𝐗𝐗𝐗. 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦

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Episode 8: The Viscount Who Loved MeChapter 30: After The Storm

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Episode 8: The Viscount Who Loved Me
Chapter 30: After The Storm

"May I take to the floor with my wife?" Anthony asks. "Of course. Take her." Kate says. Naomi smiles at Anthony. "If I didn't know any better I would think you were avoiding me." Anthony says. "How could I ever ignore you, Anthony?" Naomi asks. "That was my question too." Anthony spoke. "Don't get too ahead of yourself, Viscount." Naomi says as he brings her to the dance floor.

The dance they shared was much different then the others. No more was the tension, the wariness, or the pressure. It was just the two of them, the music, and the moment. For the first time, they felt like they could truly be themselves, and for the first time, they felt like they could really be together. As they danced, the world around them faded away, and all that mattered was the beat of their hearts in sync. 

Their eyes never left each other, breaths perfectly in sync as their hands joined above. It slowly traveled down to where they could see each other's upper face. As there hands cupped together, Naomi's eyebrow scrunched. Anthony let out a breath as Naomi softly smiled. The dance had just concluded when Lady Featherington rushed into the room. 

"Everyone! Outside! I have a surprise for you!" She says. After a few seconds of comments, the queen left first, giving a passing smile to Naomi and Anthony whose hands were still conjoined. "Shall we follow the ton?" Naomi asks. "I don't see why not." Anthony says, bringing her closer and walking outside.

Penelope walked through the halls, a gleeful look plaguing her face. The moment she entered the room, her expression changed. She found her couch scattered. She quickly entered, looking for who had done this. When she saw Eloise rise she gasped. "Eloise." Penelope says. "Where did you get all of this money?" Eloise asks. "What are you doing going through my things?" Penelope questions. "Answer...me." Eloise says sternly. "It's none of your business." Penelope spoke causing Eloise to scoff. "It's none of my business. I see. And what exactly is your business, Pen?" Eloise asks.

"Hearing you repeat all that gossip tonight, it struck me, because I have never heard you like that. You might have said those things before, but tonight was the first time I, in fact, heard you say them. It sounded so familiar. Your words. Not just the content or subject, but the pattern. It sounded written, almost." Eloise says. "Why do you think that is?" Eloise asks. "Because you have been reading too much Whistledown. Her voice, it is echoing in your head, Eloise." Penelope tries. "I thought so too, at first. But then I also thought about how you were always clinging to that wall, collecting all sorts of morsels of gossip. How when I expressed my dislike for the naming of the diamond at the beginning of the season, Whistledown disavowed the whole thing shortly after..." Eloise spoke.

"How you were one of the only people who could've known about Miss Thompson's pregnancy." Eloise continues. "You could not--" Penelope tries. "And then I thought about how you said people have been talking about me and Theo. Only, if that were the case, Whistledown would have written about it weeks ago. It is even why you chose to work with Madame Delacroix. Because she was someone I had already dismissed. Because this was personal." Eloise accused. "Eloise," Penelope starts with a sniffle.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. You are right about all of it. I was trying to protect you." Penelope tries. "Is that what you were doing?! By writing about me in your latest sheet? By telling the entire world about things I trusted you with?" Eloise exclaims. "Only to convince the queen it wasn't you. It was the only way I could save you!" Penelope says. "The only person you were interested in saving was yourself. All so you could keep making money, at a cost to everyone else. At a cost to Miss Thompson. To my brother. To my entire family. To your entire family. I ended my friendship with Theo because of you!" Eloise yells.

"One of the only good things in my life, all because of your self-serving manipulation!" She continues. "You have no idea how horrible it has felt to keep this from you, from everyone, for so long! Whistledown has been all I have had, and I have given it up. I am done with it." Penelope says before sobbing. " I wrote what I wrote, and I gave it up for you." Penelope continues. "I do not even know you. I look at you now, and all I feel is pity for you. Sequestered here in this very room, writing your secret little scandal sheet, tarnishing everyone in town because you are too scared to stand up for yourself in reality." Eloise says.

"You are something, Penelope. An insipid wallflower, indeed."

"At least I did something. All you ever do is talk about doing something. You've all these great ambitions, these great plans, but I am the one who did something great, and you cannot stand it, can you?!" Penelope screams. "And what do you think that makes you?" Penelope asks. "I wish never to see or speak to you again." Eloise spoke, slamming the door behind her.

Naomi sat in the grass beside Anthony, away from the Ton. "What do you think about extending our honeymoon?" Anthony asks, playing with the girls ring. "Extending?" Naomi asks. "Yes." Anthony nods. "It would be most scandalous.." Naomi jokes. "Oh but we've already created so much." Anthony spoke. 

Naomi looks up at him. "What would you say if I says yes?" Naomi asks. "I wouldn't say anything." Anthony says. "What ever could that mean?" Naomi questions. Anthony takes her cheek, bringing her in for a kiss. "I would act." Anthony whispers before pulling back into the kiss. Naomi slowly gets on top of him. "What if someone were to see?" Anthony asks, nibbling on her ear. "I didn't think you were one to care." Naomi mumbles, bringing him back into the kiss. 

The only thing that brings them out of their heated daze is the sound of fireworks. Naomi slowly pulls away from the kiss, resting on his chest. "I could not imagine life without you, Naomi." Anthony says. "There is never a day where you do not vex me." Naomi says, looking up at him teasingly. "I wouldn't have it any other way." Anthony spoke. "I suppose we're finally seeing eye-to-eye on something." Naomi shrugs. "I suppose--" Before Anthony could finish his sentence Naomi brings him in for a kiss. 

"You never fail to bewitch me." Anthony mumbles. "I love you." Naomi says, her thumb softly pulling down Anthony's lower lip. "I love you too." Anthony spoke. 

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