Chapter IX Back In Action

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October 1, 1998 12:00 AM

Lincoln was awoken by a gentle stirring next to him. He sat up quickly in his chair. Lincoln examined Jill. Her dark veins were now their normal faded blue, colour had returned to her pale skin.

She no longer moaned in pain. Jill's head still occasionally moved a little bit but the thrashing was not as violent as before, Jill's brow was still furrowed, however. Lincoln's jacket hid the wound on her right arm which she had bandaged up a few hours earlier. Carlos and Lincoln saw her eyes shoot open.

Jill blinked as she got used to the light by her bedside, Jill's brow unfurrowed as she opened her eyes completely. Jill looked around the room for a quick second as she tried to get her bearings. She didn't seem to notice the duo yet.

Jill took a deep breath, she slowly sat up straight. She looked back in Lincoln's direction.

"Lincoln?" she asked him confused. Lincoln didn't know what came over him. He stood to his feet and pulled her into a deep hug. She seemed confused for a second before she returned it. Intense relief washed over the Brit as he knew she wias ok.

"Lincoln, where am I? What's going on?" Jill asked as she looked at Lincoln confused.

"It's good to see you too, love," Lincoln said to her.

"Why are you acting this way? Are you alright? Did something happen?" Jill asked as her expression changed from confusion to concern.

"How much do you remember?" Lincoln asked his friend

"I remember getting hit by The Nemesis's tentacle after I fought it. I remember the excruciating pain and collapsing."

"Jill, you were infected. Carlos helped me and we were able to get you to the hospital. We got the T-Virus vaccine for you. You're going to be ok."

"How bad did it get?" Jill asked.

"You almost died. You were on death's doorstep. I was worried I was going to lose you. You maybe my super cop but your not invincible." Lincoln saw her wince still clearly showing the effects of the evening.

"You'll never guess who I met on my way to get you, Chris's little sister she was here looking for Chris" Lincoln said.

"Claire is here in this hell and you left her alone" Jill punched Lincoln in the arm.

"I'm sorry but you are more important then that dickfaces sister, she'll be fine she's in the police station and she had help from some blonde guy wearing a police outfit, I'm sure they both be ok"

"How long was I out?" She asked her friend.

"Around twenty-two hours. It's midnight on October 1st."

"October 1st? No, it can't be," she said as she pulled herself off her bed. When her feet hit the ground, she stumbled for a second before gaining her balance. She put her hand on the bed to support herself. She stood up straight and turned to Lincoln.

"There's something else," the ashen haired man said to her.

"What is it?" she asked. Lincoln walked over to the desk on the opposite side of the room and he turned up the volume on the TV so she could hear the warning.

"Attention all citizens. The missile strike on Racoon City will occur in just hours. The payload is designed to eradicate all biological material. You will not survive if you remain in the city. Evacuate now. Repeat: evacuate now," the disembodied voice said from the TV.

"Missile strike? What the hell is going on?" Jill asked out loud.

"The government has decided that the virus outbreak is uncontainable. They're going to level the city. We found out the doctor here is storing a large supply of the vaccine underground. Carlos went after it. Tyrell is trying to get ahold of the government to postpone the launch," he responded.

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