Chapter 3

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todoroki's pov
i woke up and i saw mr aizawa sitting in front of me.
hey shoto hey your awake can you sit up? he asked as he tried to grab me but i flinched away. hey its okay im not going to hurt you your safe now, he said queitly.

can you tell me how you feel does anything hurt? he asked
my um my head, my neck and all across the back of my shoulders, i said as i hissed in pain.
and it hurts to breath, i continued.

all right lets get you to recovery girl she might want to keep you over night i'll help you grab some clothes to take with you, he said.
where is sero? i asked.

hes out front giving the police a report about what happened, he explained.
can you bring him up here please i need him?
yes of course i'll text mic to bring him up, he said as he pulled out his phone.
is my sister home? i asked.

he got up and he went to my window and he looked out, yeah shes here shes walking inside with sero right now, he said.

he came back over and he sat back down with me and i could hear the running footsteps coming up the stairs and i saw them both running into my room and my sister pushed mr aizawa back and she kneeled down and she tried lift me up but i just cried in pain.
she got scared and laid me back down.

can you grab him some clothes recovery girl will be here soon to take him to her office to treat him? aizawa asked
he doesnt know does he? she asked me

no the only person that knows is sero thats why he did this he heard me tell him about it, i said softly.
what are you talking about? mr aizawa asked

im too tired can we talk more about it later? i asked as my vision started to get dark again.
when i woke up again i realized i was in the back of a van strapped to a gurney.
i looked around and i saw sero, fuyumi, and mr aizawa around me.
wh-where am i? i asked groggily.

your in recovery girls van we are heading back to her office so she can heal you something is wrong with your head you keep coming and going from consciousness, my sister said.

i reached my hand out looking for sero's hand he scooted over and grabbed my hand.
your okay sho im right here. he said softly.

dont leave me han, i whispered.

he switched spots with my sister so he could be closer to me.

the van pulled to a stop and the back door opened and i saw recovery girl there and everyone helped get me out and took me into the school and took me to her office and got me on one of the beds and fuyumi sat my bag down on the floor and i started to black out again.
when i came to i felt a lot better but still very weak.

OH my GOD your awake your finally awake its been 4 days since you got here, i was so worried., hanta said full of emotions. all of a sudden his lips were on mine and as soon as they were there they were gone.

im so sorry i didnt mean to kiss you it was just emotions im sorry. he said.

i reached up and i put my hand on the back of his head and i pulled him down and i kissed him again this time more passionatly.
he put his hand on my face and he kissed me a little deeper.

he pulled away and he smiled down at me, god i have waited since i met you to do that, he said sweetly.
i'll get tell mr aizawa your awake i'll be right back, he said.

i nodded and he let go of me and he got up and he walked out.

i took this time to look down at myself and i noticed i was wearing a pink sweater and a pair of pajama shorts, i felt really cute.
the door opened back up and i saw hanta coming back in and mr aizawa was right behind him.

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