Chapter 13

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Days passed as we continued to train endlessly, I had a feeling today was the day we were gunna open it. And we did. We all fell inside as we were able to finally open the door.

We were given directions to the mansion as we said our goodbyes to the janitor as we left down the path to go find killua.

After we walked for a while we saw a guard, a young girl who looks like she's around our age. "Please leave. Your trespassing onto private property." She said, rather strictly. We all glared at her. "I cannot allow you to pass without permission." She continued. I looked at her as I realized she wasn't as stone cold as she appeared.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as I saw gon get smacked in the face by her weapon. This happened for a while as gon was persistent like usual. I ran and crossed the line right after gon was hit, catching her off guard. Suddenly I was hit in the stomach with the end of her cane, which was rather sharp. It sended me back a few feet. I grabbed my stomach in pain, seeing blood pour into my clothes.


I noticed she was getting more and more hesitant to strike us. I was now covered in blood from being reckless, making some of my own old wounds re open once more. But I didn't care.

"Why..why are you so persistent?!" She yelled, obviously getting uncomfortable. A tense silence would transpire before she spoke up agian.

" master killua-" her speech was cut off by a bullet hitting her neck, making her fall to the floor. All of us gasped as she was knocked out.

"Honestly..what was the servant babiling about?" A voice came from on top of the hill, making me snap my head to that direction. "She made it sound like we're being mean to killua." She finished as a weird cyborg looking woman spoke with a kid next to her.

I ran to the girl as the others followed suit. I didn't know why, but I wanted everything I could do to make sure she was okay. I didn't like seeing other girls my age getting abused like that.

"How rude! She's just a bloody apprentice!" The woman yelled. "You must be gon.." she started. She then looked at me "and you must be Kuzuko." She said, a wild smile on her face. I tensed as I didn't say anything and continued to treat the butler with some cloth I had left in my pocket. "I heard all about you two from Illumi. Killua knows your here.." gon and I looked up at her. "I have a message from kil. Thanks for coming but I can't see you right now." She finished. I only scoffed 'yeah right, killua isn't that modest.' I only sighed as I realized this was going to be more of a pain than I expected.

We all sat there in thought as we worried for canarys well being. I ripped off a part of my pants, covering the wound to stop the bleeding. I glared at killuas mom. Why is every single parents I've encountered so far an absolute asshole.

"Forgive me for not introducing myself. I am killuas mother. This is Kalluto" she said as I looked at the girl..? beneath her. "Why can't killua come see us?" Gon asked "because he is in solitary confinement." She said. My eyes widened as I realized just how horrible this family really is.

"Kil returned home cause he deeply regretted his actions." She finished. I only scoffed. 'Yeah right. He was bragging about killing you on the airship.' I thought. Suddenly she started screaming, and she ran away. What a freak. "We can't leave yet. If we do that, we'll leave canary." I said, there's no point in leaveing yet anyways. "I will..take you to the butlers office." She said as she woke up. I gasped lightly as I realized she was okay. "There is a phone that connects to the mansion." She explained. I only sighed as I realized she'd be sacrificing herself for us. I hated that.


We walked for a while. "Are you sure your not gunna get introuble?" Gon asked "I am merely serving as a guide for master killuas friends." Said said as we kept walking.

We finally arrived at the butlers place, as guards bowed before us. We walked inside as we took a seat. "The lady of the house asked us to treat you as official guests" one of the butlers said. I squirmed in the chair, getting blood everywhere. They then started treating Gons wounds, one of the butlers came over with Medical supplies. I declined and said id do it myself in the bathroom. The butler looked at me weirdly before handing me the supplies, letting me leave to the bathroom. "I'll be back gon, I gotta use the bathroom" I said, hiding the medical supplies behind my back "okay, hurry up though!" He said I only smiled and walked away.

I entered the bathroom, locking it behind me. I sat the stuff on the counter as I started removing my gloves, seeing the horrid sight once more. I bandaged up my arm, and covered it back up with the bloody glove. 'This is too bad, once we leave I'll need to buy new clothes agian.' I thought. I removed the shirt, as I looked in the mirror, the large number of 1256 embedded on my back, carved into a scar. That had seemed to open once more by it. I patched that up and got fully dressed. Putting the old, bloody clothes back on.

I walked out of the bathroom, no longer bleeding with dried blood on my skin. I tensed as I realized three butlers were standing up, something was wrong. I slowly stepped back into the bathroom, deciding to not get involved with whatever the hell was going on here.

After a while I heard a voice "Gotoh, are the here yet?" My eyes widened as it was killuas voice. "Killua!" I heard gon yell. 'I guess nows the time to leave the bathroom. 'Huh? Where's Kuzuko?" I heard killua ask. "Oh she went to the bathroom, but it's been a while so I don't know what's taking her so long." Gon said. I only sighed as I walked out, shame all over my face as I hated my clothes. "Kuzuko!" Killua yelled, pointing at me "what's up?" I said killua then turned to the boys, "and um..kurapika!" "He remembered.." kurapika said, sadly. I only chucked as I walked over "and liorio!" Killua said, completely butchering his name.

"Man gon your face is all messed up, what happened?!" He said smirking at gon "you too Kuzuko! What the hell happend to your clothes?!" He said pointing at me. I only shrugged with a smirk on my face, irritating him.

"Hey gotoh, I told you to let me know as soon as they arrived!" Killua said "what were you doing?" He questioned "please forgive me. I had them participate in a little game." Gotoh explained. "A game?" Killua questioned

'A part of me is glad I was in the bathroom the whole time.' "Well let's go somewhere else, like anywhere else." Killua said, gesturing to gon and I. "If we stay here my mom will give us an ear full" Killua complained


We finally left that stupid mansion, we were now walking downtown. "Yeah, he pulled the same trick on me before" Killua said, referring to Gotoh. "Oh yeah, killua, did you know Kuzuko almost opened the gate on her first try!?" Gon said, pointing at me. My face faltered as I didn't expect to be put in the spotlight. "What? Really? That's amazing!" Killua said, smiling at me. I felt my face heat up as I quickly looked away. "It was nothing...I just pushed is all." I said, a small blush still on my face. The two boys just laughed at me.

We were on a bus, and we told killua everything about how we even got to the mountain. "Huh? You guys got here via a travel bus?!" He said "mhm!" Gon said "didn't you pass the Hunter exam?! You could've just used your license!" Killua said. We only sighed as we had tried to tell gon that.

Gon had decided that he needed to punch hisoka, in order for him to feel complete so he can use his hunters license. "So where's hisoka?" Killua asked. We all sweat dropped as well, we didn't know where he was. "I know where he is, gon." Kurapika said, looking away from us.

" York new city..on September 1st?" I said, shoving my hands in my pockets. "What's going to happen?" Gon asked. I turned my head at them "oh, there gunna hold the worlds largest auction." Leorio said. I only sighed. An auction? How lame. "So the group will be there?" I said, cutting leorio off. Kurapika looked at me "they wouldn't let this chance go by. So in that day, hisoka will be in york new." Kurapika explained.

"Alright, I'll be leaving now." Kurapika said. "We managed to see killua agian, so my work is done here." He finished. "I'll need money to enter the auction." I only smiled as I realized this would be the last time I'd see kurapika for a while. "I guess I should go home then." Leorio said "you too?" Gon asked.

"I haven't given up on my dream of being a doctor. If I'm accepted, I can use this to pay off the fee" leorio stated, holding up his card. "Okay, good luck!" Gon said. I smiled at him "don't give up, you can do it!" I said, giving him a thumbs up.

"Until we meet agian." "Yes, that will be.." "September 1st, in York new city!" We all said. I smiled, man I need to buy new clothes..

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05 ⏰

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