Chapter 1

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Amy Fleming looks at the untamed horse that her mother died saving. She didn't want to get rid of it, even after she fixed her own horse, Spartan. She recently discovered that Spartan is a natural jumper.

"I don't want to be a show jumper, Lou," Amy says. "I want to train horses, like Mom did."

"Your whenever your heart desires, Amy," Lou says to her little sister.

"Girls, I got some news," their grandpa, Jack Bartlett, says as he walks out.

"What's up, Grandpa?" Lou Fleming asks.

"It's your Aunt Melissa," Jack says. "I just got a call from the police on that reservation in the American state Texas. She and your Uncle Cheyenne were in an accident and they didn't make it. So Shiloh is moving here."

Shiloh Littlestone Bartlett is the daughter of Melissa Bartlett and Cheyenne Littlestone. Cheyenne and Melissa never married because his tribe didn't mind him dating a white woman but they wouldn't approve of him marrying or living with her.

"I haven't met her before," Amy says.

"Mom and I visited Aunt Melissa after Shiloh was born and went to her first five birthdays at her house," Lou says. "Then they started having them on the reservation, where Mel wasn't allowed. Haven't seen Shiloh since she was five. She's your age now, Amy."

"I want that guest room spotless because it'll be her bedroom," Jack says to his granddaughters. "She's a horse jumper. She and her horse were with Cheyenne and Melissa. They were going home from a show."

"Her horse..."

"Didn't make it," Jack says. "I was thinking that boy there could be hers. She can do the round-up and stuff with him."

"That's a good idea, Grandpa," Amy replies. "I'll go start on the room."

The one guest room in the house is across the hall from Marion's old room and it was Melissa's growing up. It was Marion's idea to turn it into a guest room when Melissa left Canada all together to live in the States.

"I'll come help," Lou says and she follows Amy.

"There goes my other daughter," Jack murmurs and he calls the funeral home to see about transporting her to Hudson, Alberta, Canada from Houston, Texas.

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