𝐗𝐗𝐈𝐕. 𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫

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Episode 6: The ChoiceChapter 24: It's Done For

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Episode 6: The Choice
Chapter 24: It's Done For

"Bloody Hell!" Naomi exclaimed, tugging her arm away from Kate. "No! You do not get to complain, Naomi!" Kate exclaims. "Now let us go before anyone sees this." Kate says, grabbing her arm again. Naomi whines but complies.

"Breathe, Edwina. It is just nerves. We will call for tea, and once you have something in your stomach, you will be strong enough to go back out there. The viscount... The viscount will understand, yes, Naomi, Kate?" Mary tries. "Naomi, perhaps you might find that tea--" Mary says before she it cut off. "It is not tea that I want!" Edwina exclaims. "What I want is the truth." Edwina continues. Naomi took in a deep breath, softly tugging at her hair as she tried to think of what to say.

"Oh. Suddenly, your words fail you, Sister?" Edwina asks. "Edwina. Naomi. I am not sure what is going on." Mary says. "I shall tell you what is going on, Mama. After a lifetime of filling my head with nonsense, of all this talk of great, gallant notions and looks between lovers--" Edwina starts. "Edwina--" Naomi tries, "You have feelings for him!" the fallen bride exclaims. "All this time, you wanted him for yourself." Edwina argues. "No, that is not true!" Naomi exclaims.

"Oh, you cannot deny it now, Naomi. How could I have been such a fool? You lied to me again and again." Edwina says, beginning to pant. "You said all this lie about him loving me but deep down you knew it was a lie! You took me as a fool! You played me! And damnit--I fooled myself into believing you had only the purest of intentions, that your only desire was for me to be happy." Edwina states. 

"Edwina, that is my wish, I do want you to be happy." Naomi tries. "Do you love him?" Edwina questions. "Huh?" Naomi asks. "You told me you hated him. But that only meant your feelings... your feelings were strong. Do you love him?" Edwina asks again. Naomi felt her mouth go dry as she though of an answer. "N-no?" Naomi says, silently cursing herself out when they words she had formulated sounded like a questioned. "Hah!" Edwina scoffs, throwing her bouquet at the girl. "That is enough. No good can come from this at present." Mary states. 

"Let us all take a moment to calm ourselves, shall we?" Mary says before turning to Naomi. "You have kept so very much from me. Go. Anywhere else, Naomi." she continues. It doesn't take Naomi a second to flee from the room. She was so embarrassed, so mad, so..so..so vexed!

She was annoyed with Anthony, for breaking the promise. Annoyed with her self, for ever falling for him. She was annoyed with the world for putting roles in anything and everything. She needed to calm down. She found comfort in a closet room where she threw her gloves off and dropped to the floor, tears taking over her.

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