Chapter 10

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Todoroki's pov
so what does this mean whats going to happen now? i asked
you will get to stay in the dorm till they find you a foster home then you will move in with your foster family but sometimes it could take them a long time to find a foster family,  a lot of families prefer babies, infants, and small children so it might take them a while to place you unless someone steps up, he said.

so theres a chance i could live in that dorm till i graduate? i asked.
i mean technically yes that could happen but i have a feeling that it wont, he said
i nodded softly.

now is there anything you need at the store? he asked.
um yeah i need to go shopping i have some groceries to get, i said.

he nodded and we left the parking lot and we drove to the store.

we pulled in and he found a parking spot i grabbed my purse and we got out and we went inside.
he grabbed a cart and we started in produce, i picked out some carrots, broccoli, sugar snap peas, radishes, spinach, lettuce, tomatos, mushroom, apples, pears, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries. we went over to the bakery section and i found some of my favorite asiago bagels, plain bagels, some nice sandwich bread. we moved around to the different sections and i grabbed yogurt, milk, eggs, frozen meals, pizzas, soba noodles, rice noodles, ramen noodles, some different types of cup noodles, i got a lot of other stuff.

when we got to the end of the store we made our way to the front and i unloaded everything onto the belt as the worker started scanning my things.
i pulled my wallet from my purse and i handed the cashier my money. we got everything loaded into the car and we headed back to the school were i saw my sisters car in the parking lot.

we got out and i saw her car door open, she got out and locked her car and she came over and she helped us carry the bags in.
when we got to my room i smiled when i saw hanta sitting on my bed when he saw us walk in he jumped up and he came over to me.
i sat the bags down and he grabbed me by my waist.

so what happened? he asked excitedly.
mr aizawa came over and he handed him the paper.

he read it over and he smiled and hugged me tightly and handed the paper to my sister.
thats amazing sho im so proud of you baby your finally free, he said

i hugged him back and he held my head to his shoulder.
to celebrate how about i take you out for a date? he asked.

actually i would rather stay in tonight if thats okay? i asked.

yeah thats perfectly fine darling i'll cook you a lovely dinner, he said with a warm smile.
now lets get the groceries put away and i'll get you a relaxing bath set up he whispered lovingly to me.
i kissed his cheek and i turned and i looked at the others.

i'll leave you guys be i'll check on you tomorrow, mr aizawa said as he left
hanta started to put the groceries away and fuyumi sat on my bed.
so i was at the house when the court officer showed it,--
but we only left the court house 2 hours ago how did they get there so fast? i asked

i dont know but i was at the house when the court officer showed up and served him the papers he went into a rampage and hes wrecked the house i already called the judge, the police and your principal i told them i feared for your safety i'll call your teacher on my way out and i'll fill him in but for now if you leave the school i want someone with you at all times, she said.

i nodded i promise i wont leave the school by myself, i said.
she came over and she hugged me and kissed my head.

here i have this for you, she said as she pulled an envelope out of her purse and i saw it was from a bank.
i took all your savings and i created you your own bank account and i transfered your savings into the new account so you could have your money before he drains your savings, and i put myself as a secondary so i can send you money if you need it. she said.

i smiled widely and i hugged her tightly.

you didnt have to do this i get a weekly stipend from the school to spend on what i need, i told her.
well use that for what you need and use this for what you want, she said

she kissed my cheek and she grabbed her purse and she left.

hanta grabbed my hand and guided me to the bed, he pushed me back so i was sitting on the bed.
now you relax i'll be right back. he said with a smile.

he kissed me and he walked into my bathroom. and i heard the water turning on and 10 minutes later he came back out and he grabbed my hands and he pulled me to my feet and he took me to my bathroom door and he opened it and i saw the candle lit bathroom and i saw the rose petals floating on the water.

now while your in here im going to be cooking you the most amazing dinner. he said.
i took off my clothes and i climbed into water, he closed the door and the bathroom was dark only lit by the small candle flame.
i pushed myself under the water and rubbed my face with the warm water.
i sat up and i saw there was a remote on the side of the tub.

i grabbed it and i hit the play button on it and i heard soft orchistral music playing i felt so relaxed like this.
after an hour and a half the bathroom door opened and he came in with my robe in hand.

he hung my robe on the hook and he sat on the side of the tub. he grabbed my shampoo and he motioned me to sit infront of him he leaned down and he kissed my head and he started to rub the soap into my hair my head leaned back at the feeling of his hands rubbing my head.
i went under the water and i rinsed out the soap, when i came back up he had the conditioner in his hands.

i smiled and i turned back to him and he gently rubbed it into the ends of my hair, i leaned my head back and he smiled down at me, he leaned down and he kissed me sweetly.

i moved and i tipped my head back into the water and i rinsed it out.
he reached into the water and he pulled the drain.

i got up and out of the tub and i pulled my robe on as he scooped all the rose petals out of the water and threw them into the trash.
i walked out and the room smelt amazing. go get dressed while i check on dinner, he said.

i nodded and i went to my closet and i pulled out a pair of leggings and one of the hoodies hes left here.
i went back out and i saw the table was set.

i made steak, potatos, and veggies, he said as he pulled my chair out for me, i sat down and he pushed me in.
he sat down across from me and i  cut into the steak a beautiful medium rare, how did you get it this so perfect? i asked.
well its a trick that i learned fromy my mom you put a lot of butter in a pan and add your seasoning to the melted butter then pan sear the steak in the butter tossing some of the butter over the top of it but just till the outside is dark. then you wrap foil on the handle of the pan and bake it at 450 for 20 minutes and it cooks it the rest of the way through, he explained

its delicous, i said with a small smile.
he smiled back as we ate.

we talked a lot mostly about my plans for everything.
after we finished eating i helped him wash the dishes and put everything away.
so what do you want to do now? he asked
i kind of want to walk around the school a bit see if we can find any other area's we didnt know about, i said
well lets go walking who knows maybe we will find other students living here. sero said.

i grabbed my slides and i slid my feet into them and i grabbed my wallet and i slid it into the pocket of the hoodie, we left my room and we walked around the maze of hallways till i started to smell something, hanta do you smell something it smells amazing? i asked
yeah i do? but as far as we know there wasnt anyone else here or else you would have seen them by now, he said.
thats true unless they moved in while i was back at that house. i said.
i followed the smell and i soon heard a big banging noise and the sound of yelling, i looked down the small amount of hallway left when i saw a door open, we walked down and i cant believe who i saw crouching on the floor with a pot of spilled pasta sauce.

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