𝐈𝐈𝐈. 𝐀 𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞

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Episode 1: Capital R RakeChapter 3: A Pure Course

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Episode 1: Capital R Rake
Chapter 3: A Pure Course

Lady Danbury, Lady Mary, Miss Kate Sharma, Miss Naomi Sharma, and Miss Edwina Sharma all got out of the carriage and walked towards the building, some feeling confident and others feeling nervous. 

"Just remember to breathe, bon." Kate told Edwina. "Ah. The marquis of Ashdown. He might be a little young to be sure but he has 10,000 a year. The earl of Gloucester. His wife recently died of influenza. He might make a particularly estimable addition to your dance card this evening, Miss Sharma." Lady Danbury suggested. "I will not be taking the floor tonight, Lady Danbury." Kate explained.

"Is there someone back home you've yet to tell me about?" Lady Danbury questioned. "I am long past all of that. The only match I am interested in is for my sisters. They trust me implicitly." She explained. "Now, what about the duke of suffolk?" Kate continued. "The duke flaunts his mistresses. I assure you, Miss Sharma, I have our prospects well in hand." Lady Danbury told her.

"Ah, there she is." Lady Danbury said upon seeing her majesty. 

"Your majesty, may I present Lady Mary Sharma, whom you must remember. And may I present her daughters, Miss Sharma, Miss Naomi Sharma and Miss Edwina Sharma, my personal guests for the season." Lady Danbury introduced. "A high honor, indeed. I hear you have made quite a journey to join us again after all these years, Lady Mary. If only you had extended the courtesy of offering your queen a final farewell before you left." Her majesty said spitefully.

"Oh how I relish a challenge." Lady Danbury spoke. 

"It truly is a sparse crop." Anthony said, looking out for anyone eye catching. "Oh, I am sure there is someone here who will charm you. After all, this is the season the viscount intends to find a wife." Violet spoke. "You honestly just did that?" Anthony asked. "I believe I did." Violet said, proud of herself once seeing all the mama's rushing to put in a good word for their daughter. 

"I know that gentleman." Naomi said, looking at the man who had many ladies surrounding him. "Who?" Edwina questioned. "The viscount? I do not believe I have yet made an introduction." Lady Danbury questions, more like an interrogation as she looks for Naomi's reaction. "Of course. It must be my mistake." Naomi spoke.

"Though you have quite the eye. Viscount Bridgerton is wealthy, well-connected, and from one of the ton's most illustrious families. Apparently hoping to marry this season, he may very well be our most eligible bachelor, indeed." Lady Danbury told her. 

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