Chapter One

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Kuzuko's POV:

I jumped at the sharp ding of the elevator as I had finally reached the Hunter exam hall. I was a bit jumpy from the event I had just endured, so that's why.
"Damn. Could they have made the noise a little quieter..?" I mumbled

As I walked in, the tense atmosphere of the tunnel made my skin crawl.
I slowly walked around, then a little short man
that Yelled towards me

"Hello! Come get your number badge!" He said
I sighed and walked over "hi?" I said.
The little dude gave me a badge. "18 huh? Not
bad I guess.." I mumbled, shoving the tag into my chest.

there wasn't many people here, but the tension soon expanded as more and more people filled the room.

I walked over to a corner, wanting to get away from people.
"Yo!" A man said walking towards me
I mentally sighed 'Man why is this dude coming
to talk to me..'

"Hi! I'm Tonpa, your new huh?"
I narrowed my eyes at him 'odd. How did he know I was new?'
"Hello? Um.." he said looking down at me
I sighed, man I need to get better at talking to

"Um hi." I said
"I can tell your a rookie, I've done this 35 times!" He said. I gave him a puzzled look. 35 times? How do you mess up that bad? There must be another reason why he's here.

"I wouldn't flaunt that." I said.
He glared at me before reaching into his bag, and pulled out an orange can of what was most likely soda.
"Here! You must be thirsty, you'll need it!" He said.
Pfft. There's no way he thinks I'm Gullible enough to take that. I blankly stared at him before taking the can.

"Thanks. But by the way, if your going to lie about something, you really should get better at it." I said, rather bluntly.

He looked puzzled "W-What do you mean? I'm not lying!" Tonpa said, worry lacing within his voice.
"It's obvious. This is spiked with something. Why else would you give it to me?" I said as I started shaking the can, making it explode all over him, making him annoyed. Before he could shout at me, I laughed as I walked away.

"Why you little!" He yelled in the distance as I continued to walk away.
'Seems like I got off to a bad start huh. I really shouldn't be making enemies here.' Id think to myself.

I groaned as I sat down on another wall, closer to the door
Time passed and I almost fell asleep. My peace was interrupted as I sensed someone watching me. A feeling I knew all too well.

I hesitate to open my eyes and look around, but I did so anyways. I looked around the dark hallway, searching for an answer to my question.

Then it hit, a certain white haired boy was looking at me, we made eye contact then he shrugged and looked away. 'Weird. What's his problem?' I thought as I eyed him walking away.

I decided to stand up, uncomfortable with all the attention on me, I wandered around, then saw Tonpa Talking to a group of people. I grew annoyed as I watched the man try and sway more people to drink his 'juice.'

'Morons... Surely they realize that it's spiked, right?' I thought as I watched them from a distance, seeing tonpa handing out the spiked juice to them.

The boy in green almost took a sip from that juice, I couldn't wait anymore so I instinctively interrupted them, I didn't want them to get sick, I'd rather not deal with that.

"Don't drink it, he spiked the juice." I said, walking twords the group.
"I knew it!" The tall man child Said
"Wow really? Thanks! That was a close one!" The green boy said
Tonpa glared at me before walking away, and unsatisfied.

"Thanks! What's your name?" The green boy said, walking up to me as the others with him folllwed

"Oh, I'm Kuzuko" I said, growing slightly nervous.
"I'm gon! And this is Leorio and Kurapika!" He said rather cheerfully as he pointed to the two.
"Oh okay" I mumbled.

I tuned out the boys as I sat in thought, it's been a while since I've been around people somewhat my age. Ever since that place. Much to my displeasure, I sticked around. Deciding to stay near the group, but not talking too much.

I was brought out of my thoughts by a blood curdling scream being heard.
"What was that?" Kurapika said
We walked over and saw a...knight? But his arms were being turned into flower pedals

"How magical~" a clown looking man said 'is he serious?' I thought as I narrowed my eyes at him. He was so ugly.

"You should really apologize when bumping into someone~" he said
I froze 'he destroyed his arms just because he bumped into him? Noted..' I thought to myslef, making sure to not get too close.

A large ringing sound could be heard coming from the front of the crowd moments later.
I shifted uncomfortably as the giant wall opened up, this whole thing is so weird. How is this an exam.

"Sorry to keep you waiting for so long." A man in a purple suit said "now we have come to an end of the exam registration, and so, the Hunter exam begins now!" He yelled

I tensed as the nerves grew inside of me, 'what is this gunna be like?' I thought as I looked at the group near me, them also somewhat tense.

 ❤︎𝑨 𝑻𝒘𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑭𝒂𝒕𝒆 ❤︎ Where stories live. Discover now