Chapter 14

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Aiden White

I wake with an aching body and a massive headache, but after rubbing the sleep from my eyes I see the boy sound asleep in front of me. My body pains seem to dissipate and for a second I sit there in awe as I rub my thumb across his cheek. Quickly the moment comes to an end as I realize what had done last night. I'm not concerned about the fact that I made out with several guys and even slept with one... Well I am, but it's not because it means that I'm gay or like men.

Last night I cheated on my girlfriend, not once, but three times. Not to mention it was her own brother that I slept with, and don't even get me started on my sister. I've betrayed both my girlfriend and my sister in one night.

I start to feel my stomach being upset with me. As I run out of bed to the bathroom I can feel the sour stinging vile starting to come up my throat. Max seems to have noticed that I had rushed out of bed because he soon follows me into the bathroom and comforts me as I throw up on the toilet bowl. I push him away because his presence reminds me of what I've done. Max gives me space and tells me that he's going to make me some breakfast and a hangover concoction. Usually, I don't get very hungover, but guilt seems to make the effects of the alcohol worse, keeping me leaning over the toilet for the next hour.

After a long while of thinking over what happened, I finally come to terms with what I did. No more time for feeling sorry for myself. I've gotta own up to my actions.

As if my phone was listening to my thought my phone starts to ring. Looking over at its screen I see the incoming call from Bella. Once again I feel my heart sink inside of me. For a moment I think about letting the call go to voicemail, but I owe it to her. She deserves to know the truth.

Accept - Decline

As I put the phone to my ear I can hear her stifled cries. Does she already know? "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Aiden," she cries.

"Sorry for what, what's wrong?" I say as my own voice trembles

"I.." she starts

"You what?"

"I cheated on you." These are words I hoped I'd never hear but in my current situation, I can't help but feel relieved. "And I think I'm a lesbian," she starts to cry harder. I pause for a moment, not knowing what to say.

"Hey... That's okay, it's alright, you don't have to cry," I say with a soft voice

"Why? Why aren't you mad? You should be screaming at me," she continues

"I can't be mad at you," I respond

"What if I tell you didn't just cheat on you once, it was several times."

"I can't be mad because you were just figuring out who you are, and I was kind of getting in the way of that. I mean we've been together since we were 14, it's not like you had a lot of time to figure that stuff out before."

"But I still cheated..."

"And so did I," I admit. When I say this the other side of the phone instantly gets silent.

She lets out a small laugh that turns back into a sob, "So we're both shitty people."

"Shitty gay people," I say as tears start to fall from my eyes. Once again the other side of the phone gets real silent again.

Suddenly she burst into laughter, "This is such a fucked situation."

I start to laugh with her, "I know"

Her laughs start to soften, "So who and when?"

"All of it was last night. With three different guys..."

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