Chapter I Arviving In R.C

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July 23 11:59 PM 1998

Currently a 787-10 airliner was mid flight from London to Racoon City onboard this airliner was an ashen haired man in his early twenties, he was currently engaged in some frisky business in one of the bathrooms that occupied the aircraft, with a hostess.

How did this man end up in the situation well you see the gentleman in question was here on business his employer who would like to remain anonymous hired our thief here to steal something from the Umbrella corporation, unknown to the general population Umbrella were secretly working on bio weapons for the US government and the thief was tasked in retrieving said weapons and returning back to England with a sample.

But that's a problem for later the man's focus now was on the blonde woman who was currently experiencing pleasure from the young man's movement, he had convinced the woman with a sly grin and a unbuttoned top and few choice words to sneak into one of the bathrooms and have a little fun

"Ah Lincoln you are amazing don't stop" the woman yelled as they both hit their climaxes.

"Thanks for that love you really know how to take the edge off for a guy" Lincoln then proceeded to leave the bathroom and returned to his seat some of the other passengers eyed him up and down clearly knowing what he'd done in that stall.

As soon as he got to his seat he heard over the intercom that they would be arving in Racoon City in about ten minutes.


July 24th 12:15 AM

Lincoln stood outside the run down motel he would be staying at for this job the street was empty and Lincoln could taste tobacco in the air, the area his employer choose looked warn down, sort of a wrong side of the tracks feel.

Lincoln didn't mind however he had stayed in worse areas, since his parents death when he was five had lived on the streets of London pickpocketing anyone who crossed his path unfortunately or fortunately he pickpocketed a tall man a burly looking gentleman.

The man was part of organization that stole, killed or did anything uncouth, the man looked down at the boy and saw potential in this young lad so he decided to take him in and train him in the thief's way.

Lincoln took to the training like a duck to water due to his natural fitness, Lincoln may have been the organizations greatest achievement but once Lincoln turned sixteen he left and decided to strike out on his own and he had a hundred percent success rate since.

Lincoln made his way over to the front desk to check in, on the other side of the counter was a middle aged woman who was slightly overweight and had a few moles on her face. Lincoln instantly turned up the charm.

"Hey there beautiful got a room resverd under the name of Mr Grey.

The woman blushed at the Lincoln's comments before slowly handing over the key, hoping to get as much interaction with him as possible.

"Cheers love also here's a little extra just in case you get any noise complaints".

Lincoln then handed over a hundred dollar bill the woman quickly snatched it up with her grubby fingers Lincoln could smell the horrible breath eminatating from the fow woman, if Lincoln had to guess she hadn't brushed her teeth in a while due to how bad it smelt.

Lincoln quickly left the woman and headed straight to his room to unpack and checked his equipment for the job later.

He glanced at his phone to see his employer had sent him the layout of the facility and also all the codes to the security doors, Lincoln did like being prepared glad his employer felt the same way. Lincoln decided to explore the city, he will sneak in later tonight no harm in seeing what Raccoon City had to offer so he put on his red trench coat and set out into the night/earlier air.



Lincoln had been wandering around the city for at least forty five minutes the city seemed dead and lacked any life even if it was nearly one in the morning shouldn't there be a little night life in a big city like this but alas Lincoln had to settle for a twenty four hour dinner situated on the corner of main street.

Lincoln entered the diner with a little ping from the bell atop the front entrance signalling that customers are entering the establishment.

Lincoln parked himself at the last booth and just stared out the window he noticed a billboard across the street advertising Umbrella, Lincoln just chuckled if only the masses knew how bad they were but it wasn't his problem he just had to steal from them.

'Easy as pie' he thought he noticed that the waitress had come over to take his order she was another blonde woman her hair was in a loose ponytail and her fringe covered up her right eye.

"Eve'in dar'lin what you having?" Her thick Southern accent coming through and piercing his ears.

"I'd love you doll, are you on the menu?" He asked while he gave her sligh grin "I'll have a strawberry sunday and the All American breakfast combo please sweetheart"

"Coming right up dar'lin" the waitress proceeded to the counter and informed the chef of the order, Lincoln went back to staring out the window just watching the rain come down, there was something always calming about rain to Lincoln maybe it was due to growing up in London were it mostly rained.

A few minutes later the waitress came back with his order, Lincoln smiled and thanked the woman

He noticed before tucking into the food that two cops had entered the building one was a tall man with spiky brown hair and a similar build to himself but it was his partner that caught his eye she was a slightly tanned woman with a brunette short style haircut that went over one side of her face.

She was laughing at whatever her partner just said, Lincoln could tell that the woman had a thing for her partner but he was obviously too dense or didn't feel the same way just by his body language, about half an hour later Lincoln had finished his food and went to pay for it, as he was paying he could hear the woman complaining about her friend forgetting his wallet.

"I'd like to pay for their order as well" Lincoln smiled at the waitress.

The brunette woman came over straight away and stood next to Lincoln.

" Thank you for the offer but we couldn't accept you don't even know us" the woman said with a weak smile clearly uncomfortable about the situation.

"Nonsense it's all good anything to help a pretty lady out" Lincoln smiled back at her.

"If you're sure then thank you ah Mr??" Lincoln just smiled and left the diner without saying a word to the woman.

The remaining occupants just watched as he walked through the rainy night.

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