Chapter 4

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shoto's pov
come on you should walk around for a bit and get some strength back in your legs, hanta suggested.
i turned around and i wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his back around his waist, i leaned in and i kissed him sweetly.
he pulled away and he smiled,

lets go walk the halls for a bit till you get the call, he said.
i nodded and gave him a small smile.

we turned away and we walked out of my room hand in hand, we walked down the hall learning the different halls and where they went.
we went back to my room right as my phone rang.

i picked it up from the nightstand and i saw it was mr aizawa.
S- hey
A- hey im on my way back to you the case worker and the investigator are coming with me
S- we just got back to the room, you guys can just let yourself in when you get here,
A- where did you go is sero still with you ?
S- we just walked the halls my legs were weak from being bed ridden for 4 days and yes hes still with me.
A- okay good i'll be there in an hour.
S- okay we are just gonna lay down and watch tv till you get here, ill let you go so you can drive safe.

i hung up and i sat my phone back down and i sat down on my bed and he sat down as well and he moved to the top of my bed and he opened his legs, i smiled and i sat between his legs and i leaned back onto his chest as he wrapped me in his arms and he turned on the tv and turned on demon slayer again.

we cuddled for a while till there was a gentle knock on the door, we seperated and i saw 4 people walk in.
hey, sero mic is gonna take you home you can come visit during free period and luch but your going back to class tomorrow, mr aizawa said.
sero nodded.

sho do you want me here when you talk about everything or will you be okay with just mr aizawa here? sero asked me.
its okay han if anything happens i'll text you, i said.
he smiled and he hugged me softly.

dont over do yourself sho okay remember to take breaks and keep your breathing normal, he whispered i nodded and he kissed my cheek before he pulled away and he followed present mic out.

allright well shoto this is miss rynn your caseworker and you know detective tsukauchi, mr aizawa introduced us.
mr aizawa sat on the side of the bed next to me and tsukauchi sat at the foot of the bed, and miss rynn pulled my desk chair over.
can you just start as far back as you can remember tsukauchi said.

i started talking telling them everything i could remember, i needed a way to ground myself i was starting to get anxious, mr aizawa noticed and he put his hand down on the bed and i grabbed his wrist and i could feel his calm heart beat against my fingers and i started to calm down.

after about 2 hours i was done tears streaming down my face fastly.
i quickly wiped them away so i could appear to be stong.

we will go and interview your family and neighbors it will take us roughly a month to investigate this so your going to be staying here till then, my caseworker said.

im going to be honest if you try to send me back to that house im going to end up either running away or commiting suicide, i said blantently
we will keep that in mind when investigating, tsukauchi said.

you better do more than just keep it in mind she says that for a reason you need to figure out why she says that and if you try to place her back in that house i will personally take her back out of it and take her home with me and my husband, mr aizawa said.

that would be considered kidnapping and you could get arrested and lose your hero license if you do that, tsukauchi said.

you know what i really dont care what will happen to me as long as i can get her into a safe home, mr aizawa said.
okay now lets not start any fights lets head on out detective. miss rynn said

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