Chapter 2

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This is some bullshit.


Fucking spencer?

Now more than ever I want to go back home, I can't do this. Lie straight to my sister's face, but then if I tell her she'll be heart broken and I don't want to be part of that drama. I had hoped for a better holiday, got myself fucked so that I don't start any unnecessary drama only to find I dug myself in shit.

However, I won't be the reason this holiday turns to ice, nope not this time. He can tell her and I can confirm that way I'm not the bad guy. I know I shouldn't feel guilty because at the time I didn't know who he was, Literary. But I can't help it, his my sister's boyfriend.

"Olivia?" I quickly turn to face the devil. His in black shots, black vest that hold his frame in the right areas. Obviously his pecks and abs.

Everyone is still in their rooms, this is the time I like to take my early runs. Turns out his an early bird as well. "Don't talk to me." I put my headsets over my ears and take off from our house.

After one song I feel him wrap my elbow and pulls me to a stop. "We need to talk."

Yanking my arm away from him. "Don't touch me you fucking psycho." He stands his ground. "I don't want to talk to you, forget the fact that we had sex, you cheated on my sister." His latter that he left burns in my pocket, I don't know why I keep it on me. Maybe I'm just forgetting to through it out.

"Like I told you, it's not something I had planned."

"Yeah because that would be worse than fucking some random chick."

"You and I know it was more than just random fucking." I can't hear this. "I don't regret anything that happened."

His delusional, spencer pulls me back causing me to place my hands on him. "You're a liar."

"I never lied to you."

"Let me go, you are insane. Why don't you just admit the wanted to fuck someone before meeting up with your girlfriend and it just happened to be me?"

"The truth." I nod as he jerks me closer. "The truth is that I can't stop thinking about you, I was upset with myself for betraying Layla but there was no way I could have let you out of my sight. Burying myself inside felt normal and yeah I know it sounds fucked up but Olivia, what I told you, I meant that."

He told me that I pulled him, his body reacts to me in ways that he can't explain. Later we made love for our third round. It was soft, because that time around, we knew each other. "No..." I try to deny it.

"Yes." His breath kisses my lips. When did we get this close? This sexy chocolate holds me like I can break yet so tight like his keeping me from escaping. His hands drift to my waist sliding down to cup my ass, presses me against his erect partner in crime. A moan escapes my parted lips as we ghost against each other. My fingers grips his pecks hard.

This is wrong, shit. I push him away. "Fucking hell." I should slap him for turning me into a horny mess.

When I take off running he doesn't follow me and I'm grateful for that because I didn't have enough strength to reject him again. I slept with him without knowing but if I do now, knowing his not mine, then I'm an idiot.


So I end up missing breakfast with the others, I kept running until my legs gave up and I literary fell to the ground.

"Is that now your breakfast?" Simone asked as she joined me by the pool. I had my glass of whiskey in one hand while looking through my phone with the other. "What's going on?"

"What? Nothing."

She rolled her eyes. I need to be careful with her because she's observant. Every little detail is analyzed by her. Plus she knows me like the back of her hand so this will not be easy to keep from her but I'll still try.

"I thought you'll be excited for tonight." She says.

"I am."

"Girl come on, you love game night yet your face looks like it's seen an ass floating around." Probably because I have. I can't get the image of spencer naked out of my head. His all I think about making me have a sour mood because I'm focusing on not thinking about him while thinking about him. Does that make sense?

We continue chatting before Jordan comes to take her away and I also excuse myself to head back in my room. However, the person I find wasn't what I was looking forward to seeing.

"Get out."

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