𝐗𝐗𝐕𝐈. 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐝

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Episode 7: HarmonyChapter 26: Spending Time With The Betrothed

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Episode 7: Harmony
Chapter 26: Spending Time With The Betrothed

Naomi took a deep breath, trying to find comfort in the warm bath water she rested in. The girl just couldn't find respite in the situation. How could she when Edwina was sitting there ignoring her, Kate was giving her the deadliest cut eye and Mary was just disappointed.  Just when she wanted to say something to Edwina, Edwina spoke up, "I am done." 

Naomi sighed softly, trying not to be noticed by her family. "I too am done." Kate says, getting out a few moments after Edwina. "Try the blend of cucumber and jasmine soap. It works well for refreshment." Mary told her child. Naomi took a glance at it, deciding on it. Her mother was not wrong, she felt her muscles relax but always in the back of her mind was her intended marriage.

Promenading was not as hard as they thought it would be. Thanks for the Queen's help, everyone believed the story and accepted the new couple. Strange. Naomi walked arm in arm with Anthony, though finding little serenity in it. Their families strayed behind them, chatting amongst each other. The two were silent, though. Weirdly silent for two people who couldn't keep their hands off each other. Anthony broke this silence.

"Lovely weather..Is it not?" Anthony asked. Naomi turned to face his and that's when he saw the tears plaguing her pupils. "A-are you quite well, Miss Naomi?" Anthony questioned. "Oh, I am. It is only the weather. Believe me." Naomi says, turning away and drying her eyes.

"The wedding is merely in a 2 weeks. Are we to stay this tense?" Anthony asks. "I would hope not." Naomi mumbles, trying to find comfort in the necklace she was fiddling with. "I'm sincerely sorry for all the harm I caused you and your family." Anthony says. "It was as much my fault as it was yours." Naomi spoke. "Now we must..deal with it. As uncomfortable as it is." Naomi spoke.

"Can we meet..In the park?" Anthony asks. "In the park. To do what? Create more scandal?" Naomi said. Anthony side eyed her. "No. I must give you something." Anthony said. "You can not give it to me here?" Naomi asks. "No." Anthony says. "Very well, then." Naomi nods. "Although it might be tricky to get through.." Naomi mumbles.

"You smell off..cucumbers." Anthony spoke. Naomi snorted. "What?" Naomi asks. "I am being very honest with you. It's different from your usual smell.. Though I can still identify the undertones of jasmines." Anthony said very concentrated. Naomi chuckled. "Really? What are you, Newton?" Naomi asks. "I am quite offended. I am no dog." Anthony disagrees. "Then why are you smelling me like you are one?" Naomi questions in a teaseful manor. 

As their banter continued, Edwina looked at the two. All she felt was pain, betrayal, bewilderment. How could she have been that blind. Blind to their connection, their chemistry, their compatibility. Anyone can feel it, they could sense it. If they'd ever walk into the room together it would be as if they were the couple of the decade.

Edwina was so blinded by the notion of love that she was to infatuated to see that the passion wasn't reciprocated.

Naomi's laughter died down. As moments passed she found herself resting on Anthony's arm, Anthony noticing this but not minding it. 

The Sharma family, Agatha, Violet, and Anthony all sat in Agatha's drawing room. "Now that..we know the ton accepts this couple. We have to make sure to keep it that way." Lady Danbury speaks. "I should like to keep myself from this room." Edwina says, cut eyeing Naomi as she got up. 

"We also must make sure the queen doesn't see into our little lie." Violet spoke. "We should just act as if the following events have no effect to us." Mary spoke. "A ball." Lady Danbury proposes. "Yes." Violet agrees with a chuckle. "Together. We prove to the ton that our story is true. It was indeed a mutual decision between all interested parties, and there is no scandal or ill will between our families at all." Violet continues. "Hmm." Lady Danbury thinks. "A ball would give Edwina another chance to find a suitor." Mary offers. "Another ball? So that the ton might inspect this wreckage with an even closer eye?" Anthony asks.

"A ball may very well work." Kate starts. "After all, the viscount and my sister have been so good at hiding their true feelings from everyone in public this far. It should not trouble them to do the same a little longer." Edwina says. "Kate..Edwina..." Naomi tries. She was interrupted by the barking of Newton. Naomi tuts, "Ugh, Newton." Naomi says, trying to get the dog off Anthony's foot. 

"Oh, Newton. My apologies. Newton, out. Out. Newton, out." Naomi spoke as they both stood. As they both retain their stance, Anthony caught whiff of Naomi's scent. Noticing this Naomi took a look at Anthony's coat collar up to his eyes where she finds she cannot leave. "Was I truly this blind?" Edwina questions, sitting down with a huff.

"This plan may work..if you manage not to aggravate Edwina. Got that?" Lady Danbury asks, separating the two with the hit from her cane. "Lady Danbury!" Naomi exclaims. "I am serious." Lady Danbury spoke. 

Naomi sighs, sitting back down while Anthony leaves with his mother. 

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