Chapter 2

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( 2 months later)
todoroki's pov
i was sitting in the class room eating lunch when i saw the door open and i saw aizawa coming in.
hey shoto i've noticed a change in your behavior and i noticed your hair its getting longer is that why you seem happier in a sense? he asked as he sat next to me.

i just nodded softly knowing im not allowed to talk about it to anyone else about what is happening to me making me feel sad again.
wait now you look sad shoto whats wrong you can talk to me.

no- no i cant i'll get in trouble and he'll punish me badly again, i said softly as i wiped tears from my face.
shoto if someone is hurting you you need to tell me so we can help you, he said.
i - i cant i dont want punishment again, i whispered.

shoto if you cant tell me whats happening at home that has you this scared i wont have any choice but to go to principal nezu and open an investigation of suspected abuse, he said.

i just nodded.

i got up and i grabbed my bag and i left the room and i went up to the roof.
i just needed to be by myself for a while. i stayed here for an hour till i heard the door opening and i saw sero comeing over and he sat next to me.
hey i noticed you werent in class and i remembered you saying you liked to come up here so i thought i would come check on you do you want to talk about it? he asked

i just shook my head, did he hurt you again when you were training? he asked.
i just nodded hating that i cant tell him the truth.

are you going to stay up here for the rest of the day again? he asked
probably there isnt much left in the day, i said

well ill collect your work for last class and come back up here and i'll walk you home. he said i gave him weak smile and i nodded i would like that, i said softly.

he hugged me gently and he got up, i moved and i sat on the edge of the roof and i hung my feet over the side, as i looked down.
i sat here for an hour till he came back up.

he sat next to me and he put his hand over mine and he gripped my hand.
come on sho lets get you home and we can study together. he said.

i smiled softly and i got up and he grabbed my hand and we walked back down the stairs and i saw aizawa standing there.
shoto this is the 4th time this month that you have missed a class i wont tell your father but you need to start coming to class i know sero has been collecting your work for you so you havent been falling behind but its going to start refelecting on your attendence and that your father will be notified about.he said.

i just nodded and i walked past him, as hanta and i left the school.
we walked in a comfortable silence the comfort of his hand in mine made me feel more relaxed.
we got to my house and he stopped me and turned me to face him, i know you dont like going home but im gonna stay here with you for a while till your sister gets home, he said

i leaned in and i hugged him tightly and he wrapped his arms around my waist and i rested my head on his shoulder and we stayed here for a while.
thanks for helping me hanta hanging out with you makes me feel so safe, i said softly.
he pulled my head from his shoulder and he looked at me.

i know how it is living in a home that you dont belong in you know im always here to make you feel safe now lets go inside. he said.
he grabbed my hand and we walked up to the door, remember as soon as i open the door we both run up to your room and we lock the door, he said.
i nodded as he quickly opened the door and i shut it behind us as we ran inside and quickly ran up to my room and i locked the door.
right before the sound of the pounding on the door.

hanta quickly jumped up from my desk chair and he ran over to me and he pulled me to my bed and he quickly pulled our text books out of our bags and he quickly got everything set out so it would look like we were studying.

i heard the noise of the key on my door and it turning hanta gripped my hand tightly to keep me grounded. shoto what is that vermin doing here you know your not allowed to have friends let alone have people over to the house, he needs to leave and you need to go to the training room. he spat out.
oh um actually sir im here cause we are working on some school work together as well a couple papers that are a group project so we are working on the projects so unless you want to interfer in his education leave us be and close the door so we can work, hanta said sternly.
he glared at us then walked away.

hanta got up and he we and closed and locked the door back and he came back over and he sat down next to me and he pulled me close to him.
hey sho you okay? he asked

i tried to take a deep breath but the binder was making it hard to breath.
i pushed him away from me and i quickly took off my shirt and i turned away from him and i went to my closet and i took off my binder and i pulled on a sports bra and a tee shirt and i went into my closet and i closed the door and i took off my pants and i changed into a pair of shorts and i went back out and i covered my face as i went back to the bed.

hey uncover your face let me see you shoto im okay with this i dont mind that your trans. he said.
i-im not though, i said softly.

he pulled my hands from my face and he turned me to look at him, shoto what do you mean your not you used the boys bathroom and locker room at school you look like a boy you talk like a boy, and everyone uses he him pronouns for you im confused, he said.

i was forced into this i never wanted this, he wanted a kid with my quirk but he didnt want a girl so he forced the doctor to mark male on my birth cirtificate he picked my name when my mom was asleep, he forced me to wear a binder everyday he forces me to cut my hair your the only person who knows any of this im not allowed to talk about it you cant tell anyone please. i explained.

suddenly my door broke down and i saw my dad he ran right at me and he grabbed me and he threw me across the room and he grabbed sero and he dragged him out of the house.

my head was hurting so bad and my vision was getting blurry and suddenly i couldnt see anything and i felt so weak.
i woke up and i saw aizawa sitting in front of me.

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