Chapter 8

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( TW:abuse and self harm)
Todoroki's pov
my door opened and i saw him walk in agressively i got scared so i pushed my self to the top of my bed and i grabbed my panda and i hugged it tightly.
he came over and i could see the anger in his eyes.

he grabbed my hair and he yanked me off the bed he dragged me down the hall, i was screaming and kicking trying to get out of his grasp.
he threw open the door to the training room and i hit my head on the weights but it wasnt as hard as when i hit the wall.

he got on top of me and he hit me in the face 3 times.

he didnt say anything so i quckly got up and he started to do what he calls "training" he attacks me and i try to dodge or i get hit. sometimes he will pin me down and hit me or he will throw fire balls at me.

after 3 hours i was laying on the floor a bloody mess

but he wasnt done, not till i saw the door flying open and i saw my sister and brother rushing in.

fuyumi ran over to me and she picked me up and held me in her lap as natsuo started screaming at endevour.
she picked me up and took me up to my room, she sat me on my bed and went to the bathroom and came back with a first aid kit.
i looked at the cameras and i soon heard my phone ringing.

she picked it up and read the screen. its your teacher, she said.

i nodded.she answered it and i saw her walk around the room while she talked to him.

" yeah i dont know what happened i think the camera we put in the training room was defective" she said
" that makes sense yeah i'll take it out and take it back to the shop and get it replaced just send me the address"
" yeah i think the one in the hall might have caught the sounds but the door was closed"
"yeah im patching her up right now i'll have her text you when we finish up"

she hung up the phone and came back over to me she opened the first aid kit and she started to fix me up.
after several hours of cleaning the wounds and patching them she was done.

how long do i have to stay here? i asked quietly coughing harshly as i saw a small amount of blood on my hand.
dont worry about it its probably from your lip but we can have natsuo come and examine you properly since he knows more about this than i do, she said.
i nodded and i laid back on the bed.

she got up off my bed and she leaned over me and kissed my head. and she turned and walked out of my room.
i saw my window open and i saw mr aizawa climbing in.

oh my god, he whispered as he came over to me and he sat on the side of the bed.
god this is the worse i've seen in a long time second to my son, he said.

he put his hand gently on my face and pushed the loose hair from my face that were stuck with tears.
im sorry, he said quietly.

my door opened and i saw my siblings come in together.
when did you get here? my sister asked him.

oh um i came in through the window like 5 minutes ago i came as soon as you called me, he told her.
well can you move to the side so i can check her for any internal damage, natsuo said

he nodded and he got up and we went and sat at my desk as my brother started to press around as i hissed in pain.
after about 20 minutes he finished.

so it feels like a broken rib and is starting to protrude into your lung so best bet is stay bed ridden for at least a week to help it heal away from your lung, he said.

i have to stay here for a whole week with him? i asked

im sorry but yes you do i will come by everyday to check on you or sero will come. mr aizawa said.
i nodded softly and i grabbed my blanket and i pulled it over me.

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