𝐗𝐗𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈. 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞

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Episode 7: HarmonyChapter 28: Here Comes The Bride

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Episode 7: Harmony
Chapter 28: Here Comes The Bride

It was the night before Naomi's wedding. She sat with her mama, in her room, trying not to cry. Mary was placing haldi on her but Naomi just wished Edwina and Kate were there two. Edwina had still not forgiven her and, well, she was worried they wouldn't forgive her until after the wedding.

"I know..you are nervous..But tomorrow is your wedding. Look forward to that." Mary says. "I suppose." Naomi mumbles. "Now..I must tell you about..the duties a women and her husband must share on their wedding night." Mary spoke. Naomi frowned. While she knew kissing was not how babies were made, the other parts could not have been that difficult. "Your enjoyment..Is dependent on your husband.." Mary states.

Naomi frowns. "whatever could that mean?" Naomi asks. "It means while the man might find enjoyment..you may find..discomfort.. That doesn't mean discomfort will always happen, though." Mary explains. "Why would I find discomfort?" Naomi questions. Mary tuts. "You have nothing to fear, Naomi. I am sure the Viscount will treat you well." Mary says.

"That doesn't answer my question." Naomi says. "I don't think...I am to answer that." Mary spoke. "Okay. Fine. Let's leave it at that." Naomi spoke. Mary nods and continues to spread the haldi on her daughter.

"Where is Kate, and Edwina?" Naomi asks. It was the day of her wedding, and she was getting ready. "They shall be here soon," Mary says. "I hope." She spoke, mumbling. Naomi frowns as Mary fixes her hair. "Let's get you into your dress, hm? Then we can start on your face." Mary directs.

Naomi sat in the room, waiting for her queue. "I am here! I am here!" Kate calls, out of breath. "Kate!" Naomi exclaims, hugging her. Kate hugs back with a sigh. "I am sorry I am so late, bon." Kate spoke. "It's fine, didi. Where's Edwina..?" Naomi asks. "That's the thing..I was uhm..trying to get her to come but she said no.." Kate spoke. Naomi took a look at her mom then back at Kate.

"O-oh..Well..That's fine." Naomi says, sitting back down. Mary looked at Kate. "Fine?" Kate asks. "Mhm." Naomi says tearing up. "Oh, sweetheart." Mary spoke, getting up and hugging her daughter. "Do not cry. Please do not cry." Mary says. "It is my fault. After all I ruined her own life. Why should she be happy for me." Naomi shrugs. "Do not think that way." Kate spoke. "Is it not true?" Naomi asks. Kate stayed silent.

"it is time!" A maid called. Kate took a glance at Naomi, sighing before picking up her bouquet and walking out. "Nomi. Look at me." Mary says, holding her daughter cheeks. "All will be well. Edwina will come around. Today is your happy day, hm?" Mary spoke. "I ruined hers, mama. And she will forever hate me." Naomi says. "No she will not. She is your sister." Mary said, quickly drying the girls eye.

"We do not have much time, Naomi. Up, up. Get up." Mary says. Naomi sighs, obeying. Mary picks up the girls bouquet, handing it to Naomi. "Let's show them." Mary spoke. Naomi nods, placing a smile on her face and walking out.

Entering the ceremony Naomi was met with Anthony's smiling face. She smiled at him before taking a deep breath and walking. There was not much people there, just family and close friends. It was more intimate. 

"You look radiant, Naomi." Anthony whispers. "Thank you, Anthony." Naomi whispers. "Please be seated." The archbishop says. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this congregation, to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony. And therefore, it is not by any to be enterprised, nor taken in hand, unadvisedly, lightly, and wantonly, to satisfy men's carnal lusts and appetites, like brute beasts that have no understanding.." The archbishop starts.

"but reverently, discreetly, advisedly, soberly, and in the fear of God. Into this holy estate these two persons present come now to be joined. If any man can show just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter for ever hold his peace." The archbishop spoke. When no one objects, he continues.

"Will thou have this Woman to thy wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Will thou love her, comfort her, honor and keep her in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her, so long as you both shall live?" The archbishop asks Anthony.

"I will." Anthony answers. "Will thou have this Man to thy wedded husband, to live together after Gods ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Will thou obey him, and serve him, love, honor, and keep him in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto him, so long as you both shall live?" The archbishop asks Naomi.

"I will." Naomi answers. 

"I have for you a wedding gift." Kate says. It was after the ceremony, Naomi was getting ready to leave. "A gift?" Naomi asks. Kate nods, turning around to present Newton in her hand with a little purple bow. "I know how much you love Newton, and purple." Kate spoke. "Kate this is wonderful!" Naomi spoke. Kate chuckles, handing her the dog.

"Oh newton." Naomi says, petting it. "I love it. Thank you." Naomi says. "Your welcome, bon." Kate says, hugging the girl. Naomi hugs back. "The viscount is waiting, girls! Come on, let us help you." Mary says. Naomi nods, picking up a travel box while Kate, Mary, and the helpers carried the others into the carriage.

Once they were done, Naomi said goodbye to her family, and got into the carriage where Anthony was waiting. "I have just packed my whole life away." Naomi says with a sigh. "I am worth it." Anthony smiles. Naomi chuckles. "I guess you are." Naomi shrugs, teasing him. "You guess?" Anthony asks. "ehhh." Naomi says with a smile. "Come here." Anthony says, taking her chin in his hand and pulling her in for a kiss.

While they were kissing, Newton jumps on Anthony, licking his cheek. "This dog." Anthony spoke as Naomi giggled. "Our dog." Naomi says. "Our?" He asks. "A wedding gift." Naomi spoke. "And it is lovely as Newton likes you." Naomi spoke. "He is a great judge of character." Anthony boasts. "Don't get to high up on your heel, Viscount." Naomi says.

"No, call me Anthony." Anthony whines. "Viscount Bridgerton." Naomi mumbles. "Viscount Anthony." Anthony says, grabbing her hand and playing with her ring. "Hmm.." Naomi hums. "Fine. I know other ways to make you say it." Anthony spoke with a devious smirk. "Whatever could that mean?" Naomi asks. "You will soon see." Anthony says.

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