Chapter 7

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Aiden White

Walking out of my bedroom I find Max in by the door putting on his shoes. "Oh hey, good morning," he smiles at me. I reply with a smile. "Um... I made breakfast if you wanted some," he gestures to the assortment of breakfast foods on the counter, "I'm about to head to the gym though. I'll be back in like an hour."

"Okay, thanks for breakfast," I reply sheepishly

"Yeah, no problem," he smiles as he heads out the door.

Walking over to the counter I see the wide array of foods that he made. There's even a little note. "If I didn't catch you before I went to the gym I just wanted to tell you to help yourself, I already ate. - Max :)"

He made my favorite chocolate chip pancakes, with homemade whipped cream in the fridge, and washed some berries to top them. He made sausage, bacon, hash browns, and eggs. There's more food here than I can eat.

Now I feel bad for being upset with him and distant. Maybe I should do something for him after I eat breakfast.

Max Steller

I hope he liked breakfast. I hope that I remembered how to do the pancake rights. I hope-

God damnit

The whole time that I've been here the only thing that I have been doing is thinking about him. I should be focusing on... well I don't really know. School maybe? Yeah probably... But classes don't start till Monday.

Well actually, maybe he'll be in a better mood later and wanna do something.


Aiden White

I'm actually really excited for Max to get back. I bought us tickets to see a movie I've really been wanting to watch.


Speak of the devil. I turn to see Max standing in the doorway. Wow, he looks good. The way that his cheeks are still rosy and the veins in his arms and hands are really showing. But it's not like that's actually attractive to me... It's just what people find as attractive features for men. Still, he is pretty naturally gifted.


"Hey," I reply cheerfully

He seems to notice I'm in a good mood and his demeanor changes

"I'm gonna hop in the shower real quick," he smiles like usual

"Okay," as he starts heading to the bathroom I say, "Oh yeah, I was thinking that we could go watch a movie and stuff after your shower or later or something..."

His head whips around with a giant grin on his face, "Yeah we definitely should"

"Okay, good," I smile back.


After Max's shower, we headed to the movie theatre. The drive had started off with a comfortable silence, but eventually lead to a friendly conversation.

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