Chapter 10

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Aiden White

Walking around this party I find myself fighting tears back. I don't know why getting into an argument with Max is affecting me so badly. I just don't wanna be mad at him, but I can't help it when he's getting in my business. Did I go too far when I said he was flirting with me? I don't know, I should apologize. I should do something-

My thoughts get cut off by a familiar voice, "Hey cutie, where've you been at?"

It's Jackson.

I look up to meet his eyes, "Hey Jackson."

Noticing the look on my face he asks, "Hey what's wrong? Did something happen? Where's your friend?"

"Um, yeah. We got into an argument," say as my voice breaks

Jackson takes my hand, "Hey we can talk about it if you want"

"Yeah, sure," I reply

Jackson leads me to an empty bedroom and shuts the door behind us. Sitting on the bed he asks, "So, what happened beautiful?"

"Well I don't know, Max just started yelling at me about making out with Freddy during 7 minutes in heaven," I explain

"It seems like he has a crush on you to me"

"What, no."

"Well I mean I don't know, but usually someone doesn't blow up on someone for making out with someone unless they have a crush on them or the other person"

"Well that just can't be"

"How come?"

"Because he's hated me for the past 4 years, we only recently started being friends again"

"What makes you think he hated you for the past 4 years?"

"Well, he got pretty mad at me when I started dating his sister. He wouldn't talk to me for months, like not a single word. It didn't get much better after that."

"Well, let me take your mind off of him," he says as he slides his hand up my thigh

Not saying anything I let him continue. He moves over to straddle my lap, moving his lips to mine. His tongue touches mine, passionately entering my mouth. I put my hands on his waist as he enters my hair, softly tugging and pulling. I move my mouth to suck on his neck softly, and my hands move up his back. He throws my flannel to the floor and pulls off my shirt, pushing me to lie on the bed. He pulls off his shirt and unbuckles his belt. I sit there taking in the sight, moving my hands up his waist, to his abs, to his chest. Wow, he's beautiful. He leads down to kiss my neck and then down to my nipple, he slowly sucks on it while moving his hands across my abs. I can't help to let out a moan. Gets off me to slip our pants, leaving just our boxers to clothe us. He gets back on me, straddling my waist, grinding against my dick.

"Have you not been getting it recently? You get harder every time I touch your body," he says grinning

I slide my hands up his thighs, "Oh shut up, look at yourself." I flip us over so that I'm now leaning over him. I go back into a passionate kiss as he pulls my head in harder. "It seems like you can't get enough of me," I whisper into his ear. He just smiles and pulls me into another kiss. His legs straddle my waist and press my dick against his ass.

He slides his hands inside my boxers, moving them across my cheeks, "Let me take this off of you, I wanna see all of you." he flips us back over before I can respond. He slides off his own boxers, holy fuck. He grabs my leg and starts to kiss up it, eventually getting to the hem of my boxers. He starts to slip his fingers under it and pull down. As my boxers inch down I think my brain finally starts to register what's about to happen.

Suddenly I start to panic. If I let this happen right now, there's no denying it. If I let this happen I have to admit it to myself. Right now in my mind, my head is clear, I can't just blame this on the alcohol if I let this happen.

In an instant, my body jolts up, tears in my eyes. "I'm sorry, I can't do this Jackson," I apologize. I start to frantically grab my clothes and put them on.

"Aiden, come on man, what's wrong?"

I ignore him

"Aiden, you can't just leave. Stay."

"No, I can't."

"Aiden stop"

"NO, I'M NOT GAY," I shout back at him as I reach for the door. Walking out the door I can hear him shouting hurtful words at my back. I storm through the house heading to the drinks with tears in my eyes. Immediately I start downing shots left and right. Tears start to trickle down my face. I grab a bottle of vodka and find somewhere to let out my tears in privacy.

In the middle of a swig, I feel a hand on my shoulder, my body jerks at the touch. I look over to find Max, immediately my eyes start well up with tears again. He pulls me into a hug and I let the tears run loose. Max runs his hands through my hair while I cry into his chest, "Hey, what's got you so messed up Aiden?" I pull my head from his chest, and without thinking I pull his lips into mine. Immediately I feel a sense of warmth, a feeling of deep comfort, spread throughout my body. I start to let my tongue explore the warmth, explore the depths of Max's mouth. After a minute Max pulls away, "Are you okay Aiden?"

I avoid his question with my own, "Can we just go home, please? I'm sick of being here."

"Um, sure. I'll call an Uber," he says sincerely



Throughout the whole trip back to our dorms Max never once let me go. He comforted me and didn't push me about what happened, he just sat next to me and held me. Even now as we enter our dorm room I still don't want him to let me go.

"I can make us something to eat if you-" he starts but gets cut off by my lips. A constant connection between our mouths that I won't allow to be severed. Our lips only part he pushes me against his mattress.

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