Chapter 10: Trips and Tension

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"I thought it was rather a ridiculous thing for him to do." Kirigan said from his place on the other side of the room, making me stifle a chuckle as I turned the page in the book in my hands, occasionally glancing up and staring out the window at the grounds of the Little Palace. "I think it was romantic." I said quietly, still cautious about sharing my differing opinions with the General.

"Yes, well I've learned over the years that power is always more achievable than love." Kirigan said, making me look over at him with sympathy. Love was always something I had striven for, especially with the friends I had found here, even with Alina and Mal back at the orphanage. I simply sighed however, and didn't voice my opinions to the general, instead turning back and going back to staring out the window.

"General Kirigan." A voice called from the doorway, and both Kirigan and I turned our attention to Dmitri who had just walked into the room. "Yes, Dmitri." The General said wearily, and I silently reached out with my powers, trying to soothe the headache which was forming. "Reports from Kribirsk." He said, motioning to the door and an etherialki walked into the room with a serious expression on his face.

"Ah, Orlov, what news do you bring?" Kirigan asked as I leant back against the window behind me, wondering whether or not I should still be in the room for this. "We are running out of supplies moi soverenyi, and we haven't heard anything from our guard in Ryevost in a couple weeks. I tried to send a couple men there, but they returned saying there was a blockage on the road and they weren't able to reach the city." The soldier said solemnly, and General Kirigan remained silent for a moment, thinking over the man's words.

"Thank you Orlov, please go enjoy dinner and some rest with the other grisha, I will sort this out myself." General Kirigan said, and the soldier bowed slightly before walking out of the office. There were another couple moments of silence as I watched the general think over a few things before he turned to me suddenly, making me look up at him in shock.

"Karina, would you inform Feydor, Zoya, and Ivan that we are to leave for Ryevost in the morning, then return to your own room and pack your bags." The general asked, making me nod my head before he called for Dmitri to enter the office. I smiled at the guard as I walked out of the room and wandered down the corridor with the General's book still clutched in my hands.

I was suddenly very glad that the General's inner circle, other than myself, all had rooms close to his offices, so it didn't take me long to reach Zoya's room. I knocked on her door and she called me inside, making me pop my head around the door. "General Kirigan wants us to prepare to leave for Ryevost in the morning." I said simply, and Zoya nodded in understanding, before moving around her room and beginning to pack her things.

I left her room and closed the door behind me before moving onto Feydor and Ivan's room, the latter opening the door a couple seconds after I'd knocked. "The General asked me to let you know we'll be leaving for Ryevost in the morning." I said with a smile as I glanced into the room to see Feydor lounging in one of their chairs. "Thank you, Karina." Ivan said simply, and I waved over at Fey, before walking away from their door, needing to head down to my own room to pack.


The following morning I grabbed my things and allowed the guard to take the few things I needed, before I pulled on my boots and headed out to the front of the Little Palace. Zoya was the only other one out here, so I made my way over to her and struck up a conversation about something random just so we could pass the time, and we ended up talking about the etherialki boy who was trying desperately to woo her.

Feydor and Ivan were the next to appear, before Dmitri and a couple of the other guards came around the corner with six horses with them, one of them being the one I always used for training. The guards quickly attached all our things to the horses, before the General came striding out of the Palace. "Thank you." He said quietly as one of the men passed him a pair of gloves before all of them other than Dmitri went back into the palace.

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