Chapter 11: Jealousy

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I sighed as I glanced through the different titles in front of me, wondering which one I should choose next, my eyes lingering on each of the titles to make sure I didn't pick one I had already read. "Hey there." A cheery voice to my right called, making me jump gently, whipping around to see a young healer who must have only been a couple years younger than me.

"Oh, um... hi." I said softly, smiling gently as I calmed my heart down and turned to face the girl properly. "I was just wondering if you're Karina?" She asked, and I nodded my head slowly. "Yeah, that's me." I answered, curious as to why she wanted to speak with me.

"I-I was just wondering if you could recommend me a book on advanced healing. Al in the infirmary said that asking you was probably the best idea." She said so quickly I was shocked she had any breath by the end. "Of course, the healer's section is in row 15, and the advanced books are on the higher shelves, and I would suggest starting with Rostova's 'A Healer's guide to nerves'." I said happily, and the girl nodded, before turning around and skipping away, making me chuckle gently, before I went back to looking at the shelf in front of me, picking up one of the books and opening it to the first page.

"Karina." A stern voice said, making me jump again, dropping the book in my hands and turning to see Dmitri standing there with an amused look on his face. "What is it with people and scaring me today." I huffed, muttering under my breath as I leant down and picked up the book from the floor. "Sorry, the general wants to see you." Dmitri said, making me nod my head gently as I followed the guard out of the library.

We made our way through the corridors and quickly came to the familiar set of black doors, and the oprichnik motioned me inside. "General." I called softly into the room, glancing around and spotting Kirigan sitting behind his desk, scribbling something down, not even looking up when I called out to him. "Have a seat Karina, I'll be with you in a moment." The general said, causing me to move over to the small sitting area here, sinking into one of the armchairs.

I listened as Kirigan's quill scratched across the parchment he was using for another minute or so before he stood up and folded it, placing it upon a pile of papers. He then wandered over and sat down in his chair, relaxing as soon as he had sat down, making me chuckle breathlessly, reaching out with my power and soothing his mood.

"I'm starting to regret becoming General of the Second Army." Kirigan groaned, making me roll my eyes as I relaxed slightly. "I can't think of anyone better to lead us." I said gently, causing the General to look up at me with a fraction of a smile on his face, his eyes showing me just how tired he was. "Thank you, Karina, that means a lot." Kirigan muttered softly, making me blush gently as I glanced down at my hands, fiddling with my fingers softly.

"So, what have you been reading?" Kirigan asked, pulling our conversation back to what we usually discussed. I rolled my eyes slightly, but began to explain the newest book I'd been devouring over the past couple days, and showing the book I'd collected from the library this morning to read.

We talked for so long that Dmitri had to bring us both lunch, which we ate happily, before the General went back to completing some work before he had a meeting with the King's council later this afternoon, so I moved over to the window and perched on the large sill, opening my book and beginning to read, knowing Kirigan wouldn't mind my presence there.

A couple hours later Dmitri popped his head into the room once more, to remind the General that he needed to leave. "Thank you, Dmitri, I'll be out in a moment." Kirigan said, before rooting through a couple of his draws and pulling out a couple other documents he needed. I stood up and closed my book, making sure I remembered the page I was on before wandering into the middle of the room, glancing at the map of Ravka for a few moments.

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