Chapter IV Hanging Out

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September 18, 1998 6:30 PM

It had been 2 months since the mansion incident, Chris took a leave of absence and decided to go to Europe.

Barry moved with his family somewhere in California and retired, he tried to forget about everything to do with that night and the fact that he was partly responsible for the events that night.

Jill however decided to stay in Racoon City and investigate Umbrella she asked Chris to stay and help her with the investigation before he left Jill also confessed to Chris that she had fallen for him since they both joined S.T.A.R.S.

Chris never gave her a straight answer, all he said was a quick thank you and that he was flattered the next day he had left the city.

Jill was furious at the fact Chris up and left for Eroupe without a word she spent three days sobbing in her apartment, it finally took Lincoln to finally get the former police officer out of her apartment.

Lincoln showed up to give her the good news, well he thought it was good news that he would be staying in Racoon City and that he decided to help her with the investigation, but when the door opened the sight before him made his blood boil, what he saw in front of him was Jill her eyes were all puffy and red he knew she must of been crying up a storm.

"This is Redfield's fault I swear I'll kick his arse"

Jill chuckled "don't worry Lincoln I'll be fine that's what I've got ice cream for"

Jill had found out through Brad that Chris had left, Chris apparently told him but not her she was understandably furious.


Jill was currently standing in front of her investigation board in her apartment she was currently in her civilian clothes a blue tank top with a white smaller one underneath and jeans and pair of black socks, she still had her S.T.A.R.S outfit but now that she was no longer a member she just wore whatever felt comfortable.

Jill heard a knock at the door she then grabbed her Beretta 92F from her draw before going to the door to check, when she got to it she had a quick glance through the peephole.

Jill sighed a breath of relief as it was just Lincoln holding what she could see was take out, he was wearing his trademark red trench and his hair was a complete mess with his fringe covering up his left eye.

"Hey Luv thought you might be hungry and got you some Chinese we can't take down Umbrella on an empty stomach" he handed her a box

"Thanks how much do I owe you" Jill said going to get her wallet.

Lincoln instantly put a hand up and declined her offer.

"Jill it's fine I'm just happy to help I don't want you not eating cause we both no you wouldn't if I wasn't here.

"How are your nightmares getting any better?"

"So so" Jill shurged.

Lincoln went over to her board and started looking at all the red threads that were connecting different events that Jill and Lincoln were sure Umbrella had a hand in, it didn't help that they had the money and resources to cover up any wrong doing.

"Did I ever say how thankful I am you showed up outside that mansion" Jill said just before taking a bite of noodles.

Lincoln laughed "you're only saying that cause I buy you food"

"Not the only reason but it helps" she laughed

Lincoln loved that sound her laugh was contagious and Lincoln could hear it all day.

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