Chapter 2: Grisha Powers

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A.N: There is a time skip in the story here, it isn't much, only a year has passed since Karina was moved to the Little Palace, and there is an overview of what has happened in that year within the chapter. Enjoy!

'Dear Karina,

We're so happy that you're still doing well, although we miss you so much. I really wish we could come and visit you, but Ana Kuya says that you have to get an invitation to visit the Little Palace. My drawings are getting better, and we've started to learn more about Ravka recently. Mal and I still spend lots of time in the meadow, and we really hope you'll join us there soon. I can't believe it's already been a year since you were taken away. Ana Kuya says that the grisha testers will be back, and that she won't let anyone get away without being tested this time. I'm scared, I don't want to leave Mal, but it would be nice to see you again. I think I'm going to cheat on the test, cut my hand so my body doesn't react to the pain, just in case.

Anyway, everything here is boring as always, and Mal is injured, again. I wish that I could help him more than I do. Write back quickly, it always brightens our day when we have a letter from you.

Much Love, Alina and Mal.'

"So are you excited, you finally get to start working on your powers, you'll have your first sessions with Baghra soon." Feydor said, bringing me out of my thoughts of my recent letter from Mal and Alina. It had been so nice to keep in contact with the both of them, their letters allowed me some peace and escape from the Little Palace. We had been exchanging letters the entire year I had been here, and just as Alina had said, I couldn't quite believe that I had been here for a year already.

It had been a very exciting year though, and my teachers were very happy with my enthusiasm and craving for knowledge. I was also super excited to start learning and practising my small science. Although I had heard slightly terrifying stories about Baghra, and the methods she used to get grisha children to use their powers.

"Yeah, I think so anyway, as long as Baghra isn't as horrible as some of the stories I've heard." I replied to Feydor's comment. The two of us were currently sitting in the library, as Fey studied for a test he had tomorrow. We had become much closer in the year I had been here, and he'd become my true best friend here. We did as much as we could together, always eating and studying together. He was a wonderful boy, who also seemed to be excelling in his studies, being reported on well by all his teachers.

I had made some other friends as well, but I mainly stuck with Feydor. My shyness from the orphanage, while calming down, was still there, and I felt nervous whenever I was required to talk to someone new, or speak up in class. All of the corporalki in my class were now being instructed to decide on what they wanted to train in, so that we could hone those specific skills. It had been weird knowing that I had these powers, but not using them at all.

Ever since my testing last year, I had become intensely more aware of a light bubbling beneath my skin, occasionally feeling as though it wanted to burst out, especially when I was scared or angry. Feydor had explained to me that it was normal, and every grisha felt it, however it began to become less obvious as you began to train.

"Don't worry, Baghra isn't that bad, plus I've heard that she's pretty good with Healers, it's the summoners who have it the worst." Feydor reassured me, before returning to his notes. I nodded my head gently, before flicking my eyes down to the book in front of me. Seeing as I already knew what I wanted to go into I had decided to read up on Healers, and their abilities, which was actually very interesting.

Fey and I continued to study and read, before we left due to my friend complaining that his eyes would fall out if he had to read another word about famous grisha throughout history. The two of us headed through the school, and into a small courtyard that was used by summoners during practice, but open to anyone when they weren't. Feydor basically threw himself on the floor, causing me to laugh and join him, laying my head on his shoulder and staring up at the sky above me, watching as white fluffy clouds drifted past us.

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