Chapter 11

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I sat in the irentation room. Anger and sadness filling my whole body. No one deserves to be like that. It hit way to close to home. At that exact moment, I made an oath to always protect Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio. No matter the cost. Even if that cost was my life. I gritted my teeth as images of killua flashed through my mind.

After we were told that gon had definitely passed,  it was killuas turn agianst the needle dude. 'I have a gut feeling somethings Gunna go wrong..I just can't place it' I thought, as the uneasiness came back. As killua walked towards him, he spoke "It's been too long, kil" he said my eyes widened as I knew he was the reason for my uneasiness. He started pulling the needles out of his face, causing his face to morph into a completely different one. Killuas eyes widened in fear as he saw who it was. "Illumi.." he said, stuttering. Killua started shaking in fear. "Hey" Illumi said.

My stomach twisted and turned. 'Oh my god, I'm gunna vomit' I thought as I got voilently nauseous as I recognized the man. My hands on my stomach as I gagged.

He often visited the orphanage to buy or sell kids to the foundation, I luckily wasn't his victims, but the stories I've heard aren't good in the slightest.

We learned that it was killuas older brother, making my stomach twist and turn more, making me pale. "I heard you cut up mom and Milluki." He started talking once more, making killua tense. "I guess" Killua said, sweat dripping down his face. "Mom cried...tears of joy" Illumi said, looking at killua. My stomach was so upset now I had to sit down, as memories flooded back into my mind after seeing illumi agian. It didn't seem he recognized me though.

"I didn't know you wanted to be a hunter' illumi stated. I looked up with intrest, holding my stomach in pain as beads of sweat rolled down my face. "I'm trying to get a hunters license for my next job" he added 'his next job?! What could that be..' my face contorted into one with worry.

"I don't really wanna be a hunter. I just felt like taking the exam." Killua explained, obviously still uncomfortable. "I see. Then I have some advice." He stated. I tensed as I felt his aura get dangerously dark, making me flinch in a panic, making my stomach worsen. "Your not cut out to be a hunter" illumi continued "you were born to assassin" he said, making killua sweat and shake tremendously.

My stomach worsened, I hate it when this happens. I tried my best to continue to watch the two. "You don't want anything or wish for anything" Illumi said, making my blood boil.

"That's true, I don't desire to become a hunter, but...I do have something I want" Killua said, shakily. "You don't." "I do! There's something I really want!" Killua said as he raised his voice

"Tell me what it is you want." Illumi asked
"I want.." Killua hesitated as he tried to talk "I want to be friends with gon...and Kuzuko" he stated as he mentioned gon and I's name. My heart shattered, 'that's all killua ever wanted, was to be friends with someone..yet that man took that away from him. This hits too close to home' I thought as some bloodlust spilled out of me. "I'm sick of killing people..I want to be friends with gon and Kuzuko..." he stated "that's impossible" Illumi spoke up. "You'll never be able to make friends" he added on "you just don't know who to classify gon cause he's too dazzling in your eyes. And this Kuzuko girl, forget about her. She's...useless." Illumi stated, making my bloodlust even stronger, alerting the nearby people. So he did recognize me.

"If you stay with them, you'll end up killing them both one day anyways." Illumi said "because you have the soul of a killer." He finished.

I abruptly stood up "SHUT UP! If you were truely his brother you would care for killua endlessly! How dare you talk to him that way!" I yelled, loosing my cool.

"Oh. Your Kuzuko. I've seen you before. At the orph-" before he continue I flung my staff at him, causing him to sit silent. "Your brave. I commend you that." He started, looking at me blankly. "Shut up! Don't say another word. Or else." I said, making my presence seem dangerous. "Oh no, that's not good." He stated walking twords me I tensed and backed away, knowing I couldn't defeat him.

"You want to be friends with gon and Kuzuko?! Are you dumb?! Your already friends with them!" Leorio yelled, backing me up.

"Oh no, that's not good too. They already view kil as a friend. That's it, I'll kill them both." He stated, making bloodlust evident around him. I jumped infront of the door leading to where gon was at "if your going to kill gon. Your gunna have to kill me first." I said, standing in the way. "But if I kill them I get disqualified and Kil wins..." Illumi stoped in thought. "I know! I'll pass the exam then kill gon and Kuzuko" he said, lifting a finger up.

"Did you hear that kil? You'll have to beat me in order to save them" Illumi then slowly walked twords killua. "Will you beat me for your friends sake? You can't do it. Because your more worried about wether or not you can defeat me" Illumi finished.

I gripped my staff, ready to attack if he even dared to get close to me. The pain in my stomach worsening as I continued to ignore it. "Never fight an enemy you can't beat" I drilled that into your head." Illumi said, easing his hand at killua. Killua hesitated as he tried to move back "don't move. If you do I'll assume the fight has begun."

My teeth gritted, as anger coerced through my body, remembering the amount of times I've been manipulated like that.

"Don't forget. If you don't fight me, your beloved gon and Kuzuko will die." He added on killua shaked in fear as his eyes were widening. "I..surrender" he whispered. My eyes grew wide. Something was wrong with killua, he was way different from before.

"I lied kil. I wasn't gunna kill gon or Kuzuko." He said, making me pause for a moment 'he lied? Did he say that just to scare killua to make him surrender?' I was in deep thought, I hadn't even noticed that the next match had already started.

Killua walked back to us, refusing to look at any of us, beads of sweat dripping down his face. When the next match started, killua came up behind the man, and killed him. Immediately disqualifying him.

Present time~
I gritted my teeth, ignoring the introduction that was given to us. 'What an asshole. If I had the chance to fight back I would. There wasn't anything I could do. I felt hopeless..useless.'

Suddenly the door loudly opened I slowly turned and saw gon, he was furious. I watched him in silence as he walked down the stairs thirds Illumi. "Apologize to killua!" He yelled, we all only sat there in silence, watching the whole thing go down.

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