Day three (the advert)

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This time my alarm didn't wake me up but instead a call, I was really tired and sleepy, but I lazily raised myself up to pick up the call, "sallamu alaiki" the sharp male voice said, "wa'alaika sallam" I replied, even though I woke up from sleep I could still tell whose voice that was, I now looked at the time it was already some minutes to 6, I hadn't prayed, 'subhannallah' I thought, "I am sorry did I wake you" he said and "yes actually, but I am glad you did, I over slept, haven't prayed" I explained, "o!! well o.k please go do that would call you later" he said as he hanged up the call, I quickly performed my ablution and prayed, I did my normal morning du'a and recited the surah yasin and also suratul khaf cause it was firday, after I was done, I went down to the kitchen but food was already ready, and both my sister and her husband were already eating, I felt really sad, foolish of me to over sleep "asallamu alaikum" I said as I entered the dining "wa'alaiki sallam" they both answered, "I am so sorry, I over slept" I explained to ruqayyah, as she smiled "o!! no problem, faisal helped me with the cooking today" she said, and I turned to look at faisal, he smiled "I practically did the whole cooking" he said, " I didn't know how important you are at the kitchen, till today, can you imagine, my ruky love nearly cut her hand while cutting ordinary onions, she is really going to miss you" he teased, I smiled and followed "I always knew that, just wanted" as we both laughed, and she frowned "you two!!, Fatima you are also with him" she said and I chuckled, "that's by the way you must have been so tired, how was work" she asked, "really stressful, but interesting, I guess, just tire" I guess, at the realize it at first then but now I did I was feeling a little bit hyper active and happy today, normally I never joined in when faisal teased his wife but today I did, didn't know why though, ruqayyah starred at me for a while before saying "you seem happy today", I now lowered my gaze and smiled, now faisal was done with his breakfast, he stood up and even though ruqayyah wasn't done she did the same as they both walked away, I cleared up the table, washed the plates and went back to my room, as I picked up my phone to see why my alarm didn't wake me up I realized, that Ibrahim had called me, the night before and also after again today when I wasn't there, I realized I didn't set the alarm last night because I was so tired, I was really glad Ibrahim called, it reassured me of our marriage now, he was definitely someone who would wake me up in the mornings even if I over slept off, just then a knock on my door changed my trail of thoughts "asallamu alaiki boss" jidda said as she enters my room, I smiled "boss?? Ha" I said and she giggled, she was ready and all dressed, she seemed eager for her job who wouldn't, after job hunting for ages you finally get one why wouldn't you be happy, I was glad though I had her working close to me, but I also wanted to keep flora close though, "you aren't ready" she said and I sighed now looking at the time, it was just to ten minutes past eight, "what time are you going" she asked, "Ya Ahmad is coming to pick us up by 9" I said (ya is a sign of respect Nigerians use for elder sibilings), yea I decided to call him ya, cause he is ibrahim's elder brother after all and soon he was going to be my elder brother in law, yes I was starting to get little pictures of Ibrahim and I, "really Ahmad is coming to pick us" she asked now her eye light up, and she smiled, "yes, Ya Ahmad" I said, "no way, I am not going to call him ya" she said and I asked "why not??", she winked at me and said "I still have hope of being more than just his sister in-law's friend" now I burst into laughter, "I knew it" I shouted, "knew what??" she asked, "that you liked him" I said and she shook her head "no!! I was just kidding" she explained, "no you were not" I said and she quickly changed the topic, "hey won't you go take you bath, it already 15mins past 8", it was clear she changed the topic but she was right, I guess, so I stood up, took out my cloths, Ironed it and went straight to take my bath, I took my time and came out, by the time I was out it was 36 minutes past 8, it didn't really take long for me to dress up and in no time I was done, by in no time I meant by 8: 45, yea not long right, immediately I was done Jidda and I went to the living room where ruqayyah was, faisal sometimes left for work by 8, we talked a little with her before a call, came in to my phone by 9 on the dot, I picked up the call it was Ahamd, "asallamu alaiki, please I'm outside" he said, "o.k o.k" I replied as I hung up the call, "Jidda, let's go" I said to her as we both stood up and went outside, he parked right in front of the house, we entered the car, I sat down in from while Jidda sat behind, "asallamu alaika, Ahmad good morning Jidda" said after we entered, he replied "wa'alaikumu sallam, Jidda how are you" he said, she answered, "alhamdulilah thanks for the job" she said, and he shook his head as he drove, " I didn't hire you, Fatima did" was all he replied, in all his trying to modest I guess, "well thanks anyway" Jidda said, and he smiled, I didn't say a word in all this, then I remembered, I didn't call Ibrahim back, 'would call him back when I arrive at the office' I thought, suddenly my trail of thought was interrupted when Jidda asked "so what is the your company all about???", he smiled and said "well, a lot actually, but I think this question would best be answered by Fatima" he said, and I smiled I had no idea, all I knew was maybe production of cloths, I guessed but didn't know though, now I quickly turned to Jidda and gave her a don't you dare look, she smiled, "well you are the owner, no one can explain it like you would" she said and he smiled, "you are right indeed!!" he said before he continued, "well, we deal mainly with cloths, accessories and gadgets" he explained "woaw that's nice, but why?" she asked now, now I was confused 'why what' I thought, and I guess he felt the same because he also asked "why what?" still with a smile, I couldn't tell the expression in his face because I lowered my gaze, "why this field" she said, now she was starting to talk too much, "well yeah!! Sometimes I wonder too" he says and Jidda smiled, "well I don't know, in summary, mum wanted to design her own cloths or her own style for her alone, so dad built the company, but then it needed to be managed and I guess I was the only one available at that time so I was like the manager but later he handed the whole company to me, that's when I included some few things, and the name was changed" he explained, "if that was summary, i can imagine how the full story is" I thought out loud, before holding my mouth I guessed he heard me and he laughed, "sorry for the long explanation" he said, and I kept mute, "so what did you study" Jidda asked and luckily by the time she did we were arriving at the office and we were at the parking lot, he parked the car, then said "I am so sorry would answer that question some other time", and Jidda nodded as if he would see her, throughout the drive, he never looked at any of us not even a glance, I was really impressed, we all came out of the car, and he said, we entered, the office, as we entered the elevator, he said "Fatima, when you both are done settling, I would like to show you the studio" he said and I nodded, as he could see me, even though he was speaking to me his gaze was somewhere else, "yes sir" I said, as we reached my floor and Jidda and I stepped out, she followed me into my office and to be honest, I had no idea, where she would be staying and what she would be doing, immediately we entered my office, I sat and told her to do the same, just then, there was a knock on my door, "come in" I said and she did, it was flora, she entered and said "good morning ma'am" and I answered, "good morning" I answered then she greeted Jidda and Jidda answered, "Mr Mukhtar, I should take her to her office" she said, "my office??" Jidda asked an I nodded, "yes, let's go" flora said and Jidda stood up to follow, I wanted to follow too but was too lazy to, so I sat down and watched as they left, now I looked at my table and realized I had so many files on it unlike yesterday when it was empty, I now picked them up to read, most of them where products, each of them had their production dates and some had some advertising scheme's which I had to approve, I looked through all but didn't write anything on them, then I remembered Ahmad said to go meet him when I am done, maybe that's what he was going to explain to me, I stood up to leave the office, as I opened the door I saw flora by the door "o!! You are going somewhere" she asked and I replied "Mr Mukhtar said to meet him", "O!!! yea, just chill a bit" she said demonstrating for me to go back into the office, which I did, "well, yeah I am supposed to explain some things to you before you go" she said and I nodded "well first of all I would like to say yeeey, I am your sectary" she said smiling and dancing round the office, I smiled and she paused "o!! am sorry, you have no idea how the receptionist job it, huh streesssfulll" she says, "o.k!!" I said and she straightened up "alright, let me get to the point, well the files on your table are on products which need to be advertised, the ones with blue just need you approval on the advertising scheme decided if you don't like it, you can change it, the one with red are the ones who you need to create advertising schemes for, that's easy actually you can just organize a meeting with all your staffs and give the one you find most fit the project" she explained, and I nodded in understanding, as she continued "right now, we are going to the set, studio, where Mr Mukhtar is for you to see an idea which was implemented, if you like it, if you don't, it would be changed" she finally concluded, "wow!! O.k" I said and she "yea, your decision matters a lot, so let's go" she said and I nodded as she led the way, I followed her to a different side of the floor, where every material regarding advertising was there, I mean everything you can think of, cameras, speakers, everything. It was like a really big room kinda, each corners had it's different set designed, we walked to a side where Ahmad was standing, we stood at a distance beside him and immediately flora handed me a file, Ahmad noticed our presence but didn't turn, I looked through the file, it was perfume advert, male perfume, I watched as they rehearsed for the advert, to be honest it didn't really mesh well, Ahmad watched silently and by the time it was over he turned to me and said, "what do you think", I really didn't want to condemn it so I just smiled, "be honest" he said, "I just don't think it goes with the product" I explained, "yea me too" he said "but what would you suggest" he asked, and I said "well, well" I said 'fatima, why didn't you just shut up' I thought, "I am listening" he said and I smiled "well I don't get why people are looking at him and saying "looking good" when it's a perfume, if it was left to me I would make it in a way to show maybe, initially he doesn't get girls but with the perfume everywhere he passes people close their eyes and inhale the refreshing scent, he get all the girls he wants, in summary" I said, and he smiled and said "impressive, but it that was summary, I can imagine how the advert might be really long" he teased and I smiled, "follow me" he said and I did, he showed me a lot of sets and asked my opinion on them, which I did sincerely, now we had gone through all the set and approved most of them, after we were done Ahmad said, "Ibrahim said I should inform him when you are free", just then I remembered I didn't call Ibrahim back, "you are free now right, or you have something you want to attend to" he said, I shook my head and said "no sir", then he sighed "please stop calling me that" he pleaded, and I said "o.k toh ya Ahmad" I said, and now he smiled, "really?? Not that too" he said, "what should I call you then" I asked and he said "just Ahmad" he said and I smiled, as he walked away.

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