Day Three (jealousy)

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flora and I went back to the office, she sat on a table directly outside my office as I entered, immediately, I entered I received a call, from Ibrahim, I knew because his number was now saved on my phone, "asallamu alaika," I said as I picked up the call "wa'alaiki sallam, habibaty (my love in Arabic), how are you", 'wow!! Ibrahim could also speak Arabic' I thought, "hmm, fine Alhamdulillah" I said, "did you understand what I said" he asked and I said "yes I did" I said, and I smiled, I actually liked the way he said it, the fact that he said it in Arabic made it better, I didn't know why but for some reason, I was blushing, "so how is work" he asked, "fine Alhamdulillah and you" I asked because I actually didn't know what work he did, "fine Alhamdulillah, well I am sorry I actually didn't tell you what I do" he said and I replied "yea", "well I am an architect" he said, "so I actually do most of my work while sitting at home" he said and smiled, "lazy me right" he said and I chuckled, "noo" I said, "are you fine, with me being a lazy architect" he asked and now I laughed "o!! my God!!" I said out loud, I really could imagine his facial expression while he says that, "are you??" he asked and I replied "of course, I am" I said and he said "I am glad, thanks, well I don't really want to take up most of your work time, so can I please call later" he asked, "yes sure, thanks" I said and "thank you, bye" he said as he hung up the call, he was funny, and cute, 'husband material??" I asked myself, that is the question I didn't answer, I picked up the files arranged them approve the ones that needed approving and derived schemes for some and kept the really complicated for meetings as flora suggested, it was really work, by the time I was done it was already some minutes to one, I now left my office and went to flora, I handed her the files and then told her to try to organize a meeting with the qualified staff so as to help derive schemes for the complicated ones, she nodded and collected them, then said "ma'am but don't you think you meet them at least for a proper introduction before holding a meeting". Well that was a very good idea I agreed and she decided to show me around and introduce me to my staffs, they were mostly males and some few females, she introduced me to each of them, and masha Allah they were all friendly, nice, and each of them had their particular purposes, specialty,  which they all explained to me, they were all looking forward to working with me as their boss, except one, Laila frouk, immediately flora and I went to her table, and I realized she was Muslim, I said "asallamu alaiki" to her but she didn't answer, she kept a straight face as she spoke to me, and I knew for a fact that the only reason why she was talking and explaining things to me was because she had to, yea I was her boss after all, immediately left her presence flora said to me "don't worry about her, she is just jealous cause she wanted your job", I was surprised, "she wanted my job?? Really?" I asked and flora nodded "well, why wasn't she given?? Is it because I was to marry the boss's brother?" I asked and she shook her head "no you don't get it, she wanted your job as the wife of any of the mukhtar borthers and yea also as the head of the department" flora explained now I smiled, "really?? She wanted to marry one of them, which one in particular??" I asked and she said "Ibrahim!!" she said, "but now she is trying to get Ahmad", 'lol' I thought, 'good luck with that' I told her in my head. Feeling a bit jealousy I didn't understand why. "oh well, I wish her all the best" was all I said as we walked by into my office, I sat on the chair and starred at the time just then, Jidda rushed into the office, forgetting to say salam, "hey!! Fatima, hmm, I am soo enjoying my new job" she says, I smiled "reall, you are??" I asked and she nodded "what happened?" I asked "nothing really, just that I have been with Ahmad, he showed me around, and we actually discussed, he is so nice, he told me a lot actually" she said, "really??" I asked, and she nodded, for some weird reason I was jealous, my brother in-law to be, was nice to my friend more than me, why was I the only one he wasn't nice to, 'i remembered my first day was really boring, all he did was take me home' I thought, but still a kept a smile on me, "he must really like you" I forced myself to say, then I saw a glow in her eyes "I really like him to" our meaning of "like" now seemed to be different, I realized she was starting to really fall for my brother in-law to be. Now I felt really not in support of this, I just didn't like the idea, but still I forced out a smile "can you help me find out, if he is in a relationship please" she said and I unconsciously shook, "you can't??" she asked looking really sad, now I felt bad, she was my best friend, she always helped me and now it was my turn to help her, I felt bad for my unexplainable jealousy and shoved that terrible feeling out of her heart, and smiled "even if I could, how do you expect me to do that" I asked and she smiled, "that's simple actually, just ask Ibrahim" she suggests, "noo that I can't do, we are barely getting to know each other and now you want me to ask him about his brother's relationship status, no way!!" I said and she frowned, "please, Tima, please, my lovely best friend" she flattered, "hmm!! Jidda, you know this isn't easy, but I would try, don't rush me" I said and she smiled, just then as if he knew we were talking about him he called, "asallamu alaikum warhmatulahi wabrakatu" he said as I picked up the call saying the complete salam for the first time since we started talking, "wa'alaika sallam" I said, "I am sorry I called again so sudden" he said then paused before continuing, "well actually, ehem today is Friday," he says then paused again "not that it's not obvious, but" he said the sighed "am sorry" he said again all nervous again I laughed, then said "relax, take your time" I said, if I was going to ask him for his brother's relationship status soon I would have to get closer, things you do for friends "alright well, It kinda almost time for jum'at prayer and since its Friday and you close by 1:00pm I was kind thinking if I could come take you and Jidda to the do you see it" he finally said and I laughed "That's perfect, good idea actually, thanks" I said, not knowing why I spoke really fast, "really?? So I can come??" he asked and I replied "yes!!". "thanks so much" he said as I hang off the call, he was really nice and humble, thanking me for my own good, really sweet, but still I wasn't sure he was husband material, "was it him??" Jidda asked changing my trail of thought, "who??" I asked and she pointed at my phone "O!! yeah Ibrahim, he said he is coming to take us to the mosque" and she smiled, "really??" she asked and I nodded "what about Ahmad??" she asked, and I smiled "I don't know!!!, why are you asking me" I said raising my voice a little, she  frowned, "I am sorry" i said now making me feel bad, "I am so sorry Jidda actually have so much on my mind that's why" I explained and she smiled, I looked at the time it was some minutes to one, luckily for me I was putting on an Abayah, with a short himar, the Abayah was realy long and wide so I didn't have to make arrangement for a hijab, the only problem was Jidda who I was now looking at she was putting on a kind of handless gown with a small jacket, the way the used her veil was showing her neck, I normally wouldn't approve of her to go out with me like that but at a point I got tired of fighting her for exposing her skin, so I kept quiet, I looked at then said "you know you can't pray like that right" she now frowned at me "like what?" she said looking at herself "with your neck all opened and stuff" I said and she sighed "you have started again, don't worry about me" she said, now I starred at her wondering why Ahmad liked her, 'she was beautiful and free could that be why??,' I thought before my trail of thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door, "asallamu alaikum' I heard two voices say "wa'alaikumu sallam" I replied, as the two Mukthar brothers, with Ahmad in front and Ibrahim behind him, "asallamu alikum" Ibrahim said after they entered and I replied "wa'alaika sallam" and I smiled, for the weirdest reason seeing Ibrahim put on a thobe seemed to impress me, and I smiled at the sight of this, he seemed to have noticed my smile as usual Ibrahim lowered his gaze gave out a little blush, for the first time I imagined us together going to the mosque as a married couple, I was putting on an Abayah and he a thobe. Now I changed the direction of my gaze to Ahmad and saw him looking straight at Jidda, they seemed to be communicating through eye contact, the office remained silent for a while until Ahmad finally said "so we were thinking, if we could all go for Friday mosque", saying it more to Jidda than I, she smiled and nodded, "sure!!" she said as she now stood up, "o.k!! we would be at the parking lot" Ahmad says as they now leave the office.

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