Chapter 6

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The loud sound of a alarm woke me out of my peaceful sleep. "Attention everyone, thank you for your patience, we have now arrived at the third exam venue" the voice said.

I groggily got up and looked out the window 'what in the hell is that?' I thought as I saw a large pillar on top of a circular mountain.

"There's not much here.." some voices said as we left the airship. The little green man explained,
"This is the top of trick tower. You'll pass if you can reach the bottom alive" he mentioned. 'So this should be decently easy then.' I thought.

"the time limit is 72 hours" he added on 'so roughly three days.' I thought as I shoved my hands into my pockets. "Well then. The third phase now begins!" He said everyone turned twords eachother, wondering the same thing.

We all looked over the edge, this building is huge! "Oh my god, we're really high up.." I shivered as I said that. Killua turned twords me with a smirk "so your afraid of heights? loser." He said

I sighed, as I slowly backed away from the cliff, not giving killua an answer. "Are we supposed to go down there?" Leorio asked "I hope not!" I yelled " that's just suicide.." kurapika muttered.

Suddenly a man chuckled from behind us "A normal person can't usually do that." He smirked as he climbed down "careful" leorio said, obviously scared.

"There's no way they would make this that easy, there must be another way in." I stated. The boys turned twords me, nodding after we saw the climber get taken away by a flying pig thing.


We were walking around, trying to find a way in. Suddenly kurapika stoped. "What is it?" Leorio asked. "There are fewer candidates." "Huh?!" Leorio screamed.

I sighed as I walked around, going back to Killua and gon. It's getting hot up here, and I just want to find the entrance.
Woah! Look guys." Gon said, catching our attention. "Kurapika! Leorio!" He said, calling them over "what is it gon?" Kurapika said, walking over
"I found a secret door" he explained as gon pushed his hand on the slab, making it open

"Good job gon! Let's hurry down then" leorio said, patting him on the back. "But I'm confused" gon added. He pointed to 6 different hidden trap doors. "There all secret doors" he said
"6 hidden secret doors so close together.." kurapika said in thought "it seems very suspicious." He added on.

I nodded in thought. 'This could very easily be a trap.' "Some of them could be traps" kurapika said, almost reading my exact thoughts. "What about you Kuzuko? What do you think?" Gon said, turning to me.

"Maybe they are either traps or they lead to the exact same room." I explained. Gon hummed in thought. "Also, it looks like these doors can only be opened once." Killua said, practically cutting me off, irritating me as he smirked.

"From the size of the door, seems like only one person can fit." Kurapika said, making the tension between killua and I go away

"That means each door can only be used by one person at a time" Killua explained "We will have to split up" he added.

I sighed, not liking this at all, why did we have to split up? I didn't wanna leave them. "Alright then, I guess this is goodbye for now" I angrily said, shoving my hands in my pockets.

We all stood on the doors, waiting for the cue to go. 'I just hope this all goes well.' "1" "2" 3"! We all yelled, hoping onto the trapdoor. It quickly opened, flipping over and I soon fell. 'Crap!' I thought 'I gotta try and land this'" I thought as I started falling closer and closer

I ended up falling straight on my face.
"Ow...what the hell.!?" I complained as I sat up, I was then met with familiar figures as I realized we all landed in the same room, making gon, killua, and I all laugh at each other.

We all got up and headed for the front of the room, man this place looks like a prison. On the table we're 6 watches. And a board above them with writing "From now on, the 6 of you will continue by following what the majority wants." Gon said as he read the sign

We all picked up the watches and put them on. It had a weird x and o buttons on it with a timer. "Are we supposed to wait until another person finds this room?" Kurapika said, worry lacing within his voice. "Before we can leave..?" He added on.

Suddenly a huge voice came over from the speaker, scaring the hell out of me "Ah! What the hell dude?!" I yelled, obviously annoyed. "That's right. My name is Lippo, I'm a prison warden and the examiner for the 3rd phase" he explained "so I wasn't wrong when I thought this place was a prison.." I mumbled, getting a weird glance from killua

"There are several routes in this tower, you guys have chosen the route of majority rules" he explained "If you wish to leave this place, you need to work as a team." He added on.

I sighed as I realized I'd be stuck here, but Atleast I'd be with them. "I guess we can't do anything until the 6th person arrives." Kurapika said.


Two hours passed and I was laying on the ground, counting the tiles while gon and killua played together. "Ahh! I can't take it anymore! It's been 2 hours!" Leorio yelled, catching all of our attentions.

I sat up, "calm down nerd, worst case scenario we just sleep here." I said, shooing him off. I wasn't really in the mood to deal with leorios complaining.
"What?! Who's side are you on Kuzuko?!" He yelled at me as I sighed and laid back down on my back. "If no one shows up in 72 hours, we're screwed!" He yelled as he continued to complain

Suddenly we heard knocking from above, alerting gon and I. We all mentally sighed as Tonpa fell through the door. "Tonpa!" Gon said "great.." I complained. I sat up as I got up, Shifting my heels to turn around.

Tonpa put on the watch as we could finally leave this place. Well hopefully. We walked to the door, opening it. We walked around through the door and we got another question, asking which way we wanted to go. We ended up going to the left, much to leorios displeasure.

Finally we arrived at an ending with a platform in the middle. "Look over there." Killua said, gesturing to the prisoners on the other side. "Finally, I'm free" a big dude said, walking twords the end of his cliff. I blankly stared at him. He seems real egotistical, what a nuisance.

"Guys, listen up." That same voice from before came on, making me jump agian. "Those men standing before you are all prisoners of trick tower." He explained.

"Prisoners?" Kurapika said "at the same time, they are examiners hired by the exam committee." 'Who in the hell would hire criminals?' I complained mentally about this whole situation, knowing I'd have to probably fight and risk tearing my wounds agian.

"However we made a deal with them. The longer they keep you here we decrease thier prison sentence. They want to keep you here as long as possible." The guy added on. 'Great. Now we have not just prisoners but freaks too.' I thought as I sighed.

"Okay! Who's going first!" The big guy said. Everyone was getting scared, debating what we should do. "The risk of going first is very high." Kurapika said "So I will go-" before kurapika could finish his sentence he was cut off by another voice

"No I'll do it" Tonpa said, stepping up to the platform. "I'll be the Guinea pig to see what we're up agianst" Tonpa added. "Don't be ridiculous. Your just gunna sabotage us." I said, crossing my arms.

"No, consider it my apology for what happened" he added on, looking at me. "Fine. Do whatever you want."I sighed, sitting down, I hope he gets his attitude fixed by that guy, cause he needs it.

 ❤︎𝑨 𝑻𝒘𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑭𝒂𝒕𝒆 ❤︎ Where stories live. Discover now