Chapter 7

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Shiloh paces the hospital as she mutters in her Navajo language. Amy was attacked last night. She isn't sure what exactly happened but she was hurt bad. She sees Ahmed walk in and she speeds over to him.

"What happened?"

"Someone texted Amy with my phone last night," Ahmed says. "I didn't."

"You were occupied with something else last night," Shiloh says and Jack lifts his head to look at them.

"What the hell happened?" Ty asks as he walks over.

"I don't know," Ahmed replies.

"He was with me last night, Ty," Shiloh says. "Whoever texted Amy last night wasn't him." She puts a hand up before Ty can speak. "He couldn't text even if he did have his phone."

"I got there too late," Ahmed says. "I heard the noise of the horses, but by the time I got to the stable, Amy was down."

"Down?" Ty growls. "What do you mean, down?"

"Down, on the floor, unconscious," Ahmed explains. "I called 911. The horses were let out of their stalls, almost trampling over each other to get away. There must have been a horse fight. Amy and Zeus were covered in bites and cuts."

"You think she got caught in the middle of it?" Ty asks.

"Maybe. I don't know," Ahmed says. "I have no idea why she was even there! I think we established I was at Heartland earlier when this happened so I didn't text her."

"Someone knew you wasn't there," Shiloh speaks softly, but Ty and Ahmed heard her. "You said you lost your phone."

"I lost it in the stable after I fired Adrian," Ahmed says. "Someone must have found it."

The Prince looks over at Shiloh as Tim and Jack arrive at the hospital. Shiloh sits down behind Ahmed but by his guard.

"Excuse me," Tim says to the receptionist, "I'm, uh, I'm Amy Fleming's father. Where is she?"

"I'm afraid you'll have to wait for the doctor, sir," the receptionist, Susan, says.

"Tim," Ty speaks as he stands up, "we don't know what happened yet."

"Well, I need to know what happened," Tim says as he turns to Susan. "I need to see her."

Jack pushes Tim out of the way as Ahmed walks over with his arms crossed. Ahmed cares about Shiloh already and therefore, he cares about her family.

"I wonder if you have any information," Jack says, "just anything at all."

"I'm sorry," Susan says, "her status is unclear at this time."

"Unclear? Why?" Ahmed asks as he walks over, his Prince side coming out.

"What - what happened to my daughter?" Tim asks as the guard moves closer so he can see Ahmed better.

"I need to speak to someone who know something, and I need to speak to them now," Ahmed instructs.

"Excuse me," Susan says snidely, "only family members are allowed. If you're not a family member, I have to ask you to leave."

"Ridiculous." Ahmed walks over to Shiloh and he kneels before her.

"Hi," she greets.

"They are making me leave," Ahmed says. "Call me with any news. Any at all."

Shiloh touches his face and she nods. "Thank you for coming."

Ahmed searches her eyes and his guards the receptionist's glare. The Prince gives Shiloh a tender forehead kiss before he stands up and he leaves with his guard.

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