Day Four (the picnic)

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I took them to the hotel where we all entered, we spent a few minutes there before going to the market where we bought food stuffs for the engagement and a blue silvery gown with long sleeves and black embroidery that ran down from the nape of its neck to the bottom, it fitted me really well and I liked it, it when along with a black veil and so we bought it... we arrived home at some minutes 2, after we arrived back home I prayed, changed then I called Ibrahim to tell him I was free and that he could come...I waited for him in the living room and when he arrived he called me to come out, "well!! He is here" I said after I have received his call, "what?? He isn't coming in??" aunt Mahra asked and I shook my head, "tell him to come in" aunt safeenah said and I nodded, I called him back "ehm!! Could you please come in!! my aunts wants to see you" I said and he replied "o.k"....and immediately I slipped my phone into my bag I heard a knock on the door, I went to open the door and there he was standing there holding fareedah's hands, I smiled at him as he entered "asallamu alikum" he said and I replied "wa'alaika sallam, please come in" I said as he entered "asallamu alaikum!! good afternoon" fareedah said to me now holding my hands to make me notice her.. "wa'alaiki sallam...sweetie how are you" I asked as she answered fine, I held her hand as I led them to the living room where all my aunties and cousins where all seated waiting to see my husband to be, "asallamu alaikum" he said as he entered the living room, "wa'alaika sallam" they all replied, I could tell he felt a little bit shy with all of them now staring at him, "good after noon!!" he said again... "good afternoon Ibrahim, how are" aunt safeenah said now he lowered his gaze then said "I am fine, alhamdulilah aunty" he said still gazing on the floor, as aunt safeenah smiled "alright..well we are off" I said now holding fareedah and heading to the door... "well...then goodbye" aunt mahra said as we left the the house... after we left now to the car I said "sorry about that" and he shook "there are going to be my family too soon remember" he said and I smiled... "I just hope I acted well around then I was kinda nervous" he said and I laughed... "yea you did..actually" I said as we now entered the car and he drove off... "so now where is fareedah taking us??" I asked fareedah who was now sitting at the back sit... "yaya said he wants to take us to a special place" fareedah replied and I smiled... "I thought you said fareedah was the one taking us out" I asked and he smiled "she stiil is" he replied, and I smiled...I didn't know why but for the weirdest reason I felt kinda free around him...I was slowly getting used to him, "so where are you taking us to" I asked and he smiled, "wait and see" replied and I smiled...I did as I was told and watched as he parked in front of a park... "shall we" he said as we now all came down the car...he walked into the park and I held fareedah as we followed him into the we walked into we saw a path decorated with red roses...and we kept walking until we reached a door, he opened the door and the next thing I saw was breath taking....the it was written it bold, it was the first thing I saw as I entered the hall "would you marry me!!" it read I was beautiful, after the bold writing was a table decorated with flowers, there where flowers all around the place, it was beautiful... "o.m.g!!!" I shouted as tears of joy began to fall from my eyes... "I never really got to ask you this..." he said as I smiled, "you actually don't have to" I replied and he smiled then said "I want to", this was all romantic and stuff but I still didn't know the answer to that question and luckily for me he didn't really pressure me to answer him, "yaya its very beautiful" fareedah said and we both smiled, as we walked towards the table and sat, immediately we did waiters came in now placing different varieties of food on the table, and to be honest I didn't know where to start, neither did I feel comfortable eating around him, I turned to fareedah who was now seated "sweetie!! What would you like start with" I asked her and she pointed at the samosas on the table and I handed it over to her, after I did I stared at the table not knowing what to eat at all, and so I decided to eat the red velvet cake and a glass of EVA wine, the table remained silent until I asked, "ehm!!! That reminds how is dad??" I asked and he smiled, "he is fine, alhamdulilah!!!" replied.. "he doesn't really look ill actually you would never know" he said and I smiled "Masha Allah!! So he is coming tomorrow" I asked and he shook "no!! I am afraid not, I have to take him for a check!!" he said and I frowned "you aren't coming either!!" I asked and he shook "I am sorry!! I am not" and I felt a little bit upset, but didn't want be selfish at the same time, "wow!!" I said feeling a little bit disappointed, "I am sorry!!" he said and I nodded "its o.k...I understand you have to dad for a checkup" I said and he smiled "its not just cause of the check up" he stated, and I now felt a little bit confused, "then why don't you want to come??" I asked and he said "I want you to make your choice" he said and I couldn't deny I was a little bit more confused "I don't understand" I said and he now looked serious, with a plane face he said "Fatimah!!!...I don't want you to marry cause you were asked to, I want you to marry me cause you want to", "I want you to really say what you feel tomorrow, if you can't marry me I want you to say it" he said and I frowned, "please!! Stop saying this" I said, and he forced out a smile, "just make sure you attend the wedding though!!" I teased and he laughed "I would try my best" he replied and I smiled, "I want to ease myself" fareedah said now turning our attention towards her, "o.k!!" I said as I stood up, "there is a restroom over there, I would take her" Ibrahim said and I shook my head "no way!! I am taking her" I said and he smiled, "no!! don't worry I would take her" he replied again and I smiled "wait!! are you seriously arguing with me, about taking my sister to the restroom" I said and he smiled, "am so sorry your highness!! As you wish" he teased and I smiled then said "better!!" I was slowly becoming free with Ibrahim, I was becoming comfortable with him and as aunt said was kinda sure I could live with him, I took fareedah to the bathroom, and on our way back from the restroom, she saw a play ground "ya fateemah!!! Can I go and play??" she asked I smiled, "well!! Let go and ask yaya" I said to her as we went to Ibrahim who was still seated, "fareedah want to play in the play ground" I said and he nodded, "are you done here??" he asked and I nodded "o,k!! let go to the play ground then!!" he said as we all went to the play ground, at the play ground fareedah began playing while Ibrahim and I strolled around"wow!! This place is really beautiful" I said and he smiled, then nodded, "yeah!!" he said as led me into a beautiful garden, filled with red roses, he picked up one of the rose and handed it over to me "I know you best color is green but...I think roses fit you more" he said and I smiled, I was surprised, he knew my best color "how do you know my best color??" I asked and he smiled, "I know more than you think" he said winking at me then walking away, and I followed "really!! What else do you know" I asked and he smiled "a lot!!" he said, "how??" I asked and he smiled then whispered... "I have been storking you!!!" he whispered I laughed "hmm!!! Storker" I teased and he laughed, "so tell me what else do you know!!" I asked and he smiled "your hobbies, fav food, love for movies and speed" he laughed, "wow!! You seem to know a lot" I said and he nodded "you think I wouldn't know a thing about my IN SHA ALLAH wife to be" he said and I smiled, and just then I remembered Jidda and her request, this was the best time to do it, even though I didn't know what I am supposed to do, "ha!! Now am ashamed, I don't know anything about you!!" I said and he smiled "with time you would" he said and I nodded, that reminds me, "isn't Ahmad older than you" I asked and he nodded "yea!! He is!!" he replied then I said "how comes you are getting married before him, I mean!!" I said then paused, "you get what I mean right!!" I asked and he nodded, "you are asking why I am the one getting married to you instead of my elder brother" he said this time he wasn't smiling, and for the weirdest reason I felt stupid for asking the question, it now kinda seemed as if I would have preferred Ahmad, "yea!!! Something like that" I said and he replied "well actually!!" he said then paused.... "Ahmad met this girl at my dad's office party and as he says he fell in love with her at first sight, so technically he is still searching for his dream girl" Ibrahim explain and I smiled "lol, really how does he expect to find her??" I asked and he shook his head, "I really don't know!! But with Allah everything is possible and Insha Allah he would" he said and I smiled, he said the same thing ruqayyah said to me and I admired that, he had faith, 'Jidda has no chance I thought"... "do you think he would ever give up" I asked and immediately I knew I was asking stupid questions, he gave me look, I could tell he was confused as to why I was asking but then he replied "I have no idea"... I didn't like the impression my questions were giving him and so I explained "My friend Jidda kind likes your brother" I said and he laughed, I don't if it was of relief or because it was unbelievable, "really??" he asked and I didn't know why I said, I just felt like I had to explain my questions to him nodded, "I don't know if you could kinda help" I said and he smiled "of cause, Insha Allah" he said and just then the Adhan for zuhur paryer was called, "o.m.g!! I have to go home!!" I said... "can you take me home??" I asked, "so soon??" he asked and I nodded, "have prepare for tomorrow!!" I said, he nodded then said"I understand, but there is a mosque here, let pray first" he said and I agreed as we went back to the play ground to get fareedah and from there to the mosques, luckily for us there was a mosques and a side for the females also, where fareedah and I went to, I was the only female there and I figured it was because the place was empty, after prayer we met up with Ibrahim by the car, and we drove off, "Masha Allah, this place is really nice" I said and he smiled "I am glad you liked it" he said, "the recitation of the Qur'an by the imam was beautiful Masha Allah!!, you would even think they had a mosque" I said and he smiled, then said "yeah!!"... "thank you so much" I said and he nodded "I am just glad you like it" he said and I smiled, "yaya!! You led the prayer right!!" fareedah asked all of the sudden and he nodded "yes!! Darling I did!!" and I was shocked, I turned and starred at him, he was the imam and he didn't even say a thing when I praised him... "you lead the prayer??" I asked and he nodded still smiling, now I was kinda proud Masha Allah he had such a great voice, I was consumed with joy and I didn't know why, I smiled and my smiled got wider, "yaya!! I want ice cream!!" fareedah now said changing my trail of thought, as I now stared back at her "o.k!! let's drop ya Fatimah first, then I would take you to buy ice cream" he said, "thank you!!" fareedah said and I smiled, "I bet you are her best elder brother right!!" I asked not knowing why and he smiled, "I really don't know!!" he said and laughed then said "all I know is she just doesn't let be" he said and I laughed, she seemed to have heard my question as she replied "yes!! He is, I don't like ya Ahmad, he doesn't let me take ice cream!!" she said we all laughed, "now!! I feel like a bad brother" he said to me, then said to her "that's cause it isn't good for you".... "she so cute" I said, and he nodded "cute or stubborn" he said as I smiled "my fareedah isn't stubborn, right??" I said as she nodded, I didn't know what was making me feel so free around him or talk like I did, I felt like I was with a family member around him and fareedah and I spoke without having to think too much, now the car was silent and all I could think of was here I was sitting next to the guy I was getting married to soon, my soon to be husband, I felt very comfortable around him and I knew I would be happy as his wife...he took me home, and decided to enter and greet my aunts again, this time the tension wasn't there as the living room wasn't filled up, they spoke to him like family and he replied them to with so much respect, I admired the respect he gave my family, and he stayed there for a while as they all questioned him and teased him, when he was about to leave I escorted him to the gate and he said "I love your family!!" he said and I smiled, he played all his card right and I liked that, I escorted him and fareedah to the car, and just as I was about to go back fareedah called me back and ran out of the car, she pulled my dress for me to bend down and I did as she handed a piece of paper to me and whispered into my ears, "yaya said I should give" she said and immediately I collected it, she ran back into the car, I looked at him and he smiled as he drove off, I opened up the piece of paper and in it was a ring and a writing which read, "I love you for the sake of Allah" I blushed as I walked back into the house, the rest of the day ended with everyone in the house talking about Ibrahim and how they like him and approved, asking me to tell them about the picnic and of cause the preparation for the engagement which they didn't let me participate in, they said the bride was not to work and I should go rest...

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