, for a while now!!" she said as I now walked to my phone and picked it up, he called me while I was in the bathroom, "o!! yeah!!" I said as I now headed to the door, I opened the door and just as I was about to leave the room she held my hand then said "whatever he is going to tell you now, please just listen and understand!!" she said now making me feel a little scared, "what is the matter??" I asked and she shook her head and forced out a smile then said "just go he is waiting for you at the balcony", I sighed now feeling a little nervous, what was wrong I thought, I walked into the balcony where Ibrahim was now standing, "asallamu alaikum" I said as I entered the balcony, "wa'alaiki sallam" he replied and turned now staring at me he looked really confused and worried, "Ibrahim!! What's the problem" I asked and he forced out a smiled and shook his head, "nothing really" he said as his expression now changed to sadness, "Fatimah!!" he said again as tears began to fall from his eyes, then he said to me "I can't marry you anymore" he said and now I felt like my heart sink, I felt like I was daggered right at my heart, "what?" I asked and he nodded then said "I am sorry!!", as he now looked away, "you are sorry about what??" I asked as I now consuming what he just said, 'was he joking' I thought as he now began to explain, "I am so sorry!! I wish it was something I could change and wish it was in my hands but it isn't" he said as tears now fell from my eyes, 'what is this??' I thought, "what??" I said again not wanting to believe the whole thing, "why??" I asked again as he now said "I am sorry!!". I shouted "don't apologize to me!! Just tell me why??" I shouted as he now shook his head, "look at me and tell me why?? Was this all a game to you, just to get me accept you and then reject me, what is this" I shouted as the tears now began to gosh out, "I am sorry!!" he said, "I didn't mean to hurt you!!" he explained, and now all I wanted to hear was what I did wrong, "I said look at me" I shouted as he now turned to look at me, his eyes were red and I could tell I wasn't the only one crying, "why??" I asked again as he now explained "Ahmad loves you!!" he said as tear now again started to fall from his eyes, "my brother loves you!!" he said again, "you are the girl he saw three months ago, you are the girl he has been searching for" he explained and at the moment that really didn't seem like a good reason, "is that why?? Is that why you don't want to marry me" I asked now the pain in my heat got worse, and he said "am sorry!!", "what would that change?? You think I would marry your brother now??" I asked him as he now closed his eyes and a tear drop fell, "I knew it!! you never loved me" I said, "you just see me as this ball you can pass on right" I shouted, "no!!" he said trying to explain as I now shut him up, "don't you dare say a word!!" I shouted, "you know what??" I said, "fine!! It's alright, fine!! The marriage is off!! Just know that I don't want anything to do with any of you, not you nor your brother" I said as I now turned to walk away, "Fatimah!!" he called out but I didn't answer him as I now ran to my room, where Ruqayyah and some of my aunts were seated, immediately I entered the room I hugged Ruqayyah now crying, and saying "he doesn't want to marry me!!" over and over again as she held me tighter, "I am sorry!!" she said as I now started to shout "I hate him", "it's not his fault" she said as she sat me now laying my head on her lap, "his dad told him to" she explained and now I cried louder, my aunts stood close to ruqayyah silently now watching my reaction but not saying a thing, "his dad found out that Ahmad loves you and so his dad pleaded with him not to marry you and allow Ahmad who is the eldest to marry first" she explained to me and now hearing that it wasn't his fault made it hurt more, I mean why would his dad do such a thing, 'and why would he agree to such a thing' I thought somehow wishing he refused his dad, then remembered his father's days where limited, now it was more hurting knowing Ibrahim couldn't do anything about it, I couldn't explain what I was feeling, it was as though a knife was tearing my heart, the worse feeling I had ever felt, 'why it was hurting that much I couldn't say, I couldn't stop crying, and now it was clear, I was starting to fall for him, 'just when I was starting to love him, he broke my heart' I thought as I now screamed, before finally becoming silent, I looked at my hand, and I was now putting on both rings, "is he still here?" I asked Ruqayyah and she nodded as I now handed the ring over to her, I didn't want anything to do with any of them, and now more than ever I wished I never knew him, "please hand it to him" I said as I now laid on my bed to sleep and clear my head, but I couldn't sleep I rolled and turned as now the words "Ahmad loves you" lingered in my ear, now the whole thing confused me, 'if he did, why did he have to wait till after the engagement to say it, that was kinda wicked and selfish of him...' I thought, as someone else other than the people in the room now entered, it was Jidda, I heard her greet my aunts and they replied her as they now left the room for us to talk, "Fatimah!!" she said now gently tapping my back, as I now gently turned to look at her, "Fatimah!!, are you okey??" she asked and I nodded as I now began to cry, "Ibrahim rejected me" I said and she shook her head, "no!! he didn't, it's not his fault" she said and somehow believing he rejected me made feel better than the real story, "just let me believe it is his fault o.k!!" I said and she laughed, "Now, the marriage is off!!" I said as she now tried to cheer me up, definitely marrying Ahmad wasn't an option, and everyone knew that, now I kinda felt bad knowing she heard the real story, and her presence kinda made me feel better, as she cracked jokes for me to laugh, we discussed and she tried to make me laugh before the adhan for zuhur prayer was called and we both stood up to prayer, after I prayed I stayed on my prayer mat and recited the holy qur'an, for a while before I heard on the knock on the door as Ruqayyah as she said "asallamu alikum" and jidda replied "wa'alaiki sallam" and she entered, I tried not to stop my recitation until I reached the end of the surah, "Fatima!!" she called out as I raised my head, "Ibrahim's mother is here to see you" she said as in now shocked, "Ibrahim's mother??" I asked and she nodded, as I now stood up and followed her to the living room, "asallmu alaikum" I said as I entered the living room, "wa'alaiki sallam" she replied and I said "good afternoon ma'am" I said and she smiled, as she now comes close to me, "please you could still call me mum" she said but that wasn't something I was willing to keep doing, "I am sorry about the new change" she said and I didn't Say a word, "the thing is you know hearing that you are the girl Ahmad has been searching for so long, made their father get carried away, and considering his present state no one would like to upset him" she explained and I nodded in understanding, and she smiled "well!! No matter what happens this is your choice, and whatever you want is what would happen" she said before pausing and saying "but!! We were just thinking maybe you could at least give Ahmad a chance to get to know him, before your wedding, then you could deiced who you want to marry" she said now coming close to me and handing back the ring I had given ruqayyah to give Kabir, the diamond ring, "at this exact time, in the next three days, a day to your wedding, I would personally call you and ask you about your decision, and I promise you that whoever you decide on that day is the person you are to marry the next" she said and I smiled, as I now collected the ring she was still handing to me, "thank you" she said and I smiled as she now walked out the living room, she just made my day, I smiled as I now put the ring back on my middle finger, my mind was clear of who I was going to choose, I just knew it and I was glad she said I could choose, now It felt like nothing happened as I now told Jidda about everything that their mother said. Later in the day Ibrahim called me and everything was cleared, I had no idea what she meant by giving Ahmad a chance to get to know him but I didn't care, as I assumed the whole day was just a test from Allah.

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