𝐗𝐗𝐕𝐈𝐈. 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐭 𝐒𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐎𝐟 𝐉𝐚𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬

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Episode 7: HarmonyChapter 27: That Distinct Smell Of Jasmines

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Episode 7: Harmony
Chapter 27: That Distinct Smell Of Jasmines

Riding on her horse, Naomi made her way to the park where she already spotted Anthony. With him he carried a box. She got off her horse, giving it a pet and walking over to the man. "What is it you need? It is so late, Anthony, I could barley get past Lady Danbury's watchers." Naomi spoke. "I like it when you call me Anthony." Anthony states. "Is it not your name?" Naomi asks with a chuckle. 

"I suppose." Anthony spoke. "What did you need from me, Anthony?" Naomi questions. Anthony carefully takes her hand, slipping off her glove. Naomi raised an eyebrow but stayed there. From his other hand he brought out a beautiful ring. Naomi soft gasped as he put it on her engagement finger. It was a type of princess cut which Naomi adored. "Anthony, it is beautiful!" Naomi says, admiring it. 

Anthony smiled, kissing her hand before returning her glove. "Was coming here worth it then?" He asks. Naomi rolls her eyes with a chuckle. "I suppose." She says in the same tone he had said it in before. "May I?" Anthony questions. Naomi nods. Anthony takes her cheek in his hands, pulling her closer and kissing her softly.

It was not like their other kisses that were filled with much desire and lust. It was slow, passionate, and more meaningful, at least to Naomi, that is. 

Stepping out of the carriage, Naomi already spotted the Bridgerton's waiting for them. Her mom stood beside her, fixing Naomi's hair. Edwina came out last, standing away from the family. "Lady Danbury." Anthony acknowledged. Lady Danbury nodded at him.

"Lady Mary." Anthony continued, handing the women a flower. "Miss Naomi." Anthony said, handing the flower to her. "Miss Sharma." Anthony spoke. "Miss Edwina, I-" Anthony started but stopped once seeing her cold stone face. Edwina took the flower, immediately handing it to the coach man.

"Now remember, before we are to send out any invitations, we must appear to be happy about the change in circumstance." Violet spoke. "Shall we?" Violet asks. Edwina walked with Violet in first, avoiding the gaze of Naomi and Anthony. Then was Kate, Lady Mary, and Naomi.

As Naomi walked by, Anthony couldn't help but intake her scent. He hummed softly in satisfaction before Lady Danbury cleared her throat. Anthony looked at Lady Danbury then at Naomi who he decided to catch up with.

As the group walked in, eyes were on them. People began to talk as they always did. "Do not be daunted. If we can put the wedding behind so shall they." Violet spoke. "I thought they believed our story?" Naomi questioned. "Well, the ton does have short memory. Today we shall remind them." Lady Danbury spoke. 

And so, Anthony was with Lady Mary. Violet with Kate and Lady Danbury and Edwina with Naomi. 

"You must forgive me, Lady Mary." Anthony started. "I have yet formally to apologize." Anthony continued. "It is not exactly a surprise. Men often take time to realize their culpability in such matters." Lady Mary states. "It is quite the privilege, is it not?" She asks. "You have every reason to scorn me. But I would be very much remiss if I did not tell you it was not my intention ever to cause your family as much strife as I now know I have done." Anthony spoke.

"In truth, I cannot place blame entirely at your door, Lord Bridgerton. After my husbands death I had shutdown. And somewhere along the way abandoned my children. Kate took care of them but I guess Naomi found her own meaning for life. Building her own presences, likes and dislikes, and so much more I never knew of." Lady Mary spoke.

"Lady Hood, how good it is to see you today." Lady Mary states. "And you, Lady Mary. And Lord Bridgerton too." Lady Hood says before walking off. Anthony spotted Naomi looking at a sculpture, her face downcast as Edwina stood on the other side, refusing to talk. 

Naomi walked over to Edwina. "Most seem to be swallowing our story of the separation being due to..the Queens decision." Edwina spoke. "That is well." Naomi nods. "Likely because I know how to lie, curtsy of you and the Viscount." Edwina continues. 

"Edwina, I am terribly sorry. I will do whatever it takes for you to forgive me. I never meant to betray you like I have." Naomi says. "I guess I should thank you." Edwina started. "When the Viscount and I were talking..He stated how I wasn't like you. How I was made to be Viscountess but you..you were special. I honestly wish I didn't ask. Then I wouldn't have none it was your scent that captivated him." Edwina spoke.

Naomi took a glance at Anthony who was already looking at her. "The queen suggested me her nephew." Edwina states. Naomi looked at Edwina. "Well, that is wonderful. When you get to know him, it will be wonderful." Naomi nods. Edwina shrugs, walking away. Naomi sighs softly as Anthony walks over.

"It is progress." Naomi says with a sad smile, looking at her sisters back. "I see that." Anthony says, holding the girls hand. Naomi looked at him, her gaze focusing into his eyes. Anthony moved the ring he could feel under the glove. "I wouldn't have it any other way." Anthony mumbles. "Oh really?" Naomi asks with a scoff. 

"My family despises me. Your family, well your family is always blissful. It is a horrible outcome." Naomi says. "Yet we are still together in this horrible outcome." Anthony says. "You are a joke." Naomi chuckles. "Your family will come around, I promise you that." Anthony spoke. "Don't break it, Anthony." Naomi says. "I won't, Naomi." 

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