Chapter XVIII Valdelobos Part Duex

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Ada and Lincoln left the room and headed down a hallway. They saw the Prophet.

"Well if it isn't the Wong siblings," said the Prophet, "where is the sample?"

"Not gonna happen," said Lincoln, "we're leaving here."

Lincoln pulled his sister into the new hallway and closed the door.

"Are you ok, love?" asked Lincoln.
"I'm fine," said Ada, "but you don't look so good."

"It's just my arm," said Lincoln, as he showed his sister the blood soaked shirt

"Let me take a look," said Ada.

"Sure," said Lincoln.

Adas eyes widened at the sight of her brother's wound.

"It looks really bad," said Ada.

"My healing factor should kick in a second" said Lincoln.

"Here, let me put a bandage on it," said Ada, as she dug into her pack and pulled out a roll of gauze.

"Thanks, love," said Lincoln.

"I hope this is enough," said Ada, as she finished wrapping his arm.

"I think so," said Lincoln, as he tested his arm.

"Feeling better, big brother?"

"That's great," said Ada, as she smiled.

"Now, let's get out of here," said Lincoln.

Suddenly a door opened, Lincoln and Ada were standing in a small room with a ladder leading to an escape hatch.

Lincoln went first just in case anyone was above the hatch, once he made sure the coast was clear he helped Ada climb up and out of the hatch.

"Now where the hell are we?"
wondered Lincoln.

"No idea," replied Ada.

"Oh and Ada sweetie don't go and run off with the sample alright love," he said.

"What makes you think that?" asked Ada, clearly not happy about her brother's accusations.

"Cause I know you and besides this whole situation is fishy to me and if something seems off, I'll find out."

Leon was currently roaming the castle in search of Ashley. He saw an elevator and decided to take it. He arrived at a dark room, there was a light shining down on a small stage and on the stage was Ashley.

"Ashley," he called out.

"Leon," replied Ashley.

"Come on, let's get out of here."

'But how?'wondered Ashley, "I can't move."

"I'll help you," said Leon, as he rushed over and tried to untie her.

"What are you doing?" asked a voice.

"Shit," cursed Leon, as he looked up.
He saw the Prophet, sitting on a throne.

"It's over," said the Prophet, "Ashley is mine."

Leon pulled out his 9mm and started firing upon the prophet, his shots had no effect.

"Damn it," said Leon, as he fired his last bullet.

"Pathetic," said the Prophet, as he got up from his chair.

"Time to die, Kennedy," said the Prophet.

The hooded man turned his hand into a tentacle grabbing Leon and threw him off the platform, making the blonde secret service agent  fall into the sewer bellow. Lincoln and Ada were making their way through a sewer, they could hear a fight going on and Leon screaming in pain.

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