𝐕𝐈. 𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐞

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Episode 2: Off To The RacesChapter 6: Racing Towards The Finish Line

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Episode 2: Off To The Races
Chapter 6: Racing Towards The Finish Line

"Naomi, don't stray too far now." Kate spoke. "Okay didi" Naomi answered, walking with her suitor, Lord Elliot. 

"So what do you like?" Lord Elliot questioned. "A great deal of things from reading to composing music." Naomi answered. "I do enjoy quite some reading as well. Lovely we have that a like." Lord Elliot spoke. "Lovely indeed. Shall we have our seats?" Naomi asked. "Yes of course." Lord Elliot agreed, walking with her to sit.

"Lord Bridgerton." Lumley spoke. "Miss Naomi, Miss Sharma, Miss Edwina. Lumley, Elliot." Anthony addressed. "How delightful to see you, my lord." Edwina spoke. "Lord Bridgerton, allow me to introduce myself. Mr. Thomas Dorset." Thomas introduced. Anthony nodded as a greeting. "Miss Edwina I was hoping to call on you this morning--" Anthony was interrupted. 

"My sister is well aware of everything--" Kate was cut off. "But I promised my family to join them for breakfast. We are exceptionally close. Break our fasts together regularly." Anthony said, speaking over Kate. "oh..There they all are now." Anthony continued. 

"One can tell a great deal about a man from his family, I rather think" Naomi said, looking at Edwina and Kate. "Yes, there are many excellent, affectionate families of the ton. Are there not?" Kate spoke. "Though none quite as inviting as the Bridgertons. My mother's been wanting to enjoy another tea at the bridgerton house for some time, my lord." Lumley spoke. 

"We must gratify your wish, Lumley." Anthony said. "Speaking of refreshments, I could not help but notice the ladies are without." Anthony continued. "We are perfectly content, thank you." Kate said. "It is an unseasonably hot day, and any gentleman would make sure--" Anthony spoke. "Miss Edwina, allow me to fetch a lemonade for you." Lumley said. "Oh, that would be most agreeable. Thank you, my lord." Edwina said.

"Allow me to do the same" Elliot said. "Oh no it's fine.." Naomi told him. "I insist" Elliot spoke, getting up with Lumley to go get drinks. Anthony made his way to sit in Lumley's seat, sitting in the middle of Edwina and Naomi. 

"It's a splendid day for a race" Anthony said after sitting. 

"Lord Lumley and Elliot seem to have gotten lost on their journey back from the lemonade stand." Kate said, hinting at something. "I am happy to search for him." Thomas spoke. "It was the viscount who insisted on refreshments. Perhaps he might go?" Kate said. "Didi.." Naomi groaned. "With the race set to begin?" Anthony said, chuckling. 

"Which one is your pick my lord?" Edwina asked. "nectar. Well-bred, highly trained, and well-favored." Anthony answered. "nectar. Really?" Naomi asked. "Yes...I have a feeling about him, your pick?" Anthony asked. "A feeling? So you've considered your horse's temperament, as well as the conditions of the track, in order to properly assess its true potential?" Naomi asked.

"It is suddenly feeling warm sister, is it not?" Edwina asked. "Nectar is a prize steed." Anthony said, quite offended. "Perhaps we should find a little more shade?" Thomas asked. "no no, this is very enjoyable." Kate said. "Nectar ran well at Doncaster, but that was a firmer course. The weather was much cooler. Thus his size was an advantage. Today the track is soft, and it is hot, meaning he will struggle to make headway, overheat, and slow down during the final leg, giving  High Flyer, a much swifter, lighter, cooler horse, the victory." Naomi finished.

"You think too much of it." Anthony told her with a smile. "And you, too little." Naomi said, happy of her argue victory. "My apologies for the delay." Lord Lumley said, coming back with Lord Elliot. "Not to worry. Lord Bridgerton has been keeping us entertained." Thomas spoke. "I am quite certain he has." Lumley said, his pitch high due to his seat being stolen. "There is plenty of room, my lord." Kate spoke. 

The bell finally tolled and the race was set to begin. "Yes! that's it nectar!" Anthony cheered. "Come now, high flyer! Steady! Steady!" Naomi exclaimed. "Come now, high flyer!" Naomi said. "Come on!" Anthony said a bit angry. "Should we separate them?" Elliot questioned. "it's all in good spirit. I think.." Edwina answered. "Yes, I am having such fun." Lumley added.

"Come on! Come on!" Anthony yelled. "Yes!" Naomi exclaimed, jumping a little. 

"Oh! Yes! Yes!" Naomi said, laughing once seeing she won. "Come on!" Anthony said. "I must say, I've never bested a viscount before. Beating you feels the same as any other win but somehow smells sweeter." Naomi teased. "Naomi, Kate, does nectar not remind you of the beloved horse I used to adore?" Edwina asked. "Do you remember that one?" Edwina continued. "Oh, well, take my arm. I will take you down to see him." Anthony said, giving one last look at Naomi before leaving.

"Miss Sharma, I must ask. Why do you jab at Lord Bridgerton so?" Thomas asked. "If the viscount is serious about courting my sister, and being friends with Naomi, is it not my duty to try his mettle?" Kate asked, taking Naomi arm. "The viscount does not like to lose." Thomas started making Kate and Naomi turn around in confusion. "He never stomached it, even back at oxford." Thomas said, stopping short. "Oh. Miss Sharma I uh.." Thomas said, realizing he said too much. 

"You and the viscount know each other from Oxford? I thought you met today." Kate said. "I have said too much." Thomas told her. "And you are going to say much more." Naomi spoke. "He thought you'd judge me if you knew we were acquaintances. But I must assure you that my interest in you today was genuine--" Thomas was stopped. "Genuine in the sense you were sent here to distract me, all so Lord Bridgerton could get closer to my sister." Kate said, walking away with Naomi.

"Kate, Naomi, it is dreadful. They say Nectar is to be sent to the knacker's yard." Edwina said. "We are leaving."  Naomi spoke. Anthony scoffed. "I've heard of a sore loser, Miss Naomi, but never a sore winner." Anthony joked. "Do not speak to me, or my sisters ever again." Naomi spoke. "What has happened?" Edwina asked. "It seems a second game was afoot today, and Lord bridgerton made certain I play the fool." Kate spoke. "Let us go." Kate continued.

"Wait! Miss Naomi, please tell your sister I meant no harm." Anthony said, holding her arm. "Kate was right about you." Naomi said, tugging her arm and storming off. 

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